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== VOL. 1 ==
== VOL. 1 ==
[[Image:JKCL bodhi tree.jpg|thumb|[[Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]] seated beneath the [[Bodhi tree]] at [[Bodhgaya]]]]
[[Image:JKCL bodhi tree.jpg|thumb|[[Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö]] seated beneath the [[Bodhi tree]] at [[Bodhgaya]])]
*'''Autobiography of Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö: A Play of Illusion''' (''‘jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi rtogs pa brjod pa sgyu ma’i rol rtsed'') (1-43)
*'''Autobiography of Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö: A Play of Illusion''' (''‘jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi rtogs pa brjod pa sgyu ma’i rol rtsed'') (1-43)

Latest revision as of 14:07, 3 April 2016

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö’s Collected Works

Vol 1 | Vol 2 | Vol 3 | Vol 4 | Vol 5 | Vol 6

VOL. 1

[[Image:JKCL bodhi tree.jpg|thumb|Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö seated beneath the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya)]

  • Autobiography of Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö: A Play of Illusion (‘jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi rtogs pa brjod pa sgyu ma’i rol rtsed) (1-43)
  • In Praise of the Incomparable Lord of Sages, Teacher of All Including the Gods: Music of the Devas (lha dang bcas pa’i ston pa mnyam med thub pa’i dbang po la bstod pa lha’i sil snyan) (45-52)
    • Colophon: composed by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö on the fifteenth day of the tenth month of the Fire Monkey (1956) year in the presence of the Gandhola (bodhi temple) in Vajrasana (Bodh Gaya), Magadha.
  • In Praise of the Great Awakened Lord (jo bo byang chub chen po la bstod pa bsod nams rab ‘phel) (53-54)
    • Colophon: written by Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso
  • A Song in Praise of the Innermost Heart Essence of Vajrasattva (rdo rje sems dpa’ la yang snying gi bstod pa’i glu) (55-56)
    • Colophon: written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö in the month of Saga Dawa in the Fire Bird year (1957) in Sikkim on the first of the weekly ceremonies marking the passing of Princess Sangde.
  • In Praise of the Great Glorious One (dpal chen po la bstod pa sngoms pa’i ‘gying glu) (57-59)
    • Colophon: written on the top floor of the Palchen Gyepe Temple on the twenty-fifth day of the seventh month of the Monkey year (1956).
  • In Praise of the Eight Sadhanas (sgrub sde brgyad la bstod pa he ru ka dgyes pa’i gad rgyang) (61-64)
    • Colophon: written on the top floor of the Palchen Gyepe Podrang, the temple of the peaceful and wrathful deities in Lhodrak established by Guru Chökyi Wangchuk.
  • In Praise of Padmakara, Knower of the Three Times (dus gsum kun mkhyen padma ka ra la bstod pa mos gus kyi tambu ra) (65-76)
  • In Praise of the Lake-born Vajra, Embodiment of All Sources of Refuge: A Nectar of Deathless Moon Crystal (skyabs gnas kun ‘dus mtsho skyes rdo rje la bstod pa ‘chi med zla shel bdud rtsi) (77-81)
    • Colophon: written on the first day of the first month of the new year of the Earth Dog (1958) by the one known as Jamyang Gawé Gocha in the Kachö Trulpé Podrang in Sikkim.
  • In Praise of the Immortal Lake Born (‘chi med mtsho skyes rdo rje la bstod pa ‘chi bdud kun ‘joms) (83-86)
    • Colophon: written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö on the first day of the month of miracles in the new year of the Earth Pig (1959) in Sikkim in the temple where the dakinis gather.
  • In Praise of Yeshe Tsogyal, Foremost of the Dakinis (dbyings phyug daa ki’i gtso mo ye shes mtsho rgyal la bstod pa dbyangs can dgyes rol) (87-91)
    • Colophon: written by Chökyi Lodrö on the 22nd of the third month.
  • In Praise of the Three Immortal Deities of Long Life (‘chi med tshe lha rnam gsum la bstod pa ‘chi med grub pa’i dpal ster) (93-99)
    • Colophon: written by Tsuklak Lungrik Nyima Mawé Sengé at the beginning of his sixty-fifth New Year in a temple with the King’s palace.
  • In Praise of Noble Wish-Fulfilling Wheel (rje btsun ‘phags ma yid bzhin ‘khor lo la bstod pa ‘chi med mchog sbyin) (101-107)
    • Colophon: This prayer by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö made early in the morning of the first day of the Wood Bird year (1945) in Tashi Chime Drupe Gawe Tsal was written down by Drungyik Tsering Tashi.
  • In Praise of Noble Tara and Retinue: Dispelling All Obstacles (‘phags ma sgrol ma gtso ‘khor la bstod pa bar chad kun sel) (109-118)
    • Colophon: Written in the tenth month of the Wood Monkey year (1944) having completed the approach and accomplishment practices for the Tersar Tukdrup practice of Tara.
  • In Praise of White Tara (sgrol ma dkar mor bstod pa tshangs pa’i dbyangs snyan) (119-123)
    • Colophon: composed by the one known as Chökyi Lodrö whilst travelling in a boat in the middle of the Ganges in India and written down by Lodrö Chokden
  • In Praise of the Immortal Protector Amitayus (‘chi med mgon po tshe dpag med la bstod pa ‘chi bdag bdud bcom) (125-127)
    • Colophon: written on the first day of the new male Earth Dog (1958) in the temple in Gangtok Sikkim by Jikme Namkhe Dorje Tsewang Drubpa Tsal.
  • In Praise of Lord Manjughosha: A Flower of Fresh Saffron(rje btsun ‘jam dpal dbyangs la bstod pa gur gum gsar pa’i me tog) (129-132)
    • Colophon: by Lodrö Gyatso on the 18th day of the 5th month in the Fire Bird (1957) year in the Tashi Gepel temple in Gangtok, Sikkim.
  • In Praise of the Protector Manushri (mgon po ‘jam dpal la bstod pa rdo rje sgra ma’i rgyud mangs) (133-134)
    • requested and written down by the Chöpön Chokden during a picnic in Darjeeling, Jampal Gawé Gocha said whatever came to mind.
  • In Praise of Vajrayogini (rje btsun rdo rje rnal ‘byor ma la bstod pa padma’i lcug phran) (135-138)
    • written by Kunga Trinley Gyatso twenty-fifth of the fifth month of the Earth Dog year (1958) in a garden in Darjeeling close to the land of Sikkim which is pleasing to the Dakinis
  • In Praise of the Sarasvati (sgra dbyangs lha mor bstod pa gang ga’i rlabs phreng) (139-142)
    • written on an auspicious day during the twelfth month of the Fire Monkey year (1956) on the banks of the Brahmaputra? river in Sirmaya ?? in India.
  • In Praise of Red Sarasvati (dbyangs can dmar mo la bstod pa rdo rje sgra ma’i dbyangs snyan) (143-144)
    • Tsuklak Lungrig Nyima Mawé Sengé wrote this by moonlight and the light of a precious lamp during the first session of the night on the third day of the twelfth month while crossing the River Ganges in a boat.
  • In Praise of the Goddess Sarasvati (lha mo dbyangs can la bstod pa gang ga’i rlabs phreng) (145-146)
    • written by Chökyi Lodrö in a boat on the River Ganges during the tenth month of the Fire Monkey year (1956).
  • In Praise of Mahadeva (srid pa’i lha chen la bstod pa khams gsum ‘gugs pa’i lcags kyu) (147-150)
    • written by Jamyang Gawe Gocha in Darjeeling on the 29th day of the 6th month of the Wood Earth???Dog year (1958).
  • In Praise of Tseringma (tshe ring mar bstod pa kala pingka’i dbyangs snyan) (151-153)
    • written in Darjeeling on the first day of the sixth month of the Earth??? Dog year (1958) by Tsuklak Lungrig Mawé Nyima
  • In Praise of the Great Lord Smritijñana (jo bo chen po smri ti jñana la bstod pa ye shes rang gsal) (155-159)
    • written in earth?? dog year (1958) based on the double delusion of a dream experience.
  • In Praise of Acharya Chandrakirti (slob spon zla ba grags pa la bstod pa kun dga’i dbyangs snyan) (161-164)
    • Colophon: written in Darjeeling by Tsuklak Lungrig Nyima Mawé Sengé
  • In Praise of the Great Pandita Vanaratna' (maha pandita nags kyi rin chen la bstod pa lha’i dbyangs snyan) (165-176)
    • Colophon: this praise of the great Pandita Vanaratna which accords with the biography was written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö, who merely maintains the signs of being a bhikshu, in the eight month of the Water Sheep year (1943) in a break during a retreat. It was copied out by Drungyik Tsering Tashi.
  • In Praise of Machik Labdron (ma gcig lab sgron la bstod pa bdud bzhi dbyings gcod) (177-181)
    • Colophon: composed by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö or Pema Yeshe Dorje who has faith in the practice of Chö in front of an image of the red palace on the Copper Mountain in the garden that delights the wisdom dakinis on the rdzogs pa gnyis pa of the saga dawa of Fire Monkey year (1956).
  • In praise of Jetsun Mila Shepe Dorje (rje btsun mi la bzhad pa rdo rje la bstod pa) (183-184)
    • by Chökyi Lodrö
  • In Praise of Drikung Kyobpa Rinpoche (‘bri gung skyobs pa rin po cher bstod pa dad pa’i gling bu) (185-186)
  • In Praise of Sakya Pandita (sa skya pandita la bstod pa me tog phreng mdzes) (187-196)
    • spoken by Tsuklak Lungrig Nyima Mawe Senge Tubten Shedrup Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo on the 15th day of the tenth month of the Iron Dragon year (1940) and written by the scholar of the West Namgyal Zangpo or Yangchen Gyepe Dawa.
  • In Praise of the Great Omniscient One (kun mkhyen chen po la bstod pa rab dga’i dbyangs snyan) (197-202)
    • written on the anniversary during the 12th month in the Wood Bird year (1945)
  • In Praise of the Omniscient Lord of Dharma Butön Rinchen Drup (chos rje thams cad mkhyen pa bu ston rin chen grub la bstod pa ka ma la’i phreng mdzes) (203-211)
    • written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö on the first of the ninth month in the Iron Snake year (1941).
  • In Praise of Je Lama Tsongkhapa (rje bla ma tsong kha pa chen por bstod pa dad pa’i me tog) (213-215)
    • Written by Chökyi Lodrö in the female Earth Pig year (1959) on the fifteenth day of the first month of miracles.
  • In Praise of the Omniscient Gorampa Sonam Senge (kun mkhyen go ram pa bsod nams seng ge la bstod pa dbyangs kyi ‘brug sgra) (217-219)
    • Colophon: Written on the twentieth day of the second month of the Earth Dog year (1958) by Tsuklak Lungrig Nyima in Sikkim.
  • In Praise of the King of Dharma, Terdak Lingpa (chos rgyal gter bdag gling pa la bstod pa manda ra ba’i dbyangs snyan) (221-229)
    • written in the Labrang of Orgyen Mindroling monastery by Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso Tsuklak Lungrig Nyima Mawé Senge on the sixteenth of the second month of the Fire Monkey year (1956).
  • In Praise of the Shri Heruka, the Great Lhatsün, Namkha Jikmé (shri heruka lha btsun chen po nam mkha’ ‘jigs med la bstod pa rdo rje sgra ma’i dbyangs snyan) (231-234)
    • written in Gangtok in Sikkim on the first day of the seventh month of the Fire Bird year (1957).
  • In Praise of the Glorious Heruka Namkha Jikmé (heruka dpal khrag ‘thung nam mkha’ ‘jigs med la bstod pa khrag ‘thung dpa’ bo’i gad rgyang) (235-238)
    • Colophon: written in the Fire Bird year (1957) on the 15th day of the month of Saga Dawa by Jikme Namkhe Dorje Tsewang Drubpa Tsal.
  • In Praise of the Special Sublime Qualities of Jikme Lingpa (’jigs med gling pa la khyad ‘phags bstod pa) (239-240)
    • Colophon: by Jikme Namkhe Dorje.
  • In Praise of the Great Khenpo Kunga Tendzin (mkhan chen kun dga’ bstan ‘dzin la bstod pa lha’i me tog) (241-242)
    • Colophon: by Chökyi Lodrö
  • In Praise of the Lord of Refuge, the All-Knowing Kathok Situ Pandita (skyabs mgon thams cad mkhyen gzigs kah thog si tu pandita la bstod pa gzhon nu rol dga’i dbyangs) (243-249)
    • Colophon: written at the request of Kathok Khenpo Asher by the lowest of this lord’s disciples Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso Tsuklak Lungrig Mawe Senge.
  • In Praise of Dorje Chang Loter Wangpo (rdo rje ‘chang blo gter dbang po la bstod pa byin rlabs mchog stsol) (251-254)
    • Colophon: written by the worst and dullest disciple Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö when Tsangsar Choktrul Rinpoche, an emanation of the Lord of Compassion, said there was a need for something to recite in the assembly.
  • In Praise of the Gracious Tutor, the Precious Khenpo Kunpal: The Flower of Remembered Kindness (yongs ‘dzin bka’ drin can mkhan rin po che kun dpal la bstod pa bka’ drin rjes dran gyi me tog) (255-262)
    • Colophon: written in Sikkim by the dull practitioner Lodrö Gyatso, who was cared for by this supreme master with immeasurable kindness.
  • In Praise of the great Khenpo Kunzang Palden Thupten Chökyi Drakpa (mkhan chen kun bzang dpal ldan thub bstan chos kyi grags pa ma gdung dbyangs su gsol ba thugs rje’i glog zhags) (263-264)
    • Colophon: A letter arrived on the 8th day of the 11th month to say that this great khenpo of unrivalled kindness had passed into the dharmadhatu on the 27th day of the tenth month of the Water Sheep year (1943). Then the respectful disciple Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso wrote this with one-pointed devotion during a break in his recitation.
  • A Collection of Praises to the Sacred Sites of the Land of the Aryas (‘phags yul gnas chen rnams la bstod pa khag phyogs gcig tu bkod pa) [Bodh Gaya, Varanasi, Lumbini, Shravasti, Descent from Heaven, Kushinagara, Rajgriha, Calcutta, Kalidevi, Yangleshö] (265-301)
  • Prayer and Aspiration Before the Shrines and Images of the Site of Great Awakening in Magadha, the Land of the Aryas (‘phags yul magadha’i byang chub chen po’i bzhugs gnas rten dang brten par bcas pa’i gsol smon bkra shis ‘khyil pa) (303-305)
    • Colophon: At the request of his own student, Yakzewa Gyurme Drakpa who offered an auspicious scarf, silver wheel and staff shaped like a jewel, this was spoken on the 30th day of the 11th month in the Fire Bird year (1957) before the Bodhi temple at Bodh Gaya by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö and written down by Drungyik Tsering Tashi.
  • An Account of the Hidden Land of Sikkim (sbas gnas ‘bras mo ljongs kyi rtogs brjod ku tu’i mgrin glu) (307-313)
    • written by the one who holds the name of Khyentse’s incarnation, Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö or Pema Yeshe Dorje while on pilgrimage in India….
  • A Collection of Praises to the Great Pilgrimage Places of Tibet (bod kyi gnas chen rnams la bstod pa phyogs bsgrigs) [Yerpa, Reting, Lhodrak] (315-325)
    • Yerpa—written by Jamyang Gowe Gocha on the 17th of the tenth month in the Moon cave.
    • Reting—written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö at the age of 63 when arriving at the retreat place of Chang Reting Gyalwa
    • Lhodrak—by Rigdzin Ösal Kunzang Nyingpo Tsal in the Fire Monkey year (1956) while travelling to this very place on the tenth day of the monkey (7th) month.
  • Guru Yoga of the Lord of Sages, the Incomparable Teacher of All Including the Gods (lha dang bcas pa’i ston pa mnyam med thub pa’i dbang po’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor byin rlabs rol mtsho) (327-334)
    • Based on an experience (? Snga phyir nyams kyi brdzun ris?) whilst making offerings and prayers at the Bodhi temple in Bodh Gaya on the 5th of the 12th month of the Fire Bird year (1957), this was written in the holy place known as Rajgir in the region of Vulture’s Peak mountain on the seventh of that month.
  • Guru Yoga of the Great Sage (bla ma thub pa chen po’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (335-337)
    • Written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö on the fifteenth day of the tenth month of the Fire Monkey year (1957) close to the Bodhi Temple.
  • a dod nas…(339-341)
    • Written by Kunzang Ösal Nyingpo in the Water Snake year (1953) on the fifteenth day of the tenth month.
  • Guru Yoga of the Varjadhara of Oddiyana (o rgyan rdo rje ‘chang gi bla ma’i rnal ‘byor nges don bde ‘jug) (343-348)
    • Written by Pema Yeshe Dorje in the tenth month of the Fire Monkey year (1957) when seeing the Lotus Lake of Zahor (Tso Pema).
  • Stages of Prayer to the Guru (bla ma la gsol ba gdab pa’i rim pa nges don bde ‘jug) (349-362)
    • written in Sikkim
  • Guru Yoga entitled Secret Wisdom (bla ma’i rnal ‘byor ye shes gsang ba) (363-374)
    • Requested by two supreme incarnations (a note says probably the incarnations of Kathok Situ and Shechen Gyaltsab)
  • A Sadhana of Combined Prayers (?) (gsol ‘debs dril sgrub) (375-379)
    • written on the tenth day of the monkey month (7th) of the monkey year (1956) in Lhodrak Kharchu Chakpurchen.
  • Guru Yoga to Pacify the Sickness of the Heart (rgyal don snying nad zhi ba’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (381-382)
    • Written on the fourteenth day of the first month of the fire bird year (1957) by Pema Yeshe Dorje in Sikkim.
  • Guru Yoga entitled A Lamp to Illuminate the Profound Path (bla ma’i rnal ‘byor zab lam gsal sgron) (383-388)
    • Colophon: In response to the daughter of the great Lakar family of benefactors, Tsering Damchö Drönma, whose mind is rich with faith and who has pure samaya, this was written by that mere reflection of a vidyadhara Pema Yeshe Dorje, or Jikme Namkhe Dorje Tsewang Drubpa Tsal on the (second dga ba of the dkar phyogs) of the twelfth month of the Fire Pig year (1947).
  • Guru Yoga Combined with Advice: The Excellent Path to Awakening (bla ma’i rnal ‘byor zhal gdams ‘brel ba byang chub lam bzang) (389-399)
    • Colophon: Written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö in Gangtok at the request of Yönru Tersé Lama Jamyang Sonam.
  • Daily Practice for the Combined Sadhana of the Three Roots, Embodiments of All Buddha Families(rtsa gsum rigs ‘dus dril sgrub rgyun khyer) (401-403)
    • Colophon: written by Chökyi Lodrö at/for Orgyen Tso (the lake of Orgyen).
  • Guru Sadhana of Glorious Dharmakirti (dpal chos kyi grags pa’i bla sgrub) (405-408)
    • Colophon: Chökyi Lodrö wrote this for his own benefit.
  • Sadhana of the Great Marvellous Acharya Chandragomin: Self-Illuminating Wisdom (rmad du byung ba’i slob dpon chen po dge bsnyen zla ba’i zhabs kyi sgrub thabs ye shes rang gsal) (409-412)
    • Colophon: Written on the third of the tenth month in the year of the Fire Monkey (1956) after reading the biography of Chandragomin in an account of the history of Dharma in India.
  • Guru Yoga of the Incomparable Great Lord (Atisha) (mnyam med jo bo chen po’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor byin rlabs mchog stsol) (413-420)
    • Colophon: Written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö in the twelfth month of the Earth Dog year (1958) as a support for his own devotion…
  • Guru Sadhana of Songtsen Gampo (srong btsan sgam po’i bla sgrub ye shes rang shar) (421-424)
    • Colophon: Written in the Moon Cave in Yerpa on the sixth day of the twelfth month.
  • Guru Yoga of Lhalung Palgyi Dorje, Lord of Secrets (gsang bdag lha lung dpal gyi rdo rje’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (425-429)
    • Requested by Pema Chöpel, the supreme tulku of Samdrup Monastery.
  • Guru Yoga of Marpa Lotsawa (mnga’ bdag mar pa lotsa’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (431-433)
  • *Written in a garden near Lhodrak Sekhar Trulpe Lhakhang at the request of the devoted Lama Chokden.
  • Guru Yoga of Jetsun Shepe Dorje (Milarepa) rje btsun bzhad pa rdo rje’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor (435-437)
    • Colophon: When Lakar Sogyal playfully asked me to write something like this Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö wrote this in the monastery of Tsurphu Tölung in the lama quarters known as Display that Delights the Lord of the World in the temple of the three doors of liberation.
  • Guru Sadhana of the Omniscient Dolpopa (Kun mkhyen dol po’i bla sgrub) (439-444)
    • Written by Pema Yeshe Dorje in the palace of celestial dakinis in Sikkim on the 5th of the 12th month of the Fire Bird year (1957) when experiencing unshakeable devotion for the great omniscient one.
  • Written by Chökyi Lodrö on the 29th of the twelfth month as words of aspiration.
  • A Song of Calling from Afar the Great Omniscient Jonangpa (Kun mkhyen jo nang pa chen por rgyang ‘bod nges don byin rlabs myur du ‘gugs pa’i pho nya) (445-447)
    • A prayer made on the 18th of the eleventh month.
  • Guru Sadhana of Karma Pakshi (Karma pakshi’i bla sgrub rahu thugs thig) (449-454)
    • Written by Pema Yeshe Dorje in the palace of celestial dakinis in Sikkim on the (dkar phyogs kyi bzang po gnyis pa) following a visionary experience I had on the sixth day of the first month of the Earth Dog year (1958). When I had almost finished writing it a monk from Tsurpu called Karma Tendzin Trinle brought a young boy for the hair-cutting ceremony and I gave him the name Karma Shedrup Dargye….
  • Guru Yoga based on the Glorious Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (Dpal sa skya chen po kun dga’ snying po la brten pa’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor grub gnyis mchog stsol) (455-464)
    • Colophon: Written on the 26th of the 2nd month of the Iron Snake (1941)
  • Guru Yoga of Longchenpa (kun mkhyen klong chen pa’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor ye shes snang ster) (465-470)
    • Colophon: Requested by the monk Kunga Rabgye and written by Jamyang Lodrö Gyatso on the tenth day of the ninth month.
  • Guru Yoga of the Omniscient Butön Rinpoche (Kun mkhyen bu ston rin po che’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor mchog dngos grub pa) (471-481)
    • Colophon: The seed for this was written by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö on the eighth day of the ninth month of the Iron Dragon year (1940) based on faith and a minor dream experience….
  • Guru Yoga of the Great Terton Pema Lingpa (gter chen padma gling pa’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (483-489)
    • Colophon: Following the request from Yakze Lama Gyurdrak, Chökyi Lodrö wrote this in the monkey month (seventh) of the Monkey year in Druptso Pema Ling and then finished it in the great centre of Lhalung Chödra.
  • A Brief guru Yoga of the All-Knowing Jetsün (rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa’i bla ma’i rnal ‘byor nyung ngu) (491-494)
    • Colophon: Jampal Gawe Gocha wrote whatever came to mind on the ninth of the fifth month of the Earth Dog year (1958).
  • Guru Yoga of the Lord of Secrets: Eliminating Mara's Forces (la ma gsang ba’i bdag po’i rnal ‘byor bdud dpung mthar byed) (495-499)
    • Colophon: 20th of the 8th month of the Wood Sheep (1955)
  • Guru Yoga to Invoke the Wisdom Mind of the Lord of Refuge, Pema Wangchok Gyalpo (skyabs mgon padma dbang mchog rgyal po’i thugs dam rgyud bskul gyi bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (501-517)
  • Guru Yoga of the Foremost Yogini Jetsün Lochen (rnal ‘byor dbang mo rje btsun lo chen gyi bla ma’i rnal ‘byor) (519-521)
    • Colophon: In response to the request from this great master’s own student Ngawang Chönyi, Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö spoke these words in the omniscient Longchenpa’s cave at Gangri Tökar and they were written down by the disciple Gyurme Drakpa.

See Also


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