A six-module course of experiential meditation retreats, starting October 5 – 7, 2018 AT KenKon, Life & Training Centre, Wageningen, the Netherlands Tibetan Buddhist meditation, in the form of tantric practice is a profound approach to the complete transformation and liberation of our body, speech and mind from what limits and obscures their natural potential. Often it is considered that the visualisation of colourful and inspiring deities – or ‘spiritual archetypes’ – is central to this way of practice. This is partly true but tantric practice is so much more when we fully understand how it ‘works’. Tantra becomes a way of integrating many different aspects of our life into a radical process of awakening. Our mind, our emotional and psychological life, our creative life, our body and relationships are all aspects of this process. All that we are is included within this path of alchemical transformation. In this module series we will develop and deepen the practices that were also introduced in the Tasting the Essence of Tantra series. In this series we go into more depth, detail and subtleties of these practices. This will include the practice of Mahamudra mediation on the nature of mind, the use of deity practice, energy work and the bridge between psychology and spirituality. Throughout there will be an emphasis on how meditation within the tantric tradition can approach our psychological and psycho-physical healing and transformation.


This six-module course will develop the essentials of Tibetan Buddhist meditation within the Tantric tradition – and will deepen these practices for those who are already familiar with them through Rob’s seminars or through teachings from other sources. It is open for people who have at least one year experience with meditation, some basic knowledge of the foundations of Buddhism and a wish to explore and engage in the practice of tantra. This is not an introductory course but for those with a wish to deepen and develop this approach to practice. People with less experience may be asked to do some preparatory work before attending and can contact us to see how we can support them to make it possible. There will be a progression through the series of 6 modules and so it would be best to commit to attending them all if possible. For those that have attended the previous module series they can be attended individually. Anyone wishing to attend that is new to this process must attend the first two modules to have a ground of practice if they wish to go forward. Exceptions may apply for people with a similar background from other schools, teachers, etc. Please contact us if this relates to you.


The topics of this cycle are organized around six modes of meditation for healing and transformation centred around the deities that embody their source. Rob will explore both their original traditional roots of meaning and practice, as well as their psychological relevance in our lives today. This is unique opportunity to be guided in a way of healing practice that brings an ancient tradition into contemporary western experience.

  • Module 1: Approaching Mahamudra: 5 – 7 October 2018
  • Module 2: Compassionate Presence: 5 – 7 April 2019
  • Module 3: Creative Wisdom: 4 – 6  October 2019
  • Module 4: Dynamic Compassion: 9 – 11 October 2020
  • Module 5: Courage to Manifest: 9 – 11 April 2020
  • Module 6: Healing from the Source: Fall 2021


Rob Preece has practiced Tibetan Buddhism since 1973 under the guidance of many teachers including Lama Thubten Yeshe and H.H.Dalai Lama, and is an experienced psychotherapist. During this time he has written four ground-breaking books on the meaningful chemistry between psychology and Tibetan (tantric) Buddhism: The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra, The Courage to Feel, The Wisdom of Imperfection, Preparing for Tantra and Feeling Wisdom. His latest book, Tasting the Essence of Tantra, will be published in May 2018. Rob’s style of teaching is oriented towards opening a dialogue around the material that is being explored. This is to maintain a spirit of exploration and creativity in the way tantra is integrated into Western experience, rather than holding to rigid prescriptions of practice.


The word Tantra in Sanskrit means ‘weave’. When we go deeper into the nature of a deity we discover that each one provides a weave or matrix of practices that form a way of transformation and healing we can gradually bring into our experience. During this module series the following elements will be part of that weave:

• At the heart of this series of retreat will be a broadening and depending of the scope of Mahamudra practice which is the underlying ground of the path of spiritual transformation. There will also be an emphasis on how Mahamudra supports the exploration and healing of psychological wounding often present within or beneath our spiritual path.

• This will be integrated with an embodied process that will enhance and cultivate our relationship to the energy body and its subtle nature. This will include energy-body exercises to support the meditation and help the release of psychological and emotional process.

• We will explore ways in which each deity will offer an approach to healing and transformation that is unique. Each one represents a healing matrix that can address particular psychological experiences. In this second series we will deepen this exploration bringing greater closeness to their qualities and how we can manifest them in our life.

• These retreats will include elements of the Ngöndro, sometimes called preliminaries or ripening practices, You will learn how they can be carried out as foundations specifically within the context of these deity practices. Many of these preliminaries are there to clear and heal obstacles, deepen awareness and cultivate the necessary energy to awaken. To this end we will include Refuge/Bodhicitta; Prostrations; Mandala offerings and Guru Yoga all within the context of practice.

• As the retreats progress there will be growing emphasis on working with the nature of energybody practices both within meditation as well as through the practice of KumNye, Trulkhor or Qigong. This will correspond to the particular deity we are working with and its relationship to our ‘emotional body’.

• At the core of this approach to tantric practice is an emphasis upon the body and the nature of embodiment for the welfare of others. If you are coming to this series from the previous modules, you will have a good ground of understanding of the processes of tantric practice. We will build upon that so that you can begin to cultivate a deeper relationship to personal practice and your relationship to each deity. As we move forward one or perhaps two deities may become particularly significant so that you may wish to “specialise” in that one and focus the Ngöndro. If this begins to emerge then it will be helpful to discuss this more specifically with Rob.