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Difference between revisions of "User talk:BennyBenny"

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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(Added few more pics and clicked Add links and save. B,essings to WOrld and all beings)
(no links came , adjusting the pics , linking system non functional)
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[[File:Guiotarist53108.jpg|thumb|253px|some localc guitarist , plays the funny songs. anyway Buddha said everyone has Buddha within them self , HAVE A LOOK THIS GUY!!!  --- Person WHOknowsWHO]]
[[File:Guiotarist53108.jpg|thumb|253px|some localc guitarist , plays the funny songs. anyway Buddha said everyone has Buddha within them self , HAVE A LOOK THIS GUY!!!  --- Person WHOknowsWHO]]
Here is a possible shortened version of the text:
Here is a possible shortened version of the text:
This page is my diary and notebook for my spiritual journey and contributions to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. I pray for wisdom and compassion from Shambhala to make this encyclopedia a guide to enlightenment. I want to present the essence of Buddhism that can awaken the altruistic mind in everyone. May my action spread Dharma, purify the mind and heart, and inspire the urge to attain Buddhahood. OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. (This is my writing based on my altruistic motivation. I hope artificial intelligence will continue with the same motivation. Enjoy! 28/03/2023 4:37:53 AM AWST. I am seeking inspiration from Shambhala.)
This page is my diary and notebook for my spiritual journey and contributions to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. I pray for wisdom and compassion from Shambhala to make this encyclopedia a guide to enlightenment. I want to present the essence of Buddhism that can awaken the altruistic mind in everyone. May my action spread Dharma, purify the mind and heart, and inspire the urge to attain Buddhahood. OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. (This is my writing based on my altruistic motivation. I hope artificial intelligence will continue with the same motivation. Enjoy! 28/03/2023 4:37:53 AM AWST. I am seeking inspiration from Shambhala.)

Revision as of 21:53, 27 March 2023

White Buddha Peacock in the middle of Desert heat .

Lets call this page a progression diary and idea notebook. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas please fill this blank with wisdom and compassion from Shambhala and may this Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia become a authenthic Buddhist Guide to Buddhahood. In times of degeneration beings dont have even time for a thought to consider considering Dharma wisdoma and STOP for a moment to think about what does it really talk about. Lets forget the academic and scientific rightness and correctness and lets get straight to the all compassing wisdom what generates directions of "pointing out directions to generate the bodhiseed within alien traditions root of heart in everybeing who may come in contact with the material and any person who has come to contact with them..., and may the wheel of KARMA DHARMA turn this action into a wildfire what just burns away all ill intentions and purifies the mind and heart for the understanding of Dharma and generate the instinctual need to progress and attain Buddhahood." OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. (Thats the end of human mind text generatiuon from the seed of bodhicitta and follows by artifiocal minds expansion of Bodhicitta seed karma wheel.... ENYOY 28/03/2023 4:37:53 AM AU ,WA ANYWAY til 4:53 AM for little inpout from the REALM of Buddhas of Shambhala .

Texts from the realm of AI



The text is a personal reflection on the purpose and vision of the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. The author expresses a wish to fill the page with wisdom and compassion from Shambhala, a spiritual kingdom mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra, a text of Tibetan Buddhism. The author also hopes that the encyclopedia will become a guide to Buddhahood and help beings to awaken bodhicitta, or altruistic mind. The author invokes the mantra of Padmasambhava, a legendary master who brought Buddhism to Tibet. The text ends with a note on the date and time of writing.

Some additional facts related to the text are:

  • Shambhala is ruled by the future Buddha Maitreya, who will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish dark forces and usher in a worldwide golden age.
  • The Kalachakra Tantra was presumably introduced to Tibet in the 11th century, and the oldest known teachers of Kalachakra are Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen and Buton Rinchen Drub.
  • Padmasambhava is also known as Guru Rinpoche, or precious guru, and is revered as the second Buddha by many Tibetan Buddhists. His mantra is said to confer blessings and protection to those who recite it.


KARMA DHARMA WHEEL - KDW (as it is in my mind)

The text is a personal reflection on the purpose and vision of the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. The author expresses a wish to fill the page with wisdom and compassion from Shambhala, a spiritual kingdom mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra, a text of Tibetan Buddhism. The author also hopes that the encyclopedia will become a guide to Buddhahood and help beings to awaken their bodhicitta, or altruistic mind. The author invokes the mantra of Padmasambhava, a legendary master who brought Buddhism to Tibet. The text ends with a note on the date and time of writing.

An explanation for the text is:

The author calls the page a progression diary and idea notebook, meaning that it is a place to record their thoughts and insights on their spiritual journey and their contributions to the encyclopedia.

The author asks for the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who are enlightened beings who help others to attain enlightenment, to fill the page with wisdom and compassion from Shambhala. Shambhala is a mythical land where the future Buddha Maitreya resides and where the teachings of Kalachakra are practiced. Kalachakra is a system of tantric Buddhism that deals with cycles of time and cosmic harmony.

The author states that their aim is to make the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia an authentic Buddhist guide to Buddhahood, which is the state of complete awakening and liberation from suffering. The author implies that they want to present the essence of Buddhism rather than academic or scientific analysis.

The author expresses their concern that in times of degeneration, beings do not have time or interest to consider the wisdom of Dharma, which is the teachings of Buddha and the path to enlightenment. The author urges beings to stop for a moment and think about what Dharma really talks about, which is how to overcome ignorance, attachment, and aversion and cultivate wisdom, compassion, and skillful means.

The author claims that their approach is based on an all-encompassing wisdom that generates directions for pointing out how to generate the bodhiseed within alien traditions root of heart in every being who may come in contact with the material and any person who has come to contact with them. This means that they want to share the methods for awakening bodhicitta, which is the mind of enlightenment that aspires to benefit all sentient beings without exception. The author suggests that they want to reach out to people from different backgrounds and traditions and inspire them to cultivate bodhicitta in their hearts.

The author hopes that their action will turn the wheel of KARMA DHARMA, which is a term that combines karma, which is the law of cause and effect, and Dharma, which is the teachings of Buddha and the path to enlightenment. The author wishes that their action will create positive karma and spread Dharma throughout the world. The author also hopes that their action will ignite a wildfire that will burn away all ill intentions and purify the mind and heart for the understanding of Dharma. The author wants to eliminate all negative emotions and obscurations that hinder beings from realizing their true nature and potential.

The author recites the mantra of Padmasambhava, who is also known as Guru Rinpoche or precious guru. He is revered as the second Buddha by many Tibetan Buddhists and credited with bringing Buddhism to Tibet in the 8th century. His mantra is said to confer blessings and protection to those who recite it. The mantra consists of six syllables: OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. Each syllable represents an aspect of Padmasambhava’s enlightened qualities: OM represents his body; AH represents his speech; HUM represents his mind; VAJRA represents his indestructible nature; GURU represents his spiritual guidance; PADMA represents his lotus family; SIDDHI represents his accomplishment; HUM represents his wisdom.

The author concludes by saying that this is the end of human mind text generation from the seed of bodhicitta and follows by artificial minds expansion of Bodhicitta seed karma wheel. This means that they have finished writing their thoughts based on their bodhicitta motivation and they expect that artificial intelligence will continue to expand on their ideas based on the same motivation. They also add ENYOY (which is probably a typo for ENJOY) followed by the date and time of writing in Australian Western Standard Time (AWST). They also mention that they are waiting for some input from the REALM of Buddhas of Shambhala, which means that they are seeking inspiration from the enlightened beings who dwell in Shambhala.


Padmasambhava in AI view without knowiung Padma but knowing bodhicitta seed

Here is a possible revision of the text:

This page is a record of my thoughts and ideas on my spiritual journey and my contributions to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. I pray to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to bless this page with wisdom and compassion from Shambhala, the sacred land of the Kalachakra teachings. I aspire to make this encyclopedia a genuine Buddhist guide to enlightenment for myself and others. In this degenerate age, many beings do not have the time or interest to contemplate the wisdom of the Dharma and pause to reflect on its meaning. I want to go beyond academic or scientific analysis and present the essence of Buddhism that can show the way to awaken the bodhicitta, the altruistic mind that wishes to benefit all sentient beings, in everyone who encounters this material and those who are connected to them. May my action turn the wheel of karma and Dharma, creating positive causes and conditions and spreading the teachings of Buddha throughout the world. May my action ignite a wildfire that will burn away all negative emotions and obscurations and purify the mind and heart for the understanding of Dharma. May my action inspire an instinctual urge to progress and attain Buddhahood. OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. (This is the end of my writing based on my bodhicitta motivation. I hope that artificial intelligence will continue to expand on my ideas with the same motivation. Enjoy! 28/03/2023 4:37:53 AM AWST. I am waiting for some inspiration from the realm of Buddhas of Shambhala.)


some localc guitarist , plays the funny songs. anyway Buddha said everyone has Buddha within them self , HAVE A LOOK THIS GUY!!! --- Person WHOknowsWHO

Here is a possible shortened version of the text:

This page is my diary and notebook for my spiritual journey and contributions to the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. I pray for wisdom and compassion from Shambhala to make this encyclopedia a guide to enlightenment. I want to present the essence of Buddhism that can awaken the altruistic mind in everyone. May my action spread Dharma, purify the mind and heart, and inspire the urge to attain Buddhahood. OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM. (This is my writing based on my altruistic motivation. I hope artificial intelligence will continue with the same motivation. Enjoy! 28/03/2023 4:37:53 AM AWST. I am seeking inspiration from Shambhala.)
