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The Discourse on the Right Use (of Wealth) (AN 5.41)<br/></big></big>
The Discourse on the Right Use (of Wealth) (AN 5.41)<br/></big></big>
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Ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati
Ekaṁ samayaṁ [[Bhagavā]] Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati
At one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Sāvatthi
At one time the Gracious One was dwelling near [[Sāvatthi]]
Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
[[Jetavane]] Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
at Anāthapiṇḍika’s grounds in Jeta’s Wood.
at Anāthapiṇḍika’s grounds in Jeta’s [[Wood]].
Atha kho Anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati yena Bhagavā tenupasaṅkami,
Atha kho Anāthapiṇḍiko [[gahapati]] yena [[Bhagavā]] tenupasaṅkami,
Then the householder Anāthapiṇḍika approached the Gracious One,
Then the [[householder]] [[Anāthapiṇḍika]] approached the Gracious One,
upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekam-antaṁ nisīdi.
upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekam-antaṁ nisīdi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One he sat down on one side.
and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One he sat down on one side.
Ekam-antaṁ nisinnaṁ kho Anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ Bhagavā etad-avoca:
Ekam-antaṁ nisinnaṁ kho Anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ [[Bhagavā]] etad-avoca:
While sitting on one side the Gracious One said this to the householder Anāthapiṇḍika:
While sitting on one side the Gracious One said this to the [[householder]] [[Anāthapiṇḍika]]:
“Pañcime, gahapati, bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
“Pañcime, [[gahapati]], bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
“(There are) these five uses of wealth, householder.
“(There are) these five uses of [[wealth]], [[householder]].
Katame pañca?
Katame [[pañca]]?
Which five?
Which five?
Idha, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Idha, [[gahapati]], [[ariyasāvako]], uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Here, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,
Here, [[householder]], a [[Noble Disciple]], with the [[wealth]] he has [[attained]] through industry and [[effort]],
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,
[[accumulated]] through the strength of his arms, through the {{Wiki|sweat}} of his {{Wiki|brow}}, righteously, in accordance with the [[Dhamma]],
attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti [[sammā]] sukhaṁ pariharati,
makes himself happy and satisfied, and he looks after (himself) in a correct and pleasant way,
makes himself [[happy]] and satisfied, and he looks after (himself) in a correct and [[pleasant]] way,
mātāpitaro sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
mātāpitaro sukheti pīṇeti [[sammā]] sukhaṁ pariharati,
he makes his mother and father happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,
he makes his mother and father [[happy]] and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and [[pleasant]] way,
puttadāradāsakammakaraporise sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
puttadāradāsakammakaraporise sukheti pīṇeti [[sammā]] sukhaṁ pariharati,
he makes his children, wife, workers and servants happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,
he makes his children, wife, workers and servants [[happy]] and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and [[pleasant]] way,
ayaṁ paṭhamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
ayaṁ paṭhamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the first use of wealth.
this is the first use of [[wealth]].
Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Puna caparaṁ, [[gahapati]], [[ariyasāvako]], uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,
Moreover, [[householder]], a [[Noble Disciple]], with the [[wealth]] he has [[attained]] through industry and [[effort]],
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,
[[accumulated]] through the strength of his arms, through the {{Wiki|sweat}} of his {{Wiki|brow}}, righteously, in accordance with the [[Dhamma]],
mittāmacce sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
mittāmacce sukheti pīṇeti [[sammā]] sukhaṁ pariharati,
makes his friends and comrades happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,
makes his friends and comrades [[happy]] and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and [[pleasant]] way,
ayaṁ dutiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
ayaṁ dutiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the second use of wealth.
this is the second use of [[wealth]].
Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Puna caparaṁ, [[gahapati]], [[ariyasāvako]], uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,
Moreover, [[householder]], a [[Noble Disciple]], with the [[wealth]] he has [[attained]] through industry and [[effort]],
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,
[[accumulated]] through the strength of his arms, through the {{Wiki|sweat}} of his {{Wiki|brow}}, righteously, in accordance with the [[Dhamma]],
yā tā honti āpadā:
yā tā honti āpadā:
Line 71: Line 71:
aggito vā udakato vā rājato vā corato vā appiyato vā dāyādato,
aggito vā udakato vā rājato vā corato vā appiyato vā dāyādato,
from fire or from water or from kings or from thieves or from unloved heirs,
from [[fire]] or from [[water]] or from [[kings]] or from thieves or from unloved heirs,
tathārūpāsu āpadāsu bhogehi pariyodhāya vattati,
tathārūpāsu āpadāsu bhogehi pariyodhāya vattati,
defends his wealth from such dangers,
defends his [[wealth]] from such dangers,
sotthiṁ attānaṁ karoti,
sotthiṁ attānaṁ [[karoti]],
and he keeps himself safe,
and he keeps himself safe,
ayaṁ tatiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
ayaṁ tatiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the third use of wealth.
this is the third use of [[wealth]].
Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Puna caparaṁ, [[gahapati]], [[ariyasāvako]], uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,
Moreover, [[householder]], a [[Noble Disciple]], with the [[wealth]] he has [[attained]] through industry and [[effort]],
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,
[[accumulated]] through the strength of his arms, through the {{Wiki|sweat}} of his {{Wiki|brow}}, righteously, in accordance with the [[Dhamma]],
pañcabaliṁ kattā hoti:
pañcabaliṁ [[kattā]] hoti:
makes five offerings:
makes five [[offerings]]:
ñātibaliṁ, atithibaliṁ, pubbapetabaliṁ, rājabaliṁ, devatābaliṁ,
ñātibaliṁ, atithibaliṁ, pubbapetabaliṁ, rājabaliṁ, devatābaliṁ,
offerings to relatives, offerings to guests, offerings to the departed, offerings to kings, and offerings to the gods,
[[offerings]] to relatives, [[offerings]] to guests, [[offerings]] to the departed, [[offerings]] to [[kings]], and [[offerings]] to the [[gods]],
ayaṁ catuttho bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
ayaṁ catuttho bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the fourth use of wealth.
this is the fourth use of [[wealth]].
Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Puna caparaṁ, [[gahapati]], [[ariyasāvako]], uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,
Moreover, [[householder]], a [[Noble Disciple]], with the [[wealth]] he has [[attained]] through industry and [[effort]],
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,
[[accumulated]] through the strength of his arms, through the {{Wiki|sweat}} of his {{Wiki|brow}}, righteously, in accordance with the [[Dhamma]],
ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā madappamādā paṭiviratā, khantisoracce niviṭṭhā,
ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā madappamādā paṭiviratā, khantisoracce niviṭṭhā,
(towards) whatever ascetics and brāhmaṇas have put aside pride and heedlessness, who are established in patience and gentleness,
(towards) whatever [[ascetics]] and [[brāhmaṇas]] have put aside [[pride]] and heedlessness, who are established in [[patience]] and [[gentleness]],
ekam-attānaṁ damenti, ekam-attānaṁ samenti, ekam-attānaṁ parinibbāpenti,
ekam-attānaṁ damenti, ekam-attānaṁ samenti, ekam-attānaṁ parinibbāpenti,
who tame themselves, calm themselves, and emancipate themselves,
who tame themselves, [[calm]] themselves, and emancipate themselves,
tathārūpesu samaṇabrāhmaṇesu uddhaggikaṁ dakkhiṇaṁ patiṭṭhāpeti,
tathārūpesu samaṇabrāhmaṇesu uddhaggikaṁ dakkhiṇaṁ patiṭṭhāpeti,
he establishes a beneficial donation for those ascetics and brāhmaṇas,
he establishes a beneficial donation for those [[ascetics]] and [[brāhmaṇas]],
sovaggikaṁ sukhavipākaṁ saggasaṁvattanikaṁ,
sovaggikaṁ sukhavipākaṁ saggasaṁvattanikaṁ,
which is heavenly (itself) and has a happy result leading to heaven,
which is [[heavenly]] (itself) and has a [[happy]] result leading to [[heaven]],
ayaṁ pañcamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
ayaṁ pañcamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the fifth use of wealth.
this is the fifth use of [[wealth]].
Ime kho, gahapati, pañca bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
Ime kho, [[gahapati]], [[pañca]] bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
These, householder, are the five uses of wealth.
These, [[householder]], are the five uses of [[wealth]].
Tassa ce, gahapati, ariyasāvakassa, ime pañca bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
Tassa ce, [[gahapati]], ariyasāvakassa, ime [[pañca]] bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
If for a Noble Disciple, householder, from the usage of these five uses of wealth
If for a [[Noble Disciple]], [[householder]], from the usage of these five uses of [[wealth]]
bhogā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
bhogā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
his wealth goes to destruction, this occurs to him:
his [[wealth]] goes to destruction, this occurs to him:
‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Whatever (good) uses for wealth there are I have used them (in that way),
‘Whatever (good) uses for [[wealth]] there are I have used them (in that way),
bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
let my wealth go to destruction!’
let my [[wealth]] go to destruction!’
Itissa hoti avippaṭisāro.
Itissa hoti avippaṭisāro.
Line 144: Line 144:
Tassa ce, gahapati, ariyasāvakassa, ime pañca bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
Tassa ce, [[gahapati]], ariyasāvakassa, ime [[pañca]] bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
If for a Noble Disciple, householder, from the use of these five uses of wealth
If for a [[Noble Disciple]], [[householder]], from the use of these five uses of [[wealth]]
bhogā abhivaḍḍhanti gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
bhogā abhivaḍḍhanti gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
wealth increases, this occurs to him:
[[wealth]] increases, this occurs to him:
‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Whatever (good) uses for wealth there are I have used them (in that way),
‘Whatever (good) uses for [[wealth]] there are I have used them (in that way),
bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
let my wealth increase!’
let my [[wealth]] increase!’
Itissa hoti ubhayeneva avippaṭisāro. ti
Itissa hoti ubhayeneva avippaṭisāro. ti
Line 161: Line 161:
: Bhuttā bhogā bhatā bhaccā, vitiṇṇā āpadāsu me,
: Bhuttā bhogā bhatā bhaccā, vitiṇṇā āpadāsu me,
: Wealth enjoyed by servants, brothers, for removing dangers, (or) by me,
: [[Wealth]] enjoyed by servants, brothers, for removing dangers, (or) by me,
: Uddhaggā dakkhiṇā dinnā, atho pañcabalīkatā,
: Uddhaggā dakkhiṇā dinnā, atho pañcabalīkatā,
: Given in beneficial donations, also through making the five offerings,
: Given in beneficial {{Wiki|donations}}, also through making the five [[offerings]],
: Upaṭṭhitā sīlavanto, saññatā brahmacārayo.
: Upaṭṭhitā sīlavanto, saññatā brahmacārayo.
: Has been established by the virtuous, skilful one who lives spiritually.
: Has been established by the [[virtuous]], [[skilful]] one who [[lives]] [[spiritually]].
: Yad-atthaṁ bhogaṁ iccheyya, paṇḍito gharam-āvasaṁ:
: Yad-atthaṁ bhogaṁ iccheyya, paṇḍito gharam-āvasaṁ:
: The wise one who lives in a house will wish for wealth and welfare (thinking):
: The [[wise one]] who [[lives]] in a house will wish for [[wealth]] and {{Wiki|welfare}} ([[thinking]]):
: ‘So me attho anuppatto kataṁ ananutāpiyaṁ.’
: ‘So me attho anuppatto kataṁ ananutāpiyaṁ.’
: ‘That prosperity attained by me causes lack of remorse.’
: ‘That [[prosperity]] [[attained]] by me [[causes]] lack of [[remorse]].’
: Etaṁ anussaraṁ macco, Ariyadhamme ṭhito naro,
: Etaṁ anussaraṁ macco, Ariyadhamme ṭhito naro,
: A man remembering this, a person established in Nobility,
: A man remembering this, a [[person]] established in [[Nobility]],
: Idheva naṁ pasaṁsanti, pecca sagge pamodatī.” ti
: Idheva naṁ pasaṁsanti, pecca sagge pamodatī.” ti
: Is praised right here (and now), and later rejoices in heaven.”
: Is praised right here (and now), and later rejoices in [[heaven]].”

Latest revision as of 15:44, 23 May 2015

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Guan yin 100.jpg

The Discourse on the Right Use (of Wealth) (AN 5.41)
Edited & Translated by
Ānandajoti Bhikkhu

Ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati
At one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Sāvatthi

Jetavane Anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
at Anāthapiṇḍika’s grounds in Jeta’s Wood.

Atha kho Anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati yena Bhagavā tenupasaṅkami,
Then the householder Anāthapiṇḍika approached the Gracious One,

upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekam-antaṁ nisīdi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One he sat down on one side.

Ekam-antaṁ nisinnaṁ kho Anāthapiṇḍikaṁ gahapatiṁ Bhagavā etad-avoca:
While sitting on one side the Gracious One said this to the householder Anāthapiṇḍika:

“Pañcime, gahapati, bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
“(There are) these five uses of wealth, householder.

Katame pañca?
Which five?

Idha, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Here, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,

bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,

attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
makes himself happy and satisfied, and he looks after (himself) in a correct and pleasant way,

mātāpitaro sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
he makes his mother and father happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,

puttadāradāsakammakaraporise sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
he makes his children, wife, workers and servants happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,

ayaṁ paṭhamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the first use of wealth.


Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,

bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,

mittāmacce sukheti pīṇeti sammā sukhaṁ pariharati,
makes his friends and comrades happy and satisfied, and he looks after (them) in a correct and pleasant way,

ayaṁ dutiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the second use of wealth.


Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,

bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,

yā tā honti āpadā:
from whatever dangers there are:

aggito vā udakato vā rājato vā corato vā appiyato vā dāyādato,
from fire or from water or from kings or from thieves or from unloved heirs,

tathārūpāsu āpadāsu bhogehi pariyodhāya vattati,
defends his wealth from such dangers,

sotthiṁ attānaṁ karoti,
and he keeps himself safe,

ayaṁ tatiyo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the third use of wealth.


Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,

bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,

pañcabaliṁ kattā hoti:
makes five offerings:

ñātibaliṁ, atithibaliṁ, pubbapetabaliṁ, rājabaliṁ, devatābaliṁ,
offerings to relatives, offerings to guests, offerings to the departed, offerings to kings, and offerings to the gods,

ayaṁ catuttho bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the fourth use of wealth.


Puna caparaṁ, gahapati, ariyasāvako, uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi,
Moreover, householder, a Noble Disciple, with the wealth he has attained through industry and effort,

bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi Dhammikehi Dhammaladdhehi,
accumulated through the strength of his arms, through the sweat of his brow, righteously, in accordance with the Dhamma,

ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā madappamādā paṭiviratā, khantisoracce niviṭṭhā,
(towards) whatever ascetics and brāhmaṇas have put aside pride and heedlessness, who are established in patience and gentleness,

ekam-attānaṁ damenti, ekam-attānaṁ samenti, ekam-attānaṁ parinibbāpenti,
who tame themselves, calm themselves, and emancipate themselves,

tathārūpesu samaṇabrāhmaṇesu uddhaggikaṁ dakkhiṇaṁ patiṭṭhāpeti,
he establishes a beneficial donation for those ascetics and brāhmaṇas,

sovaggikaṁ sukhavipākaṁ saggasaṁvattanikaṁ,
which is heavenly (itself) and has a happy result leading to heaven,

ayaṁ pañcamo bhogānaṁ ādiyo.
this is the fifth use of wealth.


Ime kho, gahapati, pañca bhogānaṁ ādiyā.
These, householder, are the five uses of wealth.

Tassa ce, gahapati, ariyasāvakassa, ime pañca bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
If for a Noble Disciple, householder, from the usage of these five uses of wealth

bhogā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
his wealth goes to destruction, this occurs to him:

‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Whatever (good) uses for wealth there are I have used them (in that way),

bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
let my wealth go to destruction!’

Itissa hoti avippaṭisāro.
He is not remorseful.


Tassa ce, gahapati, ariyasāvakassa, ime pañca bhogānaṁ ādiye ādiyato
If for a Noble Disciple, householder, from the use of these five uses of wealth

bhogā abhivaḍḍhanti gacchanti, tassa evaṁ hoti:
wealth increases, this occurs to him:

‘Ye vata bhogānaṁ ādiyā te cāhaṁ ādiyāmi,
‘Whatever (good) uses for wealth there are I have used them (in that way),

bhogā ca me parikkhayaṁ gacchantī!’ ti
let my wealth increase!’

Itissa hoti ubhayeneva avippaṭisāro. ti
Either way he is not remorseful.

Bhuttā bhogā bhatā bhaccā, vitiṇṇā āpadāsu me,
Wealth enjoyed by servants, brothers, for removing dangers, (or) by me,
Uddhaggā dakkhiṇā dinnā, atho pañcabalīkatā,
Given in beneficial donations, also through making the five offerings,
Upaṭṭhitā sīlavanto, saññatā brahmacārayo.
Has been established by the virtuous, skilful one who lives spiritually.
Yad-atthaṁ bhogaṁ iccheyya, paṇḍito gharam-āvasaṁ:
The wise one who lives in a house will wish for wealth and welfare (thinking):
‘So me attho anuppatto kataṁ ananutāpiyaṁ.’
‘That prosperity attained by me causes lack of remorse.’
Etaṁ anussaraṁ macco, Ariyadhamme ṭhito naro,
A man remembering this, a person established in Nobility,
Idheva naṁ pasaṁsanti, pecca sagge pamodatī.” ti
Is praised right here (and now), and later rejoices in heaven.”
