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Khenpo Sodargye

Khenpo Sodargye was born in Drakgo in Kham Tibet on the fourth day of the sixth month of the Tibetan calendar in 1962.

After being ordained at Larung Gar Serthar Buddhist Institute in 1985, Khenpo relied on Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche as his root guru. After intensive study of the five principle treatises on Madhyamaka, Prajnaparamita, Abhidharma, Vinaya, and Buddhist Logic, Khenpo received direct transmissions of tantric teachings such as the Great Perfection, Kalachakra, and the Great Illusory Net from Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and gained unshakable faith in the Omniscient Longchenpa and Mipham Rinpoche. Through his practice, he obtained supreme realization of these teachings.

After engaging in classic Tibetan Buddhist debate and after undergoing oral and written examination he obtained his “Khenpodegree. Khenpo was then placed in charge of the institute by Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and became Kyabje’s chief translator for Chinese disciples .

In 1987, Khenpo accompanied Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche to make a pilgrimage to the holy Wutai Mountain and began to receive Chinese disciples of the four types (monks, nuns, male and female lay practitioners).

From 1990 to 1999, Khenpo accompanied Kyabje Rinpoche to give Dharma teachings in many countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Japan.

In 2006, Khenpo began to use modern media, such as Internet and DVD, to spread his teachings; allowing more followers to receive systematic Dharma training and benefiting a wider base of fortunate beings.

In 2007, Khenpo inaugurated his charitable project-Initiation of Loving Heart and encouraged Buddhist practitioners to cultivate loving-kindness and compassion in daily life and stop ignoring the needy. As an example, he started Wisdom and Compassion Elementary Schools, the Novice Monk Schools, nursing homes, and accommodation to support the practice of the senior lay practitioners. From Feb 2011, Khenpo has served as the Honorary Chairman of Shanghai Kindness & Wisdom Public Foundation.

Khenpo tirelessly teaches and translates the Dharma day and night. Presently, more than 100 Dharma books have been published through Khenpo’s unfaltering efforts. All his translations (from Tibetan to Chinese) are collected in the “Treasure of Sutra and Tantra”, his compositions are collected in the “Treasure of Supreme Dharma”, and his oral teachings in the “Treasure of Wisdom and Compassion”.

Academic Activities

Due to his productive works, Khenpo has become acknowledged in the academic field. In June 2010, Khenpo was invited to give teachings in prestigious Chinese universities, such as Peking University and Tsinghua University; and in March 2011,to give seminar presentations in Fudan University, Nanjing University and Renmin University of China. In June 2011, Khenpo was invited to give presentations at Zhejiang University, Huazhong Normal University (aka: Central China Normal University), Sun Yat-sen University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From Nov 2011, Khenpo was invited to following universities in succession: Shanxi Normal University, Northwest University (China), Xi’an Transportation University, Shandong University, Hunan Normal University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, University of Hong Kong, Beijing Normal University, Central China University of Science and Technology and Qinghai Normal University. Both faculty and students found tremendous benefit from Khenpo’s visits.

Through his activities, including Dharma translation and teaching, and running charitable organizations which provide help to the needy, Khenpo has become the most influential and acknowledged Tibetan Buddhist teacher in China.

Khenpo often inculcates his students in this way:

“As long as we can benefit sentient beings, we should be willing to be his servant for millions and millions of eons even if only one person could generate one virtuous thought through our efforts.” He also says, “I don’t know how long I can live, but as long as I can breathe, even if there was only one listener, I would try my best to benefit him with Dharma!”

External Links


RigpaWiki:Khenpo Sodargye