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|The human world. The world in which we are living.<br/>
|The human world. The world in which we are living.<br/>
Jambudvipa is a small part of the Saha World, the Buddha-Realm of Sakyamuni Buddha  
Jambudvipa is a small part of the Saha World, the Buddha-Realm of Sakyamuni Buddha  
| '''kalpa
| eon/aeon
|An inconceivably long period of time. <br/><br/>
A Great Kalpa (maha-kalpa) is divided into four parts:<br/>
period of world-dissolution;<br/>
period of chaos; <br/>
period of world-formation;<br/>
period of world-continuation<br/><br/>
A simile, used in a discourse of Buddha, is as follows:<br/>
'Suppose, O monks, there was a huge rock of one solid mass, one mile long, one mile wide, one mile high, without split or flaw. And at the end of every 100 years a man should come and rub against it with a silken cloth.<br/> Then that huge rock would wear off and disappear quicker than a Kalpa.'<br/>
Of such world-periods, according to Buddha, there have been many hundred thousands. In the Buddhist view of things, there is no limitation to the process of world-dissolution, chaos, world-formation and world-continuation, nor to the number of Buddhas who will appear in the course of this process."<br/><br/>
"The period required for a celestial woman to wear away a stone of ten cubic miles if she touched it with her garments once every three years." Of the three kinds of kalpa, that period is a small kalpa; Twenty small kalpas make a medium kalpa, and four medium kalpas make a large kalpa."<br/><br/>
A kalpa generally indicates the length of time between the creation and recreation of a world or universe, spanning the period of a world's formation, existence, destruction, and non-existence. There are different interpretations of measurement of a kalpa in Buddhism. It often simply denotes a very long period of time, similar to an aeon. There are small, medium, great, and incalculable kalpas.<br/><br/>
According to conventional reckoning, a small kalpa would be equivalent to 16.8 million years and a large or great kalpa 1,347 million.
| '''karma
| action;<br/>cause and effect
|Deeds, activity. Karma does not mean fate. It means the deeds which we create ourselves and the retributions which those deeds bring upon us.<br/><br/>
Action leading to future retribution or reward or future lifetimes.<br/><br/>
karma is action; it refers also to the fruits of action. It may be seen as the law of causation on a personal level, a combination of primary and secondary causes... every thought, utterance, and deed is a seed that ripens over time until, under suitable conditions, it comes to fruition as an event or circumstance. It is, moreover, a continuous process, for the way in which one responds to these circumstances determines the quality of his present life as well as future ones. Thus, the doctrine of karma repudiates any notion of 'fate' or 'fixed destiny,' inasmuch as these circumstances and our response to them are constantly changing... The Buddha said, "If you want to know the past (cause), look at your present (effect). If you want to know the future (effect), look at your present (cause)."<br/><br/>
Poverty and want, for example, are the results of miserly thoughts and actions in past lives. For a destitute person to cheat and steal in order to escape poverty and become wealthy is a classic case of creating more evil karma in the hope of escaping retribution.<br/>
How do we reconcile bad happenings occuring to good people with the law of karma? The general answer is that karma extends over many lifetimes, and therefore our present good deeds may attenuate the bad results of past misdeeds but not necessarily eliminate them completely
| '''Kasaya;<br/>Kashaya
| Kasaya;<br/>Kashaya
| The monk's robe, or cassock
| '''Koti
| ten million;<br/>ten billion;
| This word's pronunciation is Kaw-Tzee
| '''ksana<br/> kshana
| moment<br/> instant split<br/> second
|a measure of time. Equal to one seventy-fifth of a second.<br/><br/>
The shortest measure of time; sixty ksana equal one finger-snap, ninety a thought, 4,500 a minute.
| '''Maha
| great;<br/>big
| great, mighty, strong, abundant
| '''Mahayana
| Great Vehicle;<br/>Supreme Vehicle<br/> [[Bodhisattva]] Vehicle
| One of the two main traditions of Buddhism, the other being Theravada (Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana is a branch of Mahayana).<br/><br/>
Mahayana expounds Bodhisattva practice as the means towards enlightenment of both oneself and others.<br/><br/>
Arousing Bodhi-Heart, which means having the resolve to save and enlighten all living beings, is the doorstep of Mahayana,
| '''Mahasattva
| great [[Bodhisattva]];<br/> great being
| great Bodhisattva, who attain higher stages of fruition and enlightenment.
| '''
| '''

Revision as of 02:25, 23 May 2013

Sanskrit Translated to Explanation
Abhiseka Summit-Infusion;
Pouring holy energy into one's body through his head;

Sprinkling water on one's head;

Giving holy power to a person through his head;

A ceremony in esoteric Buddhism for conferring the precepts, a certain mystic teaching, etc., on a person.
Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi Supreme Perfect Enlightenment;
Supreme Correct Awakening
Anuttara means "unsurpassed;" samyak means "correct," and sambodhi means "enlightenment/awakening"
Arhat worthy of offerings;
deserves offerings
One of the fruitions of the path of cultivation. Arhats have attained the cessation of involuntary physical birth and death.
The word has three meanings:
(1) worthy of offerings, One of the ten epithets of Buddha
(2) killer of thieves--arhats have killed the thieves of afflictions and outflows
(3) free of birth.
Arya sage;
One who is out of transmigration.
incalculable A transliteration of the Sanskrit term, which means incalculable, a great number.
World honored one;
Blessed One;
Translation of the Sanskrit and Pali "bhagavat" and the Sanskrit "lokanatha", meaning "world-honored one." One of the ten epithets of Buddha.
Buddhist monk
monk, male member of the Buddhist sangha, who has left home, been fully ordained, and depends on alms for a living.
Buddhist nun
fully ordained Buddhist nun, female member of the Buddhist sangha.
Bhumi stage Stage of Bodhisattva practice.

There are ten Bhumis:
1) Joyance Stage
2) Free from defilement Stage
3) Emitting light Stage
4) Glowing wisdom Stage
5) Overcoming difficulties Stage
6) Facing reality Stage
7) Far-reaching Stage
8) Immovable Stage
9) Wondrous wisdom Stage
10) Dharma-cloud Stage

Bodhi enlightenment;
(1) The wisdom of the true awakening of the Buddha. Enlightenment. The function of correct wisdom. The situation of the disappearance of ignorance due to the functioning of awakened wisdom.

(2) The wisdom of perceiving the reality-nature.
(3) Sublime enlightenment. The expression of enlightened wisdom.
(4) An abbreviation of "Bodhi-Way-Place"(bodhi-manda), The place where the Buddha attained his enlightenment.

Resolve for Bodhi;
Resolve for enlightenment;
This is the doorstep of Mahayana, the key of becoming a Bodhisattva. It should never be forgotten in the entire process of Mahayana practices. The term "Bodhi-Heart" has three meanings:

1)The will to save and enlighten all living beings, inculding self;
2)By practising with the above will, one can understand the Bodhi-Heart of Absolute-Truth, that is, "I must liberate all living beings, but there is actually no living being at all", which is discussed in the famous "Diamond Sutra" and some other sutras.
3)Bodhi-Heart Samadhi. One muct enter this Samadhi to apperceive the Bodhi-Heart of Absolute-Truth.

Bodhi-manda Way-place;
site of enlightenment
(1) Literally, "site of enlightenment;" the place where enlightenment is achieved. This refers initially to the ground under the bodhi tree, where the Buddha was seated at the time of achieving his full enlightenment (bodhi-manda).

(2) A place where religious practice is carried out, or where the Buddha is worshipped. A place where the precepts are given

Bodhisattva Bodhisattva A Future Buddha who is a being destined to Buddhahood. "Bodhi" means Enlightenment and "Sattva" means Sentient and Conscious. Therefore Bodhisattva refers to the sentient being of or for the great wisdom and enlightenment.

Bodhisattva's vow/aim is the pursuit of Buddhahood and the salvation of others and of all. He seeks enlightenment to enlighten others. He will sacrifice himself to save the others. He is devoid of egoism and devoted to help the others. The way and discipline of Bodhisattva is to benefit the self and the others, leading to Buddhahood.

The great Bodhisattvas are called "Bodhisattva-Mahasattva".

Brahma-carya Brahma-lifestyle;
Pure practices;
Pure practices; The practices that involve the cutting off of desire, especially sexual desire.

People who keep a Brahma-lifestyle have no sexual behavior, just like the people in Brahma-Heaven.

Strictly speaking, "Brahma-practice" means no leak of sexual energy, that is, no sexual intercourse, no ejaculation, no spermatorrhea, no emmenia, etc.

Brahma-loka Brahma-Heaven;
Brahma God;
(1)Brahma-Heaven: The heaven in the realm of form(material), which is above the heavens of desire realm.

(2)Brahman: who lives in the Brahma-Heaven

People in Brahma-Heaven have overcome physical desires, especially, they have neither sexual desire nor sexual behavior.

The God of Brahman heaven is the ruler of our world.

Buddha-karya Buddha-work;
(1) The work that a Buddha does. To deliver the Buddha's teachings. The activity of saving living beings.

(2) Anything done after attaining enlightenment would be "Buddha-work."

Heart;Mind "Heart" in Sutras means not only the heart organ in everyone's body, but also the nine consciousnesses that, as a whole, contains the whole universe.

"Heart" is like an eight-petaled lotus flower, when it opens, one can experience the greatest joy (Dharma-Joy), brilliant light, refreshing energy, etc.

The way to open our hearts is to arouse Bodhi-Heart.

Deva God;
heavenly being;
Literally, "A shining one".

An inhabitant of the heavenly realms, which is characterized by long life, joyous surroundings and blissful states of mind. However, these states are impermanent, not eternal. Devas are still unenlightened, bound to Samsara and subject to Birth and Death. Many such beings have already been converted to Buddhism and become its protectors.

dharani total retention The mantra that completely retains the Buddhist teachings
Dharma Law When spelled this way (capitalized), refers to the Teachings of the Buddha. The Second Refuge of the Triple-Gem/Three Treasures/Triple Jewel
dharma thing;
When spelled this way (not capitalized), means roughly "phenomenon."
Dharma-cakra Dharma wheel;
Wheel of Law;
wheel of Dharma
The teachings of Buddhas.

The term translated as "wheel"--cakra, was a kind of weapon in ancient India. Therefore, the Dharma-cakra is a weapon that overcomes the mistaken belief of non-Buddhists

Dharma-dhatu Dharma-Realm;
realm of thought;
(1) The origin of all things.

The whole universe -- all phenomena are the manifestation of True-Thusness. This reality-realm, being true existence as-it-is, is equated to the reality-body (Dharma-Body) of the Buddha

(2) One of the 'eighteen realms', the objects of the Mind-Consciousness. Where things are thought of, therefore the meaning is equivalent to that of 'locus of mental objects'

(3) According to Avatamsaka school, there are four Dharma-Realms:
1 -- the realm of phenomena (universe/cosmos)
2 -- the realm of principle
3 -- the realm of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena
4 -- the realm of non-obstruction between phenomena

The Buddha's teaching. The gate of truth. The gate that enters into the truth. The gate to the enlightened state
durgati evil path;
evil rebirth;
evil destiny;
The existence a living being experiences as a result of evil activity in the present lifetime, which is characterized by delusion and suffering.

Refers to the three evil destinies of hell-being, hungry ghost, and animal.

Ganga-nad-valuka Ganges river sands as numerous as the sands of the Ganges; Numberless, uncountable
Jambudvipa Southern continent;
the human world;
the earth;
this planet
The human world. The world in which we are living.

Jambudvipa is a small part of the Saha World, the Buddha-Realm of Sakyamuni Buddha

kalpa eon/aeon An inconceivably long period of time.

A Great Kalpa (maha-kalpa) is divided into four parts:
period of world-dissolution;
period of chaos;
period of world-formation;
period of world-continuation

A simile, used in a discourse of Buddha, is as follows:
'Suppose, O monks, there was a huge rock of one solid mass, one mile long, one mile wide, one mile high, without split or flaw. And at the end of every 100 years a man should come and rub against it with a silken cloth.
Then that huge rock would wear off and disappear quicker than a Kalpa.'
Of such world-periods, according to Buddha, there have been many hundred thousands. In the Buddhist view of things, there is no limitation to the process of world-dissolution, chaos, world-formation and world-continuation, nor to the number of Buddhas who will appear in the course of this process."

"The period required for a celestial woman to wear away a stone of ten cubic miles if she touched it with her garments once every three years." Of the three kinds of kalpa, that period is a small kalpa; Twenty small kalpas make a medium kalpa, and four medium kalpas make a large kalpa."

A kalpa generally indicates the length of time between the creation and recreation of a world or universe, spanning the period of a world's formation, existence, destruction, and non-existence. There are different interpretations of measurement of a kalpa in Buddhism. It often simply denotes a very long period of time, similar to an aeon. There are small, medium, great, and incalculable kalpas.

According to conventional reckoning, a small kalpa would be equivalent to 16.8 million years and a large or great kalpa 1,347 million.

karma action;
cause and effect
Deeds, activity. Karma does not mean fate. It means the deeds which we create ourselves and the retributions which those deeds bring upon us.

Action leading to future retribution or reward or future lifetimes.

karma is action; it refers also to the fruits of action. It may be seen as the law of causation on a personal level, a combination of primary and secondary causes... every thought, utterance, and deed is a seed that ripens over time until, under suitable conditions, it comes to fruition as an event or circumstance. It is, moreover, a continuous process, for the way in which one responds to these circumstances determines the quality of his present life as well as future ones. Thus, the doctrine of karma repudiates any notion of 'fate' or 'fixed destiny,' inasmuch as these circumstances and our response to them are constantly changing... The Buddha said, "If you want to know the past (cause), look at your present (effect). If you want to know the future (effect), look at your present (cause)."

Poverty and want, for example, are the results of miserly thoughts and actions in past lives. For a destitute person to cheat and steal in order to escape poverty and become wealthy is a classic case of creating more evil karma in the hope of escaping retribution.
How do we reconcile bad happenings occuring to good people with the law of karma? The general answer is that karma extends over many lifetimes, and therefore our present good deeds may attenuate the bad results of past misdeeds but not necessarily eliminate them completely

The monk's robe, or cassock
Koti ten million;
ten billion;
This word's pronunciation is Kaw-Tzee
instant split
a measure of time. Equal to one seventy-fifth of a second.

The shortest measure of time; sixty ksana equal one finger-snap, ninety a thought, 4,500 a minute.

Maha great;
great, mighty, strong, abundant
Mahayana Great Vehicle;
Supreme Vehicle
Bodhisattva Vehicle
One of the two main traditions of Buddhism, the other being Theravada (Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana is a branch of Mahayana).

Mahayana expounds Bodhisattva practice as the means towards enlightenment of both oneself and others.

Arousing Bodhi-Heart, which means having the resolve to save and enlighten all living beings, is the doorstep of Mahayana,

Mahasattva great Bodhisattva;
great being
great Bodhisattva, who attain higher stages of fruition and enlightenment.