Revision as of 06:27, 6 January 2016 by VTao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DisplayImages|125}} ŚoÂa; River Shona Skr. śoÂa lit. ‘red’. Tib. khrag ‘bab ‘{{Wiki|blood}} flow’, Mong. čisun-iyar urusuγči id...")
ŚoÂa; River Shona Skr. śoÂa lit. ‘red’. Tib. khrag ‘bab ‘blood flow’, Mong. čisun-iyar urusuγči id. There is one more Epithet of the Shona river Skr. hiraÂya-vāha ‘carrying gold’, Tib. gser lag ‘a golden hand’ is not included into the Tib.dict