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#REDIRECT [[Melong Dorje]]
[[Drubchen Melong Dorje]] (1243-1303) was born as a son of [[Yogi Samye]]. At the age of nine, he received his novice vows from [[Yogi Zalungwa]] and [[Khenpo Selungpa]]. He spent many years of his youth reciting [[Prajnaparamita Sutras]] and deepening his understanding of the nature of reality.
At the age of sixteen, while he was reciting the [[Prajnaparamita Sutra]] on behalf of a sick person, he achieved the realization of how things are. Through practicing meditation, he experienced some clairvoyance, and then wandered without fixed abode, practicing great austerities. He followed [[Dowo Repa]] of Tsurphu and many other masters, and visited many sacred places such as [[Shawu Takgo]] and [[Kharchu]].
At the age of eighteen, he met [[Senge Gyabpa Sangye]], a lineage holder of the [[Vima Nyingthik]] and student of [[Guru Chober]], who transmitted the [[Vima Nyingthik]] lineage to [[Melong Dorje]].
[[Melong Dorje]] manifested attainment through his practices. Six days after practicing [[Ngondro]] he had continuous visions of [[Vajrasattva]]. When he was engaging in the actual practices, he met the lineage masters in a dream and received blessings. At the age of 23, he received [[Vajravarahi]] and many other terma teachings from [[Sangye Repa]]. He had a vision of [[Vajravarahi]] and many other masters such as [[Vimalimitra]], [[Padasambhava]], [[Samantabhadra]], [[Yogi Zalungwa]], and [[Phakmo Drupa]]. While he was practicing in Tunglung Valley, he heard a very beautiful voice of a Dakini prophesize that he would cut the continuity of birth in samsara.
While he was practicing at Kawa Chen, he saw red Vajravarahi and [[Yogi Zalungwa]] in the sky. At the cave of Kyikyi Phuk, experience blazed forth of and while dancing, he left many footprints in stone, and with his finger many times wrote the name of the cave in rock. These marks in the stone can still be seen in the present day.
Thus blessed by numerous visions of the great Bodhisattvas and founders of the lineage, [[Melong Dorje]] was directly empowered in the [[Atiyoga]] teachings by [[Vajrasattva]]. He had thirteen main masters. Amongst them, he obtained the definitive realization of the essence from incomparable, kind masters [[Yogi Zalungwa]], [[Dowo Repa]] of Tsurphu and [[Senge Gyabpa Sangye]]. Because of his exceedingly great strength in yogic discipline and action, [[Melong Dorje]] was able to destroy delusion and enjoy the samaya of sacred mantrayana without acceptance or rejection. Through the strength of his yogic awareness-activity, he could, upon seeing a vulture gliding through the sky, fly in the sky like the bird, and he was able to knead rocks like mud, and so forth. Renowned for his yogic powers, possessed of impeccable conduct, [[Melong Dorje]] aided many beings in the hidden valleys of Khenpa Jong, Senge Dzong and Kharchu .
His major disciple was the master [[Kumaradza]] to whom he transmitted the [[Vima Nyingthik]] teachings. He discovered precious instructions of Vimalamitra, which became known as the [[Melong Nyingthik]].
Even though the given prophecy of his lifespan was 37 years, because of the request and supplication of master Kunga he lived for 61 years and passed into parinirvana in a mountain pass called Durtroe La. During this time, everyone saw a great light and sound, which disappeared into the northern direction. When his body was cremated, there were many wondorous signs, such as five rays of differently-colored lights emanating from the sky upon his cremation stupa. As it is taught in the tantras, five-colored relics appeared from the ashes of his cremation ground, a sign of his achievement of the five kayas.
He was about ten years older than his contemporary, the great yogi Orgyenpa. His heart disciple was Vidyadhara Kuma Raja.
[[Melong Dorje's]] [[Vima Nyingthik]] lineage:
*    [[Vimalamitra]]
*    [[Nyang Tingdzin Sangpo]]
*    [[Chetsun Chenpo]]
*    [[Gyalwa Shangton]]
*    [[Nyimaboum]]
*    [[Guru Chober]]
*    [[Senge Gyabpa Sangye]]
*    [[Melong Dorje]]
*    [[Vidyadhara Kumaraja]]
[[Vidyadhara Kumaraja]]'s primary master, from whom he received the [[Vima Nyingthik]] lineage, was [[Melong Dorje]].
It is notable that [[Vidyadhara Kumaraja]] also received many teachings from [[Orgyenpa]] together with the [[Third Karmapa]], [[Rangjung Dorje]] (the originator of the [[Karma Nyingthik]] lineage), when the latter was seven years old. Later the [[Third Karmapa]], [[Rangjung Dorje]], received the [[Maha Ati]] lineage from [[Vidyadhara Kuma Raja]], as well as had a vision of Acharya [[Vimalamitra]] dissolving into the spot between his eyebrows and achieved the complete realization of [[Maha Ati]] or [[Dzogpa Chenpo]] ([[Dzogchen]]). From then on, the well-known [[Karma Nyingthik]] arose from the great expansive treasure of the heart of [[Samantabhadra]].
::''    {{Nolinking|This account is based on A Religious History (1990 ed.), pp. 207-213, by Guru Tashi, who wrote between 1807 and 1863.}}

Latest revision as of 15:28, 17 April 2014

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