Eighteen great sciences
Revision as of 17:44, 27 April 2014 by Adminos (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DisplayImages|3969}} The '''eighteen great sciences''' or eighteen fields of knowledge (Tib. ''rigpé nechen chobgyé'') are: #musical instruments (''rol mo...")
The eighteen great sciences or eighteen fields of knowledge (Tib. rigpé nechen chobgyé) are:
- musical instruments (rol mo)
- amorous dalliance (’khrig thabs)
- running of a household (’tsho tshis)
- algebra (grangs)
- grammar (sgra)
- medicine (gso spyad)
- rules of behavior (chos lugs)
- craftsmanship (bzo)
- archery (’phongs)
- logic (gtan tshigs)
- yoga (rnal ’byor)
- study (thos pa)
- memorization (dran pa)
- observation of the stars (skar ma’i spyad)
- astrology (rtsis mig)
- yantra yoga (Tib. trülkhor; Wyl. ’phrul ’khor)
- stories of the past (sngon rabs)
- history (sngon byung rigs)