Four Paths
The Four Paths or Stages on the Path to liberation are
(I) Sotāpanna: ‘He who has entered the Stream’. At this stage he is free from the first three of the Ten Fetters (Sam yojanas), i.e.
Sakkāya-ditthi; the illusion of being a ‘self’ separate from all other selves.
(2) Vicikicchā; mental vacillation, doubt.
(3) Sīlabbata-parāmāsa; belief in the efficacy of Rites and Ceremonies.
The second stage is (II) Sakadāgāmin: ‘He who will return once only’ to this world before attaining liberation.
Such is nearly free from
(4) Kāmacchanda, delusions of the senses.
(5) Patigha or Vyāpāda; ill-will or aversion.
(III) Anāgāmin: ‘He who will never return’ to this world. being utterly free from these five Fetters.
(IV) Arahat: ‘The Worthy One’, who attains Nirvāna.
Such a one has cast off the five higher Fetters of (6) Rūparāga, desire for existence in the worlds of form;
(7) Arūparāga, desire for existence in the formless worlds; (8) Māna, Conceit