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The Palyul Lineage

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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In Tibet, there were six mother monas­ter­ies which upheld the Nyingma tra­di­tion. In east­ern Tibet, the fore­most of these was the glo­ri­ous Palyul. The land the monastery is sit­u­ated on was blessed by many great saints and bod­hisattvas and it was dur­ing the time of the great vidyad­hara Kuzang Sherab that the Palyul tra­di­tion was estab­lished and the monastery known as Palyul Nam­gyal Changchub Chol­ing became one of the major Nyingma monas­tic institutions.

As with all Nyingma Dharma lin­eages, the Palyul holds the com­plete canon of the Mahayana sutras and tantras as well as the Kama (long), Terma (short) and Pure Vision trans­mis­sions. How­ever, the Palyul lin­eage is dis­tinct in that it con­tin­ues to prac­tice, real­ize and trans­mit all the var­i­ous lin­eages and trans­mis­sions that were held and passed on by Kun­zang Sherab into one vast Dharma Ocean.

Namcho Refuge.jpg

The Kama or long lin­eage is the com­bined oral tra­di­tion of Panchen Vimalami­tra, the trans­la­tor Vairo­cana and mas­ter Pad­masamb­hava on the inner yogas of Gen­er­a­tion Stage Maha Yoga, Trans­mis­sion stage Anu Yoga and the Great Per­fec­tion stage Ati Yoga. The Palyul also holds the Non-dual Great Seal Mahamu­dra – Great Per­fec­tion Ati Yoga, unit­ing the high­est Nyingma teach­ings of Dzog Chen with the orna­ment of the Kagyu school, the Mahamu­dra of Marpa the trans­la­tor, fore­fa­ther of the Kagyu.

From Kun­zang Sherab to the present throne holder, His Holi­ness Karma Kuchen Rin­poche, as well as the greater Palyul sangha, this has been main­tained as a prin­ci­pal prac­tice which includes: clear light togyal, inner togyal, dark­ness prac­tice, dream prac­tice, train­ing in the nature of sound and pure realms prac­tice. The terma or short lin­eage refers to spir­i­tual trea­sures (terma) that were con­cealed by Pad­masam­bava and his close dis­ci­ples to be revealed at a later, more appro­pri­ate time. These ter­mas were hid­den in both phys­i­cal ele­ments and within beings mind streams, to be remem­bered and revealed in later incar­na­tions. As such, the lin­eage for these ter­mas is con­sid­ered “short” his­tor­i­cally, as opposed to the long lin­eages orig­i­nat­ing with Sakya­muni Bud­dha.

The prin­ci­pal terma lin­eages of the Palyul are those of Ter­ton Nyang, Guru Chowang, Ratna Lingpa, Jigme Lingpa, Karma Lingpa and Mingyur Dorje. The Pro­found lin­eage of Pure Vision orig­i­nates with Ter­ton Mingyur Dorje’s Nam Cho Great Per­fec­tion rev­e­la­tions, trans­mit­ted directly to Kun­zang Sherab.

Penor Rinpoche 2.jpg

For fur­ther read­ing please see: Zangpo, Ven. Tser­ing and Khan­dro, Sangye, A Gar­land of Immor­tal Wish Ful­fill­ing Trees: The Palyul Tra­di­tion of Nyingmapa, Ithaca, N.Y., Snow Lion Pub­li­ca­tions, 1988.

His Holi­ness Pema Norbu Rinpoche

His Holi­ness Penor Rin­poche Kyabje Drub­wang Pema Norbu Rin­poche was born in 1932 in the Powo region of Kham, East­ern Tibet. His Holi­ness set­tled in South India where he built, with his own hands and with the help of a few monks, Nam­drol­ing Monastery. The monastery has grown into one of the largest Tibetan Bud­dhist Dharma cen­ters in the world, hous­ing over 6000 monks and nuns in the com­plex. His Holi­ness also built tem­ples and estab­lished dharma Cen­ters around the world – in Tai­wan, Hong Kong, Sin­ga­pore, Malaysia, Philip­pines, Aus­tralia, United King­dom, Greece, Canada and the United States – among oth­ers. His Holi­ness fre­quently trav­eled to teach and give empow­er­ments at all of them. World­wide, His Holi­ness is uni­ver­sally revered for his lov­ing kind­ness and com­pas­sion, pure uphold­ing of the Vinaya and cease­less ded­i­ca­tion to the wel­fare of all beings. Wher­ever His Holi­ness went, he estab­lished and nour­ished the Bud­dha Dharma. He will live for­ever in our hearts.

    “His Holi­ness Penor Rin­poche is one of the great Bud­dhist saints alive today. He is a great real­ized being, and see­ing him is like being face to face with the Bud­dha and Padmasambhava.”

    –Vajracharya Ven. Pel­ing Tulku, Rinpoche

The Palyul Dzogchen Lineage

Chöku Kutuzangpo (Dharmakaya Samantabhadra)

Durgpa Dorjé Changchen (Vajradhara)

Dorje Sempa (Varja Sattva)

Thugjé Chenpo Chenresig (Avalokitesvara)

Lopön Garab Dorje

Jampel Shenyen

Lopön Shiri Singha

Yeshe Do

Pema Junge
(Padma Sambhava)

Gelong Namkhai Nyingpo

Khandro Yeshé Tsogyal

Nanam Dorjé Dudgom

Lhase Mutri Tsenpo

Tertön Zangpo Drakpa

Trulku Rigdzin Chenpo

Kunpang Dönyöd Gyaltsen

Gyudzin Sönam Chogzang

Trubthob Thangthong Gyalpo

Jangsem Kunga Nyima

Trulshig Tayakeuri

Tsenchen Tayabenza

Chöjé Bodhi Singha

Tulku Tashi Gyatso

Drubwang Tonpa Sengge

Tulku Chönyi Gyatso

Tertöton Migyur Dorjé

Khechog Karma Chagme

Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab

Pema Lhundrub Gyatso

 Drubwang Pema Norbu

Karma Chöpbel Zangpo

Drenchog Karma Lhawang

Gyurme Nyedon Tenzin

Pema Dhongag Tendzin

Dhongag Chökyi Nyima

Rigdzin Palchen Düpa
( Second Pema Norbu)

Thubten Chökyi Dawa

