Dublin Shambhala Centre

Shambhala is an international community of meditation practitioners in Shambhala Buddhist tradition. The Dublin Shambhala Centre offers meditation instruction for beginners and also the possibility to embark on a path of training in the Shambhala path of meditation via our Shambhala training programs. In addition we also offer a supportive community and a space to gather, socialise, and meet new friends. The Shambhala Vision is the realization of an enlightened society.

Friday Night Meditation Practice and Book Club

Beginning Friday 20th of November 2020 we will be reading the book ‘Start Where You Are’ by Pema Chödrön. This will be after a meditation practice starting at 6:30pm.

All welcome to join on Zoom via the link ucd-ie.zoom.us/j/97120795244.


Upcoming Online Class

The Art of Brush Stroke and Chinese Ink Painting

A guided journey from basic calligraphy brush stroke to complete ink painting.
This 6-week course is based on traditional Chinese ink painting techniques and Zen philosophy, inspired by the work by Zen brush master Kazuaki Tanahashi. This class will start with the basic brush strokes and focus on finding inner peace through connecting with your brush.  Full description here


Our Meditation Space

Wednesday Open Night- Introduction to Meditation

This is an ideal entry point for those looking to learn about meditation, mindfulness and its relevance in our daily life. Its also an opportunity for regular practitioners to come together and practice and to share some tea and have a chat with like minded people. The meditation begins promptly at 8.00pm. There are two 20 min periods of sitting with a 10 min walking meditation in between. This is followed by a short reading and discussion.

For beginners, meditation instruction will be provided.

The suggested donation for the evening is 5-10 euro.

Please note there is no need to register for the open night, just come along 🙂

  Daily Meditation Practice. 

Mon to Fri 6.30-7.30  All Welcome.  Perfect for after work de-stress and calming the mind. Suggested donation is 5-10 euro. Thank you 🙂  

Sunday Community Practice  This is a weekly Sunday morning practice that offers an opportunity to come and practice meditation in a community setting with like minded people. The morning opens and closes with some Shambhala chants and features sitting and walking meditation. The practice begins promptly at 10.45 and finishes at 12.30 followed by some tea and conversation. it is open to all who have attended at least one Wed open night and/or one of our regular courses.

How to find us