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#REDIRECT [[Lung (Tibetan Buddhism)]]
{{Wiki|Lung}} (Standard [[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|[[རླུང]]}} [[rlung]]) means [[wind]] or [[breath]]. It is a key {{Wiki|concept}} in the [[Vajrayana]] [[traditions]] of [[Tibetan Buddhism]] and has a variety of meanings. {{Wiki|Lung}} is a {{Wiki|concept}} that's particularly important to understandings of the [[subtle body]] and the [[Three Vajras]] ([[body]], [[speech]] and [[mind]]). [[Tibetan medicine]] practitioner Dr Tamdin Sither Bradley provides a summary:
[[File:Lank OK.jpg|thumb|250px|]]
    The general description of [[rLung]] is that it is a [[subtle flow of energy]] and out of the [[five elements]] ([[air]], [[fire]], [[water]], [[earth]] and [[space]]) it is most closely connected with [[air]]. However it is not simply the [[air]] which we breathe or the [[wind]] in our stomachs, it goes much deeper than that. [[rLung]] is like a [[horse]] and the [[mind]] is the rider, if there is something wrong with the [[horse]] the rider will not be able to ride properly. Its description is that it is rough, [[light]], cool, thin, hard, movable. The general [[function]] of [[rLung]] is to help growth, {{Wiki|movement}} of the [[body]], exhalation and inhalation and to aid the [[function]] of [[mind]], [[speech]] and [[body]]. [[rLung]] helps to separate in our stomachs what we eat into nutrients and waste products. However its most important [[function]] is to carry the movements of [[mind]], [[speech]] and <br/>[[body]]. The {{Wiki|nature}} of [[rLung]] is both [[hot]] and cold.
[[File:The second bardo.jpg|thumb|250px|]]
Some of the different usages of the term [[lung]] include:
    the [[psychic winds]] ([[sanskrit]]: [[prana]]) that travel in the [[internal channels]], or [[nadi]] ([[Sanskrit]]) of the [[subtle body]] and are manipulated in certain [[Vajrayana]] [[yoga]] practices.
    specifically the [[five psychic winds]] that are a [[manifestation]] of the [[Mahabhuta]]. These five are the [[lifeforce]] that animate the [[body-mind]] ([[Sanskrit]]: [[namarupa]]) of all [[sentient beings]] and are key to certain [[tantric]] [[Buddhist]] and [[Bon]] [[sadhanas]] and [[Traditional Tibetan medicine]].
    to the [[vayu]] and [[prana]] of {{Wiki|ayurvedic}} [[medicine]].
    as a component of the term for a type of [[prayer flag]], named after the {{Wiki|allegorical}} [[Wind Horse]] ([[Tibet]]: [[lung ta]]).
    a type of [[tantric buddhist]] [[empowerment]] that involves the transference of [[spiritual]] power from [[master]] to augment or refine that of the [[disciple]] through the recitation of [[scripture]] or song. This oracular [[transmission]] received aurally defines [[Mantrayana]] and [[Ngagpa]] [[traditions]] and provides them with their nomenclature.
    the "reading [[transmission]]" of [[sutrayana]] texts, in which the entirety of the text is read aloud from [[teacher]] to student.
[[Tibetan Medicine]]
[[Tibetan medicine]], a [[discipline]] practiced throughout the [[Himalayan]] region, identifies a system of 'The [[Five Lung]]' which help to regulate the [[human]] [[body]]:
    '[[Life-grasping lung]]' (Tibetan:Srog '[[dzin rlung]]' alt.: [[Strog Zin]]) is located in the {{Wiki|brain}}. This {{Wiki|lung}} regulates swallowing, inhalation, spitting, eructation, sneezing, and generally clearing the [[senses]] and steadying of the [[mind]] and [[concentration]].
    '[[Upward moving lung]]' ([[Tibetan]]:[[Gyen-rgyu rlung]]) is located in the {{Wiki|chest}} and thorax. This [[lung]] regulates [[speech]], [[energy]] to work, [[body]] weight, [[memory]], the {{Wiki|increase}} of [[bodily]] [[vigor]] and health, complexion and the {{Wiki|skin}} lustre, [[mental]] endeavour and [[diligence]].
    '[[All pervading lung]]' ([[Tibetan]]:[[Khyab-byed rlung]]) is located is in the [[heart]]. This [[lung]] regulates lifting, walking, stretching and the contraction of muscles: opening and closing of the {{Wiki|mouth}}, eyelids, anus etc.
    '[[Fire accompanying lung]]' ([[Tibetan]]:[[Me-mnyam rlung]]') is located is in the stomach and {{Wiki|abdomen}} area. This {{Wiki|lung}} regulates digestion and the metabolism. This [[lung]] also ripens the [[Seven Bodily Sustainers]] ([[Tibetan]]: [[lus-zung dhun]]).
    '[[Downward cleansing lung]]' ([[Tibetan]]:[[Thur-sel rlung]]) is located in the rectum, bowels and perineal region and its [[function]] is to expel faeces, {{Wiki|urine}}, semen, menstruation, uterine contractions and the foetus.
[[Subtle Body]]
[[Tibetan Buddhism]] [[views]] the [[human]] [[body]] as consisting of a coarse [[body]] made of [[six constituent elements]] of [[earth]], [[water]], [[fire]], [[wind]], [[space]] and [[consciousness]] and also of a [[subtle bod]]y, or '[[Vajra body]]', of [[energy-winds]], [[energy-channels]] and [[energy-drops]]. There are many types of [[wind]] or '[[subtle breath]]' that move along the {{Wiki|invisible}} channels of the [[subtle body]]. The '[[vital breath]]' ([[Tibetan]]:[[sog lung]] ) is considered the most important. It is "the [[essence]] of [[life]] itself that animates and sustains all [[living beings]]". [[Anuttarayoga Tantra]] practices from the [[Mahamudra]] [[meditation]] system, such as [[Guhyasamaja]], [[Chakrasamvara]] and [[Hevajra]], provide various methods to penetrate the [[vital]] points of the [[Subtle Body]]. [[Dalai Lama XIV]] summarises the practice: "To penetrate these points means to [[gather]] there the [[energy-winds]] and the [[subtle minds]] that ride on them, basically by means of different types of [[absorbed concentration]] focused on these spots.". Practices that work with the [[subtle energy winds]] includes [[tummo]] or '[[Inner Fire]]', one of the [[Six Yogas of Naropa]]. In this practice, the [[yogin]] or [[yogini]] uses {{Wiki|breathing}} and [[meditation]] techniques to draw the [[lung]] or [[subtle winds]] into the [[central channel]] and hold them there, traversing the [[body]] vertically.
[[Tsa Lung]]
[[Tsa Lung]] (Skt: [[nadi-vayu]]; Tib. [[rtsa rlung]]; where "[[rtsa]]" denotes an [[energetic channel]]) are special [[yogic]] exercises. The exercises are used in the [[Tibetan]] [[Bon]] [[tradition]] and the four main [[schools of Tibetan Buddhism]]. [[Tsa lung Trul khor]] employs the [[tsa lung]] and they constitute the internal [[yantra]] or [[sacred]] architecture of this [[yoga's]] alternate nomenclature, [[yantra yoga]]. [[Tsa lung]] are also employed in [[Kye-rim]].
The exercises are used:
    to open major [[chakras]] and
    to bring the {{Wiki|lung}} from the side [[channels]] into the [[central channel]].
That coincides with [[mind]] releasing [[dualistic]] misperceptions and abiding in [[non-dual]] [[awareness]] of [[rigpa]] (Tib. [[rig pa]]). Detailed instructions on the exercises describe 3 levels of [[rtsa rlung]]: external, internal and secret.
Each level contains 5 exercises corresponding to [[five elements]].
Dr [[Arya]] (2006) defines "Tsa" in [[relation]] to [[shunyata]], zero, bodymind and [[bindu]]:
    [[Tsa]], '[[channel]]' means hollow tube where {{Wiki|blood}}, [[wind]] and [[consciousness]] can pass freely, for example [[body]] cavities such as {{Wiki|blood}} vessels, the {{Wiki|mouth}} and hollow organs. Tsa is a [[symbol]] of [[space]], and it gives [[space]] to the [[consciousness]] and other components of [[body]]/[[mind]] to [[manifest]] themselves under [[transcendental]] and [[dualistic]] [[forms]] and colors. It is like a house for the [[consciousness]]. The [[space]] is limitless and [[boundless]] therefore its [[symbolic]] sign is the zero. Everything [[manifests]] from this zero or [[space]] and also dissolves into it. For example, in {{Wiki|mathematics}}, the zero keeps the first [[space]] for no. 1, which goes until 9 and returns back to the zero. It shows that all [[phenomena]] [[existence]] have the same [[space]] origin and ends at the same place. In fact, there is [[nothing]] which comes or goes to that state. Therefore [[Buddhism]], as a [[symbolic]] [[language]], calls [[Shunyata]] ([[voidness]]) what draws round zero. The [[space]] is a [[Thikle]] (round) in [[Tibetan]], and [[Bindu]] in [[Sanskrit]]. It is the [[cause]] of the {{Wiki|particle}} as well as the [[unlimited]] [[space]] {{Wiki|nature}}. It is the base for everything and the [[innate nature]] of [[emptiness]]. This is called [[space]] particles as well as [[symbol]] of the [[body]] [[channels]].
[[Category:Tibetan medicine]]

Revision as of 10:28, 27 October 2013