Revision as of 04:39, 27 December 2014 by VTao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|250px| <poem> Buddhayaśas; (佛陀耶舍); Buddhayasas; 佛陀耶舍; (C.406~413) Buddhayaśas, from Kaśmīra, wa...")
Buddhayaśas; (佛陀耶舍); Buddhayasas; 佛陀耶舍; (C.406~413) Buddhayaśas, from Kaśmīra, was a teacher of Kumārajīva. He stayed in Changan from 408 to 412 (415 according to Kamata). Buddhayaśas was invited to Changan by his former pupil in 408 (410 according to Kamata). Buddhayaśas was a prolific translator of Vinaya texts into Chinese. He translated the Four Part Vinaya (《四分律》), making it the second full Vinaya text available to the Chinese (Yifa 5). He also translated 《四分戒本》、《長阿含經》etc.
Kamata, Shigeo, and Shiqian Guan. 鎌田茂雄著;關世謙譯. 1982. Zhongguo fo jiao shi. 中國佛教史. Taibei Shi: Xin wen feng chu ban gong si. 臺北市: 新文豐出版公司. Pp. 48.