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Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö’s Collected Works

Vol 1 | Vol 2 | Vol 3 | Vol 4 | Vol 5 | Vol 6


Bla ma’i rnal ‘byor byang chub bde lam dang phan bde’i dpal ster sogs (1-14)

Page 6--Requested by Genpa Ludrup, the solpön of Amdo Dhipu (?) Chöje

Page 10--Composed in Dzongsar at the request of the tulku of Amdo Dhipu (?) Chöje and written out by Gelong Khechokpage 12-…

Page 13—requested by Jikme Trinle

Page 14—written on the 20th day of the third month of the Fire Monkey year (1956) at the request of Pedar Thubteb Shedrup Tendzin, the solpön of the sixth Dzogchen Rinpoche, while performing a tsok offering in the presence of the Guru Rinpoche statue in Samye.

Bla ma’i rnal ‘byor sems nyid ngal gso (15-25)

Requested by Kunga Wangchuk

‘jam dpal rigs lngar bstod gsol (27-29)

requested by Amdo lama

skye phreng gsol ‘debs udumbara’i phreng mdzes (31-34)

page 33—to fulfil a request from someone with faith

page 34--requested by the daughter of Nyoshul, Rigdzin Lhamo

page 34--requested by Lama Chödrak, who has gained high realization

klong gsal rdo rje mi ‘khrugs pa’i zhi ba’i sreg blugs kyi cho ga sdig sgrib rnam sbyong (35-58)

Requested by Khen Rinpoche Lekpar Shepa

‘pho ba’i dmigs rim (59-60)

seeing that there was a need for this, Kunga Wangchuk wrote it according to the wishes of his vajra friends

‘od dpag med kyi nyal bsgom mdor bsdus (61-62)

requested by Nup Lama Kunzang Chöpel

namo guru chos nyid rig pa sogs (63-64)

requested by Changchub Chökyi Drolma

rdo rje ‘chang kun dga’ bzang po la bstod smon tshul khrims dag byed (65-68)

by Chökyi Lodrö

zhal gdams phyogs bsdus (69-95)

page 76—given to Garje Kham Ü Tulku

page 77—Lodrö Gyatso wrote whatever came to mind

page 87-- requested by Nup Lama Kunzang Chöpel

page 95—requested by Yakze Tsewang Gyurme

emaho dus gsum rgyal ba sogs (97-98)

written on the 20th day of the third month of the Fire Monkey year (1956) at the request of Perab Thubten Shedrup, the solpön of the sixth Dzogchen Rinpoche, while performing a tsok offering in the presence of the Guru Rinpoche statue in Samye

zhing ‘di’i ston pa gnyis pa o rgyan mtsho skyes rdo rje’i bstan pa dar zhing rgyas pa’i smon lam shis brjod dang ‘brel ba bde chen zhing gi sgra dbyangs ‘od snang mtha’ yas dgyes pa’i sprin phung (99-102)

Seeing that there was a very particular need for this prayer for the spread of the Lake-born Buddha’s teachings, this was composed by Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö and written out by Jikme Lodrö Drayang

rje grub thob chen po’i bka’ srol gyi bla ma’i rnal ‘byor gsang spyod snyan brgyud dang sbyar ba’i tshogs kyi phrin las rig ‘dzin mkha’ ‘gro dgyes pa’i rol mo (103-346)

requested by Lhaje Gelong Tsering Puntsok and Situ Orgyen Chökyi Gyatso and Drupje Jamyang Tenpel, and composed in Dzongsar in the first month of the Water Sheep (1943) year, written out by Tashi Wangchuk.

grub chen thang stong rgyal po’i gsang spyod snyan brgyud kyo nyams len ngag ‘don bklag chog tu bkod pa grub dbang dgongs rgyan (347-379)

requested by Gelong Tsering Puntsok and written in Dzongsar

ma gcig gsang spyod snyan brgyud las gsung rdo rje longs sku’i khrid kyi mjug mthud (381-385)

ma gcig gsang spyod snyan brgyud las sher dbang dang ‘brel ba thugs rje chos sku’i khrid yig (387-402)

requested by Gelong Tsering Puntsok and Rike Chardalwa and written on the twenty-fifth of the eleventh month of the Wood Bird (1945)

ma gcig gsang spyod snyan brgyud las shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i khrid (403-412)

requested by Tsering Puntsok and written in the Wood Bird year (1945)

gsang spyod mkha’ ‘gro’i snyan brgyud kyi brgyud pa’i rnam thar kha skong (413-423)

requested by Khen Rinpoche Khechok Ngawang Lodrö and Dar Khenchen


[Volume begins with 18 pages of history (including a photo) written by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche at the request of Sherab Gyaltsen]

Gsang spyod mkha’ ‘gro snyan brgyud kyi gshin po rjes ‘dzin ngan song kun ‘joms (1-19)

[Requested by Lhaje Tsering Puntsok]

Dpal lcags zam pa’i bstan srung dbang po rnams kyi phrin las dngos grub gter mdzod (21-236)

[Requested by Rekhed Lama Rigdzin]

Rdo rje’i chos skyong srung mar gtor ma ‘bul ba’i cho ga las bzhi lhun grub (237-275)

[Requested by Tsewang Paljor]

Ye shes mgon po gdong bzhi pa’i srog gtad (277-302)

[Written in 7th month of Earth Dog (1958) in Darjeeling]

Ye shes mgon po phyag bzhi pa’i phrin las dngos grub ‘byung gter sogs (303-400)

[There are many practices. Some highlights:

Page 314—In the Fire Bird (1957) when visiting Bodh Gaya for the second time JKCL had a dream and wrote this

page 316—At the request of Dakini Tsering Chödrön, JKCL wrote this near the gönkhang of Pal Sakya

page 323—Requested by the boy Sogyal, Gönpo Tseten and the sölpön Tashi Namgyal and written near the Mahakala at Sakya

page 378—requested by Tsewang Paljor

Gnod sbyin gsol mchod hung ri rab sogs (401-402)


Rgyal dbang thams cad mkhyen gzigs ta la’i bla ma sku phreng bcu bzhi par zhabs brtan gsol ba dge legs shis pa’i dbyangs snyan (403-406)

Written in Dzongsar

Gtsang pan chen thams cad mkhyen par zhabs brtan du gsol ba bkra shis skye ba lnga pa’i sgra dbyangs (407-408)


Dpal sa skya pa phun tshogs pho brang gi bdag chen ngag dbang kun dga’ bsod nams kyi zhabs brtan bkra shis ‘khyil pa (409-410)

[requested by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, here called Rabsel Dawa]

Byams chen ta’i si tu padma’i ljags ldan sku phreng bzhi pa’i zhabs brtan padma’i dbyangs snyan (411-412)

[Requested by Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche]

Rdo rje slob dpon gdong sna mchog sprul rin po che’i zhabs brtan skye lnga’i sgra dbyangs (413-414)


Da ki’i sku tshe’i ‘phrang bzlog (415-416)

[Long Life Prayer for Khandro Requested by Parkö Chöpel]

‘thor nas sgrub tshul (417-418)


rtsa brgyud bla ma sogs (419-420)

Requested by Minyak Penshyapa

smon lam rdo rje’i rgya mdud zhal nas gsungs pa’i shis brjod le tshan brjod bcas (421-428)

[written in Mindroling?]

dpar byang smon tshig (429-431)


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