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Have a look:
At that [[time]] [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] said to the [[Buddha]], “[[World Honored One]], because I receive the awesome [[spiritual]] strength of the [[Buddha]], [[Thus Come One]], I am able to divide my [[body]] and rescue [[beings]] who are undergoing [[karmic]] retributions everywhere in billions of [[worlds]]. If it were not for the great [[compassionate]] strength of the [[Thus Come One]], I would be unable to [[manifest]] such changes and transformations. Now the [[World Honored One]] has entrusted me with rescuing and liberating [[beings]] in the Six [[Paths]] until [[Ajita]] becomes a [[Buddha]]. I accept the entrustment, [[World Honored One]]. Please have no further [[concern]].”
* [[The Earth Store Sutra: Chapter IV: Karmic Retributions of Beings in Jambudvipa]]
* [[The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva with Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua#Chapter 4: Karmic Retributions of Beings in Jambudvipa]]
Then the [[Buddha]] told [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]], “[[Beings]] who have not yet obtained [[liberation]] have unfixed natures and [[consciousnesses]]. Their bad [[habits]] reap bad [[karma]]; their good [[habits]] bring rewards. Reacting to situations by committing good or [[evil]] [[deeds]] [[causes]] them to turn in the [[Five Paths]] without a moment’s rest. Throughout eons as numerous as dust motes they remain confused, deluded, obstructed, and afflicted by difficulties. They are like {{Wiki|fish}} swimming through waters laced with nets. They may slip through and keep their freedom temporarily, but sooner or later they will be caught. I am concerned about such [[beings]]. But since you keep making extensive [[vows]] repeatedly throughout successive eons to take such offenders across, what further worries need I have?”
After that was said, a [[Bodhisattva]] [[Mahasattva]] in the assembly named [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]] said to the [[Buddha]], “[[World Honored One]], what [[vows]] has [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] made during so many successive eons that now [[cause]] him to receive the [[World]] Honored One’s special praise? We {{Wiki|hope}} the [[World Honored One]] will tell us about this.”
Then the [[World Honored One]] replied to [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]], “Listen attentively, listen attentively, and reflect well on the examples I am about to give you. One [[time]], limitless [[asamkhyeyas]] of [[nayutas]] of inexpressible eons ago, a [[Buddha]] named All-Knowledge-Accomplished [[Thus Come One]], One [[Worthy]] of [[Offerings]], One of Proper and Pervasive [[Knowledge]], One Perfect in Clarity and Conduct, Well-Gone One, [[Unsurpassed]] Knight Who [[Understands]] the [[World]], Taming and Subduing [[Hero]], [[Teacher]] of [[Gods]] and [[People]], [[Buddha]], [[World Honored One]], appeared in the [[world]]. That [[Buddha’s]] [[life]] span was sixty thousand eons. Before he became a [[monk]], he was the [[king]] of a small country and was friendly with the [[king]] of a neighboring country. Both [[kings]] practiced the Ten [[Wholesome]] [[Deeds]] and benefited [[beings]]. Because the citizens of those two neighboring countries did many bad things, the two [[kings]] made a plan using far-reaching expedients. One [[king]] [[vowed]] to quickly become a [[Buddha]] and then rescue absolutely all the other [[beings]].
“The other [[king]] [[vowed]], ‘I do not want to become a [[Buddha]] until I first rescue all those who are [[suffering]] for their offenses, enabling them to find [[peace]] and finally to reach [[Bodhi]].’”
The [[Buddha]] told the [[Bodhisattva]] [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]], “The [[king]] who [[vowed]] to quickly become a [[Buddha]] is All-Knowledge-Accomplished [[Thus Come One]]. The [[king]] who [[vowed]] to keep saving [[beings]] who are [[suffering]] for their offenses rather than become a [[Buddha]] is [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]].
“Another [[time]], limitless [[asamkhyeya]] eons ago, a [[Buddha]] named Pure-Lotus-Eyes [[Thus Come One]] appeared in the [[world]]. His [[life]] span was forty eons. In his Dharma-Image Age, an [[Arhat]] who had accumulated [[blessings]] from rescuing [[beings]] met a woman named Bright [[Eyes]], who [[offered]] a meal to him once while he was [[teaching]] and [[transforming]] [[beings]].
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“‘What is your wish?’ asked the [[Arhat]].
“Bright [[Eyes]] replied, ‘On the day of my mother’s [[death]] I performed [[meritorious]] [[deeds]] to rescue her, but I do not know where my mother is now.’
“Sympathizing with her, the [[Arhat]] entered [[samadhi]] to [[contemplate]] and saw that Bright [[Eyes]]’ mother had fallen into a bad [[destiny]] where she was undergoing extreme [[suffering]]. The [[Arhat]] asked, ‘Bright [[Eyes]], what [[unwholesome]] [[karma]] did your mother create while alive that makes her now have to undergo such terrible [[suffering]] in a bad [[destiny]]?’
“Bright [[Eyes]] replied, ‘My mother enjoyed eating {{Wiki|fish}}, turtles, and other sea creatures. She especially liked to fry or broil {{Wiki|fish}} and [[turtle]] eggs. Every [[time]] she ate those she took thousands of [[lives]]. Oh, [[Venerable One]], please be [[compassionate]] and tell me how she can be saved!’
“The [[Arhat]] took [[pity]] on Bright [[Eyes]] and used his [[skillful means]]. He urged Bright [[Eyes]] thus, ‘With sincere resolve, be [[mindful]] of Pure-Lotus-Eyes [[Thus Come One]] and also make carved and painted images of him. When you do so, both the living and the [[dead]] will be rewarded.’
“Bright [[Eyes]] heard that, quickly renounced everything she loved, and swiftly commissioned painted images of the [[Buddha]]. Then she made [[offerings]] before them. The reverence she felt moved her to {{Wiki|tears}} and she wept in [[grief]] as she beheld and [[bowed]] to the [[Buddha]]. Suddenly near the end of the night, in a [[dream]], she saw that [[Buddha’s]] [[body]], dazzling {{Wiki|gold}} in {{Wiki|color}} and as large as [[Mount Sumeru]], emitting great light.
“He said to Bright [[Eyes]], ‘Your mother will be born in your household before long and as soon as that {{Wiki|infant}} can [[feel]] hunger and cold, he will speak.’
“Shortly thereafter, a maidservant in the house bore a son who spoke before he was three days old. Lowering his head and weeping, he said to Bright [[Eyes]], ‘The [[karmic]] [[conditions]] we create during our [[lives]] and [[deaths]] result in retributions that we ourselves must undergo. I am your mother and have been in {{Wiki|darkness}} for a long [[time]]. Since you and I parted, I have repeatedly fallen into the great [[hells]]. Upon receiving the power of your [[blessings]], I have been [[reborn]] as a servant’s child with a short [[life]] span. Thirteen years from now, I will fall into the [[evil paths]] again. Do you have some way to free me so that I can avoid them?’
“When Bright [[Eyes]] heard those words, she knew without a [[doubt]] that they were her mother’s. Choked with sobs, she said to the servant’s child, ‘Since you were my mother, you should know your own {{Wiki|past}} offenses. What [[unwholesome]] [[karma]] did you create that made you fall into the [[Evil Paths]]?’
“The maidservant’s son answered, ‘I am undergoing retribution for two kinds of [[karma]]: killing and slandering. Had I not received the [[blessings]] you earned to rescue me from difficulty, I would not yet be released from that [[karma]].’
“Bright [[Eyes]] asked, ‘What happens in the [[hells]] when [[beings]] undergo retribution for their offenses?
’“The maidservant’s son answered, ‘I can’t bear to speak of the ways in which [[beings]] [[suffer]] for their offenses. Even if I were to live for a hundred thousand years, I would find it hard to talk about.“
“When Bright [[Eyes]] heard that, she wept [[bitterly]] and spoke into the [[air]], saying, ‘I [[vow]] that my mother will be released from the [[hells]] forever. At the end of these thirteen years, she will be done with her heavy offenses and will not go back to the [[Evil Paths]]. O [[Buddhas of the Ten Directions]], with your [[compassion]] and [[sympathy]], please listen to the vast and mighty [[vow]] that I am making for the sake of my mother. If my mother never again enters the [[Three Evil Paths]], is never again born into low stations, and will never again be {{Wiki|female}}, then here before the image of Pure-Lotus-Eyes [[Thus Come One]], I [[vow]] that from this day on, throughout millions of billions of eons I will respond to all [[beings]] who are undergoing [[suffering]] for their offenses in the [[hells]] or the [[Three Evil Paths]] of any [[world]]. I [[vow]] to rescue them from the bad destinies of the [[hells]], [[hungry ghosts]], [[animals]], and the like. Only after [[beings]] with such retributions have all become [[Buddhas]] will I myself achieve Proper [[Enlightenment]].’
“After making that [[vow]], she clearly heard Pure-Lotus-Eyes [[Thus Come One]] say to her, ‘Bright [[Eyes]], your own [[great compassion]] and [[sympathy]] will reach your mother through this mighty [[vow]] that you are making. My contemplation shows me that after thirteen years your mother will be done with this retribution and will be born as a [[Brahman]] with a [[life]] span of one hundred years. After that retribution, she will be born in the Land of No [[Concern]] with a [[life]] span of uncountable eons. Later she will realize the [[fruition]] of [[Buddhahood]] and save [[people]] and [[gods]] as numerous as sand grains in the [[Ganges]].’”
[[Shakyamuni Buddha]] told [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]], “The [[Arhat]] whose [[blessings]] helped Bright [[Eyes]] then is now Inexhaustible [[Intention]] [[Bodhisattva]]. The mother of Bright [[Eyes]] is now [[Liberation]] [[Bodhisattva]]. Bright [[Eyes]] herself is now [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]]. He has been extending his [[compassion]] and [[sympathy]] like that from distant eons onward by [[making vows]] as many as [[Ganges]]’ sands to rescue vast numbers of [[beings]].
“Men and women in the {{Wiki|future}} may fail to do [[good deeds]] and only do [[evil]]; may not believe in [[cause and effect]]; may indulge in {{Wiki|sexual}} misconduct and false [[speech]]; may use divisive and harsh [[speech]]; and may [[slander]] the [[Great Vehicle]]. [[Beings]] with [[karma]] like that should certainly fall into bad destinies. But if they encounter Good and [[Wise]] Advisors who exhort them and lead them to quickly [[take refuge]] with [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]], then those [[beings]] will just as quickly be released from their retributions in the [[Three Evil Paths]]. If those [[beings]] are determined and respectful, if they behold, [[bow]] to, and praise the [[Bodhisattva]], and if they make [[offerings]] of [[flowers]], [[incense]], clothing, [[jewels]], [[food]], and drink to him, they will enjoy supremely wonderful [[bliss]] in the [[heavens]] for millions of billions of eons. When their [[blessings]] in the [[heavens]] end and they are born as [[people]], throughout hundreds of thousands of eons they will have the potential to be national leaders able to remember all aspects of [[causes]] and effects from previous [[lives]]. O [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]], [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] has such inconceivably great awesome [[spiritual]] power that he uses expansively for the [[benefit]] of [[beings]]. All of you [[Bodhisattvas]] should remember this [[sutra]], and proclaim and spread it far and wide.”
[[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]] [[Bodhisattva]] said to the [[Buddha]], “[[World Honored One]], please do not be concerned. We thousands of billions of [[Bodhisattvas]] [[Mahasattvas]], based on the [[Buddha’s]] awesome [[spiritual]] strength, will certainly proclaim this [[sutra]] widely throughout [[Jambudvipa]] for the [[benefit]] of [[beings]].”
Having spoken thus to the [[World Honored One]], [[Samadhi]] Self-Mastery [[King]] [[Bodhisattva]] put his palms together respectfully, [[bowed]], and withdrew.
At that [[time]] the [[Four Heavenly Kings]] rose from their seats, put their palms together respectfully, and said to the [[Buddha]], “[[World Honored One]], [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] has been making such great [[vows]] from distant eons {{Wiki|past}} until now. Why is it that even now he has not yet finished taking [[beings]] across? Why does he continue to renew his vast and mighty [[vows]]? Please, [[World Honored One]], explain that for us.”
The [[Buddha]] told the [[Four Heavenly Kings]], “{{Wiki|Excellent}}, {{Wiki|excellent}}. Now, to [[benefit]] you and to extend that [[benefit]] to [[people]] and [[gods]] of the {{Wiki|present}} and {{Wiki|future}}, I will speak about how [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] out of [[compassion]] and [[pity]] uses expedient devices, within the [[paths]] of [[birth]] and [[death]] in [[Jambudvipa]] in the [[Saha world]] to rescue, take across, and {{Wiki|liberate}} [[beings]] who are undergoing [[suffering]] for their offenses.”
The [[Four Heavenly Kings]] replied, “Please, [[World Honored One]], we would like to hear about his work.”
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The [[Buddha]] told the [[Four Heavenly Kings]], “From distant eons {{Wiki|past}} up to the {{Wiki|present}}, [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] has been rescuing and liberating [[beings]]. Since his [[vows]] are still not fulfilled, he continues with [[compassion]] and [[sympathy]] to help [[beings]] [[suffering]] for their offenses in this [[world]]. Moreover, he sees the ceaseless tangle of their [[causes]] extending on through [[infinite]] {{Wiki|future}} eons. Because of that he renews his [[vows]]. Thus, in this [[Saha world]], on the continent of [[Jambudvipa]], this [[Bodhisattva]] teaches and transforms [[beings]] by means of millions of billions of expedient devices.
“O [[Four Heavenly Kings]]! To killers, [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] says that short [[life]] spans will be the retribution. To robbers, he says that {{Wiki|poverty}} and acute [[suffering]] will be the retribution. To those who indulge in improper {{Wiki|sex}}, he says that [[rebirth]] as pigeons or as mandarin drakes or ducks will be the retribution. To those who use harsh [[speech]], he says that quarrelling families will be the retribution.
“To those who [[slander]], he says that being tongueless and having cankerous mouths will be the retribution. To the hateful, he says that being ugly and crippled will be the retribution. To the stingy, he says that not getting what they seek will be the retribution. To gluttons, he says that hunger, [[thirst]] and sicknesses of the {{Wiki|throat}} will be the retribution. To hunters, he says that a frightening [[insanity]] that destroys one’s [[life]] will be the retribution.
“To those who oppose their [[parents]], he says that being killed in natural disasters will be the retribution. To arsonists who burn [[mountains]] and forests, he says that trying to take their own [[lives]] in the {{Wiki|confusion}} of [[insanity]] will be the retribution.
“To {{Wiki|cruel}} [[parents]] or step-parents, he says that being flogged in {{Wiki|future}} [[lives]] will be the retribution. To those who net and trap young [[animals]], he says that being separated from one’s own children will be the retribution. To those who [[slander]] the [[Triple Jewel]], he says that being blind, [[deaf]], or mute will be the retribution. To those who slight the [[Dharma]] and regard the teachings with [[arrogance]], he says that remaining in the bad [[paths]] forever will be the retribution. To those who destroy or misuse possessions of the Eternally Dwelling, he says that revolving in the [[hells]] for hundreds of millions of eons will be the retribution. To those who defile the [[pure conduct]] of others and bear false {{Wiki|witness}} against members of the [[Sangha]], he says that remaining in the [[animal realm]] forever will be the retribution. To those who scald, burn, behead, maim, or otherwise harm [[beings]], he says that undergoing the very same [[suffering]] will be the retribution.
“To those who violate [[precepts]] and the regulations of [[pure]] eating, he says that being born as birds or {{Wiki|beasts}} that must [[suffer]] from hunger and [[thirst]] will be the retribution. To those who make unprincipled and {{Wiki|destructive}} use of things, he says that being unable to ever obtain what they seek will be the retribution. To the [[arrogant]] and haughty, he says that being servile and of low station will be the retribution. To those who use backbiting to [[cause]] discord among others, he says that  being tongueless or having [[speech]] impediments will be the retribution. To those with deviant [[views]], he says that being [[reborn]] in backward regions will be the retribution.
“The bad [[habits]] involving [[body]], {{Wiki|mouth}}, and [[mind]] [[karma]] that [[beings]] of [[Jambudvipa]] perpetuate, result in hundreds of thousands of retributions like those. I have only listed a few examples here. Since the varying [[karma]] created by [[beings]] of [[Jambudvipa]] brings about different responses, [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] uses hundreds of thousands of [[expedient means]] to teach and [[transform]] [[beings]]. Those [[beings]] must first undergo retributions such as those, and then fall into the [[hells]], where they pass through eons without being able to escape. You should therefore {{Wiki|protect}} [[people]] and nations. Do not allow the [[accumulation]] of [[karma]] to confuse [[beings]].”
Upon hearing that, the [[Four Heavenly Kings]] wept in [[sorrow]], placed their palms together, and withdrew.
End of Part One of [[Sutra]] of the Past [[Vows]] of [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]].
The True Words of Seven [[Buddhas]] for Eradicating Offenses
li  po  li  po  di,  qiu  he  qiu  he  di,  tuo  luo  ni  di,  ni  he  la  di,  pi  li  ni  di,  mo  he  qie  di,
[[zhen]]  ling  qian  di,  suo  po  he.  (3x)
[[Spirit]] [[Mantra]] for [[Rebirth]] in the [[Pure Land]]
na  mo  e  mi  duo  po  ye,  duo  tuo  qie  duo  ye,  duo  di  ye  tuo,  e  mi  li  du  po  pi,  e  mi  li  duo,
xi  dan  po  pi,  e  mi  li  duo,  pi  jia  lan  di,
e  mi  li  duo,  pi  jia  lan  duo,  qie  mi  li,
qie  qie  nuo,  zhi  duo  jia  li,  suo  po  he. (3x)
[[Mantra]] for Patching the Flaws in Recitation
na  mo  he  la  da  na,  duo  la  ye  ye,
qie  la  qie  la,  ju  zhu  ju  zhu,  mo  la  mo  la,
hu  la,  hong, he  he  su  da  na,  hong,  po  mo  nu,  suo  po  he. (3x)
    The [[Thus Come One]], out of [[kindness]] and [[pity]],
    Turns the great [[Dharma Wheel]];
    The [[Brahma]] woman kindly saves her kin;
    [[Enlightenment]] [[Flower]] takes [[beings]] across the {{Wiki|stream}} of {{Wiki|confusion}};
    And Lady [[Maya]] asks [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] about  [[causes]].
    Homage to [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]], [[Mahasattva]].
[[Earth Store Bodhisattva]] Praise:
    [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]], wonderful beyond compare;
    Gold-hued in his [[transformation body]] he appears.
    Wondrous Dharma-sounds throughout the [[Three Paths]] and [[Six Realms]];
    Four [[Births]] and Ten Kinds of [[Beings]] gain his kindly grace.
    His {{Wiki|pearl}}, shining brightly, lights the way to [[heaven’s]] halls;
    Six-ringed golden [[staff]] shakes open wide the gates of [[hell]].
    Leads on those with [[causes]] garnered [[life]] and [[life]] again;
    To [[bow]] at the Nine-flowered Terrace of the Honored One.
    [[Namo]] [[Earth Store]] Great [[Vows]] and [[Compassion]]
    [[Bodhisattva]] of the dark and dismal [[worlds]];
    On Nine [[Flower]] Mountain, Most Honored One,
    With Ten Wheels of power you rescue all the [[suffering]] ones.
    Homage to [[Earth Store Bodhisattva]].
[[Category:Buddhist Terms]]

Latest revision as of 10:02, 17 February 2014