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The small box placed at the centre of the stupa contains bodily remains of the Buddha and his followers.

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Stupa can be referred to as a Buddhist shrine, it is a dome-shaped building; representing enlightenment which was the pinnacle of Buddhist achievement.

Complete answer: Many historians believed that Stupas must have originated from wider cultural traditions where sramanas were buried in a seated position called “chaitya” which means a shrine. The Stupas are Buddhist monuments associated with Buddhism and are primarily used to house sacred relics ( a part of the body of a saint) of Buddha and other pious saints. Stupas exist all over the world.
One of the oldest stone structures in India is The great Stupas located at Sanchi, which was primarily commissioned by the Mauryan emperor, Ashoka and he is also credited for the construction of Stupas at Sarnath as well. There are various types of Stupas like object Stupas where objects belonging to Buddha are buried, symbolic Stupas for symbolizing various aspects of Buddhist theology, votive Stupas for gaining spiritual benefits, relic Stupas where religious persons are buried and commemorative Stupas but the physical features are same for all as they all have a dome-shaped structure along with a treasury filled with objects placed within the structure. A wooden pole is placed within the central channel and is covered with mantras and gems and is called “the Tree of Life”.

Option A, TRUE is the correct option.
Option B, FALSE is an incorrect option.

Note: Buddhism is a faith founded by Siddhartha Gautama known as “ the Buddha” also referred to as the Enlightened One. Whose teachings, principles and ideals of truth and liberation are followed by the followers of Buddhism religion.
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