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#REDIRECT [[Mahakala]]
[[Mahākāla]] ([[Sanskrit]]) is a [[Dharmapala]] ("[[protector]] of [[Dharma]]") in [[Vajrayana Buddhism]], and a [[deity]] in {{Wiki|Chinese}} and [[Japanese]] [[Buddhism]], particularly in [[The Vajrayana]] school. He is known as [[Daheitian]] ([[大黑天]]) in {{Wiki|Chinese}} and [[Daikokuten]] ([[大黒天]]) in [[Japanese]]. [[Mahākāla]] belongs to the fourth {{Wiki|hierarchy}} of [[deities]].
In [[Hinduism]], [[Mahakala]] is a [[name]] of [[Shiva]] (as, for example, at the [[Shiva]] [[temple]] in [[Ujjain]] that is more than once mentioned by {{Wiki|Kālidāsa}}), but it is also a [[name]] of one of his principal {{Wiki|attendants}} ([[Sanskrit]]: gaṇa): along with [[Wikipedia:Nandi (bull)|Nandi]], which is one of [[Wikipedia:Shiva|Shiva's]] watchmen, and so is often represented outside the main doorway of early [[North]] [[Indian]] [[temples]].
[[Mahakala]] is relied upon in all schools of [[Tibetan Buddhism]] and is depicted in a number of variations, each with distinctly different qualities and aspects. He is also regarded as the [[emanation]] of different [[beings]] in different cases, though he is best known as a [[wrathful]] [[manifestation]] of [[Avalokiteshvara]], the [[Bodhisattva]] of [[Compassion]]. He is a [[Dharmapala]] ([[Dharma Protector]]) and one of the eight main [[Dharmapalas]], alongside [[Yama]], [[Yamantaka]], [[Hayagriva]], [[Vaisravana]], [[Palden Lhamo]], [[Tshangspa Dkarpo]], and [[Begste]].
[[Mahakala]] is typically black in {{Wiki|color}}. Just as all colors are absorbed and dissolved into black, all names and [[forms]] are said to melt into those of [[Mahakala]], [[symbolizing]] his all-embracing, comprehensive [[nature]]. Black can also represent the total absence of {{Wiki|color}}, and again in this case it {{Wiki|signifies}} the [[nature]] of [[Mahakala]] as [[Wikipedia:Absolute (philosophy)|ultimate]] or [[absolute]] [[reality]].
[[Mahakala]] is almost always depicted with a {{Wiki|crown}} of five skulls, which represent the five [[Wisdom]].
The most notable variation in [[Mahakala's]] [[manifestations]] and depictions is in the number of arms, but other details can vary as well. For instance, in some cases there are [[Mahakalas]] in white, with multiple heads, without genitals, [[standing]] on varying numbers of various things, holding various implements, with alternative adornments, and so on.
In [[Hinduism]], [[Mahakala]] is a [[name]] of [[Shiva]] (Great [[Time]]), but is also the [[name]] of one of [[Shiva's]] principal attendents, or [[ganas]]. He is also one of [[Shiva's]] watchmen, along with [[Wikipedia:Nandi (bull)|Nandi]].
In [[Japan]] he is called [[Daikokuten]] and is one of the [[Seven Lucky Gods]]. In this [[incarnation]], he is suprisingly less violent and is more {{Wiki|benevolent}} towards [[humans]]. He is also associated with the [[Shinto]] [[God]] [[Okuninushi]] and [[Dakiniten]] is also associated with him.
His [[Art]] in [[Shin Megami Tensei]] might be based off of the Six-Armed aspect of [[Mahakala]], or [[Sanmen Daikoku]], a sword-wielding guardian aspect of [[Daikokuten]] with three heads and six arms.
[[Mahākāla]] is a [[Sanskrit]] [[bahuvrihi]] of [[mahā]] ([[महत्]]; "[[great]]") and [[kāla]] ([[काल]]; "[[black]]"). The literal [[Tibetan]] translation is "[[Nagpo Chenpo]]" ([[Tibetan]]: {{BigTibetan|[[ནག་པོ་ཆེན་པོ།]]}}) though, when referring to this [[deity]], [[Tibetans]] usually use the [[word]] "[[Goinbo]]" ({{BigTibetan|[[མགོན་པོ།]]}}—the translation of the [[Sanskrit]] [[word]] [[Nāth]] meaning "[[Lord]]" or "[[protector]]") instead.
[[Mahākāla]] is relied upon in all schools of [[Tibetan Buddhism]]. However, he is depicted in a number of variations, each with distinctly different qualities and aspects. He is also regarded as the [[emanation]] of different [[beings]] in different cases, namely [[Avalokiteshvara]] (Tib: [[spyan ras gzigs]]) or [[Chakrasamvara]] (Tib: [[Korlo Demchog]], Wylie: ’[[khor lo bde mchog]]).
[[Mahākāla]] is typically black in {{Wiki|color}}. Just as all colors are absorbed and dissolved into black, all names and [[forms]] are said to melt into those of [[Mahakala]], [[symbolizing]] his all-embracing, comprehensive [[nature]]. Black can also represent the total absence of {{Wiki|color}}, and again in this case it {{Wiki|signifies}} the [[nature]] of [[Mahakala]] as [[Wikipedia:Absolute (philosophy)|ultimate]] or [[absolute]] [[reality]]. This [[principle]] is known in [[Sanskrit]] as "[[nirguna]]", [[beyond]] all quality and [[Form]], and it is typified by both interpretations.
[[Mahākāla]] is almost always depicted with a {{Wiki|crown}} of five skulls, which represent the transmutation of the five [[Kleshas]] (negative [[Afflictions]]) into The [[Five Wisdoms]].
The most notable variation in [[Mahākāla's]] [[manifestations]] and depictions is in the number of arms, but other details can vary as well. For instance, in some cases there are [[Mahakalas]] in white, with multiple heads, without genitals, [[standing]] on varying numbers of various things, holding various implements, with alternative adornments, and so on.
Six-Armed [[Mahākāla]]
[[Nyingshuk]] came from [[Khyungpo Naljor]], the founder of the [[Shangpa Kagyu]], and spread to all the [[lineages]]—[[Sakya]], [[Nyingma]], and [[Geluk]], as well as various [[Kagyu]] [[lineages]]. There are also [[Terma]] [[lineages]] of various [[forms]] of [[Six Armed Mahākāla]]. [[Nyinghsuk]], though derived from the [[Shangpa]], is not the major [[Shangpa]] one—it's in a [[Dancing]] [[posture]], rather than [[standing]] straight up, and is a very advanced [[Mahakala]] practice.
There is also a [[White Six-Armed Mahakala]] (Skt: [[Shad-bhuja Sita Mahakala]]; Tib. Wylie: [[mGon po yid bzhin nor bu]]) popular among {{Wiki|Mongolian}} [[Gelugpas]].
[[Four-Armed Mahākāla]]
Various [[Four-armed Mahākālas]] (Skt. [[Chatur-bhuja Mahākāla]], Tib. Wylie: [[mGon po phyag bzhi pa]]) are the [[primary]] [[Protectors]] of the [[Karma Kagyu]], [[Drikung]] [[Kagyu]] and the [[Drukpa Lineage]] of [[Tibetan Buddhism]]. A [[four-armed Mahākāla]] is also found in the [[Nyingma school]], although the [[primary]] [[protector]] of the [[Great Perfection]] (Skt: [[Mahasandhi]], Tib. [[Dzogchen]]) teachings which are the pinnacle of the [[Nyingma]] system which.
[[Two-Armed Mahākālas]]
The two-armed [[Mahākāla]] called [[Bernakchen]] ([[Black Coat]]) is a [[protector]] of the [[Karma Kagyu]] school, although he derives from [[Nyingma]] [[Terma]] and was adopted by the [[Karma Kagyu]] during the [[time]] of [[2nd Karmapa]], [[Karma Pakshi]]. He is often depicted with his [[consort]] [[Rangjung Gyalmo]]. (He is often [[Thought]] to be the [[primary]] [[protector]], but he is actually the main [[protector]] of the [[Karmapas]] specifically. [[Mahākāla Chakshipa]], a [[four-armed Mahakala]], is technically the [[primary]] [[protector]]. [[Chakdrupa]], a [[six-armed Mahakala]], is also common in the [[Kagyu]].)
[[Panjaranatha Mahākāla]], "[[Lord of Charms]]" or "[[Lord of the Pavilion]]", an [[emanation]] of [[Manjushri]] is a [[protector]] of the [[Sakya]] order.
[[Mahākāla]] in [[Japan]]
[[Japanese]] [[Daikokuten]]
[[Mahākāla]] (known as [[Daikokuten]] [[大黑天]]) enjoys an [[exalted]] position as a household [[deity]] in [[Japan]], as he is one of the [[Seven Lucky Gods]] in [[Japanese]] {{Wiki|folklore}}. [[Mahākāla's]] association with [[Wealth]] and {{Wiki|prosperity}} gave rise to a strange {{Wiki|custom}} known as [[Fuku-nusubi]]. This {{Wiki|custom}} started with the [[belief]] that one who stole [[divine]] figures ([[gods]] and [[goddesses]]) was assured of good [[Fortune]], if not caught in the act of [[stealing]]. In the course of [[time]], [[stealing]] of [[divine]] images became so common a practice in [[Japan]] that the [[Toshi-no-ichi]] or the ‘[[year-end-market]]’ held in the [[Asakusa Kannon]] [[temple]] became the main venue of the sale and disposal of such images by the [[Fortune]]-seekers. Many small stalls were opened where articles including images of [[Mahakala]] were sold on the eve of New Year {{Wiki|celebrations}}.
The [[Japanese]] also use the [[Symbol]] of [[Mahākāla]] as a monogram. The [[traditional]] [[pilgrims]] climbing the {{Wiki|holy}} [[Mount Ontake]] wear [[tenugui]] on white [[Japanese]] scarves with the [[Sanskrit]] [[seed syllable]] of [[Mahākāla]].
In [[Japan]], this [[deity]] is variously considered to be the [[God of Wealth]], or of the household, particularly the kitchen. He is recognised by his wide face, [[smile]], and a flat black hat, in stark contrast to the fierce [[imagery]] portrayed in [[Tibetan Buddhist]] [[Art]]. He is often portrayed holding a golden mallet, otherwise known as a [[magic]] [[money]] mallet, and is seen seated on bales of {{Wiki|rice}}, with mice nearby (mice signify plentiful [[Food]]).
Interpreting the [[Symbolism]]
[[Khenpo]] Karthar reminds us ("Relating to the [[Mahakala]] Practice," Densal:
    "[[Mahakala]] is seen [[standing]] on the corpse of two [[human]] [[bodies]], thus [[symbolizing]] the [[death]] of negativities and the complete uprooting of negative patterns to such a point that, like a [[dead]] [[body]], they will not come to [[life]].
    It is very important that we know these [[symbols]] of [[Mahakala]] because many times we have mistaken notions that he may be a [[clinging]] [[spirit]] or harmful, [[evil]] being, perhaps even the [[Lord of Death]] ready to devour and attack. One would find great difficulty in relating to the various [[symbols]] without [[understanding]] that our [[awakened]] [[compassion]] is the [[essential]] quality of the being of [[Mahakala]].
    [[Mahakala]] has never been known to harm one being, even in the slightest [[manner]], because he is constantly benefiting [[beings]] through the continuous play of the [[enlightened mind]]."
[[Mahakala]] is a [[Protector]] of all [[Tibetan Buddhism]] 
The [[form]] varies according to the different [[teaching]] [[lineages]].  For example, there is the two-armed, big-mouthed [[Mahakala]] [[Bernakchen]] of the [[Karma Kagyu]], the [[four-armed Mahakala]] who is [[protector]] of the [[Drikung Kagyu]], and [[six-armed Mahakala]] of the [[Gelugpas]] described below.  They are not all [[wrathful forms]] of [[Chenresi]] [Skt.: [[Avalokiteshvara]]] although
    "There is an [[emanation]] of [[Avalokiteshvara]] which arose in the [[form]] of [[Mahakala]] and this is the [[Shangpa Kagyu]] [[Mahakala]] with one face and six arms, in a [[standing]] [[posture]]. This [[form]] was later adopted by [[Tsongkhapa]] and followers as the main [[protector]] of the [[Gelugpa School]]. 
    [[Mahakalas]] can arise from various sources namely [[Vajradhara]] and the [[Anuttarayoga Tantras]] but are not generically [[Avalokiteshvara]]."
    ~ Jeff Watt, [[Himalayan Art]]
There is a white one associated with {{Wiki|prosperity}}, and also a [[eunuch]] and some {{Wiki|feminine}} [[forms]], but it is incorrectly held that there are 75 variants. 
    "White" [[Mahakala]].
" . . . the different [[Mahakalas]] with various number of arms are not all the same. The Six-Armed version is the [[emanation]] of [[Chenrezig]] (in association with the head-blowing-up episode) and was originally the specialty of [[Shangpa Kagyu]], but has now been adopted all over; one of the Four-Armed versions is an [[emanation]] of C[h]akrasamvara and the main [[protector]] of [[Karma Kagyu]]; the two-armed [[Bernakchen]], an [[emanation]] of [[Samantabhadra]], is actually not the main [[protector]] of [[Karma Kagyu]], but rather that of the [[Karmapas]] specifically, although  there is [[nothing]] that says the rest of us cannot also practice on  him; the [[Sakyapa]] has the two-armed Panjaranatha [[Mahakala]], who probably is an [[emanation]] of [[Manjushri]] and holds the rod that [[emanate]][s] many [[Mahakalas]].
Like many of the other [[protectors]], one pair[s] up with any one of these [[Mahakalas]] as appropriate to their cycle of practice; in other words, one doesn't just pick up a [[Mahakala]] out of the blue."
~ BB to the [[Kagyu]] email list, June 2002.
[[Ritual]] Practice
Students do not generally do practices associated with [[dharmapalas]] such as [[Mahakala]] until they have completed the Preliminary or Foundation Practices and of course, after receiving the [[empowerment]] to do so. 
The [[Sanskrit]] descriptive [[name]], [[Mahakala]] (Great [[Time]] or [[Great Dark One]]) is also used to refer to [[Lord]] [[Shiva]], the [[Hindu]] [[god]] whose tandava dance sustains, but can also destroy, the [[universe]] of [[appearances]], and who is associated with [[Time]], another meaning of [[kala]]. [The [[teaching]] known as the Kala-chakra or [[Wheel of Time]], is a [[Buddhist]] [[tantric]] system [[thought]] of as the key to [[reality]] that unites the [[universe]], [[time]] and the [[breath]] of [[life]].]
[[Lama]] C. Reed says that in the liturgy known as Kha Yig Ma, which is the KTD daily practice, a short (3-page) Chagdrupa is performed incorporating the [[visualization]], [[torma]] [[offering]] and [[mantra recitation]].
A mid-length, "Tsendring" [[Mahakala]] practice is done on the 29th {{Wiki|lunar}} day in KTD's 3-year [[retreat]], and in the afternoon of the first day of the yearly [[Mahakala]] [[drupchen]], KTD uses the same brief Chagdrupa liturgy, and that this is one is also a part of the Gyespa (extensive) [[Mahakala]] [[ritual]].
At KTD, each of the 3 days of [[Mahakala]] [[Drupchen]] begin with the [[Dorje Phagmo]] self-visualization liturgy followed by the recitation of the Gyespa text, which broadly {{Wiki|speaking}}, is a collection of short visualization/torma [[offering]] liturgies and [[mantras]] of the central [[Kamtsang]] [[protectors]], [[Bernagchen]] and [[consort]].
[[Mahakala]] [[Bernakchen]]
{{Wiki|Kubilai Khan}} succeeded his [[Buddhist]] brother Munga, and {{Wiki|fearful}} of the influence of [[Karma Pakshi]], the [[second Karmapa]], had him confined to the {{Wiki|Chinese}} {{Wiki|Imperial}} Palace where he was tied by his beard (among other terrible ordeals.)  [[Karmapa]] prayed to [[Mahakala]] [[Bernagchen]], but "Great Black Cloak" took so long putting on his boots, that by the [[time]] he got there, the ordeal had ended.  However, as he had been summoned, he was obliged by rules of combat to cleave something with the hook-knife that he held at the ready. The [[Karmapa]] therefore had him strike the palace. As a result, there is still a gash somewhere in the {{Wiki|Imperial}} Palace.
There is a version saying the [[Karmapa]] struck [[Mahakala]] for his tardiness, giving him his swollen face!  Consequently, no subsequent [[Karmapa]] has ever worn a beard. Origin of [[Mahakala]]
The [[compassion]] of the red [[Buddha Amitabha]] [[manifested]] as [[Avalokiteshvara]] who took a [[vow]] to forgo his own [[enlightenment]] until all the [[realms]] of [[samsara]] had been emptied.
This [[vow]] required a renewal of [[determination]], and so with [[Amitabha's]] [[blessing]], [[Avalokiteshvara]] next assumed a [[form]] with eleven heads and a thousand arms.  Still he had been unable to [[benefit]] even a few [[beings]]. 
Therefore after reflecting for one whole week, he determined that by assuming a [[wrathful]] [[form]] he would be able "to subdue the degenerate [[beings]] of this Age of Darkness."  Also he saw that even [[beings]] who practiced [[Dharma]] were unable to escape from the [[Bardo]] [[realms]] ([[time]] between [[rebirths]] where [[beings]] may face great [[anxiety]] and {{Wiki|terrifying}} [[experiences]]) and he [[thought]] that in [[wrathful]] [[form]] he could also {{Wiki|protect}} them in that way.  And lastly, he [[thought]] that the [[beings]] in this Dark Age were poor and needy, experiencing only [[suffering]] after [[suffering]], and that in [[wrathful]] [[form]] he could provide them an antidote to that [[suffering]] so that by simply making the wish (for [[protection]]) their needs could be met. 
These three motives made his [[determination]] even greater than before and so from the [[heart]] of [[Noble]] [[Avalokiteshvara]] emerged a dark blue HUNG syllable that immediately became the Instantaneous [[Protector]] of [[Wisdom]], [[Mahakala]]. 
The foundations of all the [[Pure Lands]] shook with six kinds of earthquakes, and the Conquering and Transcending One of [[Immeasurable]] [[Light]] ([[Amitabha]]) and all the other [[Tathagatas]] of the [[ten directions]] proclaimed with one {{Wiki|voice}}:
    "Son of the family, it is well that you have made this resolution. You shall have the [[empowerment]] of all the [[wisdom dakinis]].  You shall have the strength of the [[wrathful]] [[Yama]], [[Lord of Death]].  You shall have the mountain [[spirits]], the [[yakshas]], the devils and the  [[Wikipedia:demon|demonesses]] as your messengers.  You shall embody the great [[wrathful]] [[empowerments]] of the [[Body]], [[Speech]], [[Mind]], Qualities and [[Activity]] of all the [[Buddhas]] throughout the three times."   
Ever since, [[bodhisattva]] [[Mahakala]] is the [[Dharma]] ([[Buddha's]] [[Doctrine]]) [[Protector]] of all [[Buddha fields]].
    Om, Shri [[Mahakala]] [[Yaksha]] Betli, hung dsa.
[[Symbolism]] of [[Mahakala]] in the 6-armed [[Manifestation]]:
The Protector's [[body]] is midnight blue, [[symbolic]] of the changeless [[Dharmakaya]].
His three [[eyes]] [[symbolize]] his [[knowledge]] of the past, present and future, and also the [[manifestation]] of the [[three bodies]] of [[Buddha]].
The {{Wiki|crown}} adorned with five skulls [[symbolizes]] the [[transformation]] of the [[five poisons]] of [[anger]], [[desire]], [[ignorance]], [[jealousy]] and [[pride]] into the [[five wisdoms]].
His six arms [[symbolize]] the [[attainment]] of the [[six Perfections]]:  [[generosity]], [[patience]], [[morality]], [[diligence]], [[meditation]] and [[wisdom]].  The [[kartika]] or triku [or [[trigu]], pron. tigu] the [[ritual]] curved knife, cuts [[attachment]] to [[ego]].
The [[kapila]] or [[skull bowl]] filled with {{Wiki|blood}} [[symbolizes]] the subjugation of the [[maras]] or [[evil]] ones.  (An alternate interpretation can be found in other contexts.)
The rosary [[symbolizes]] his continuous [[activity]] for the [[benefit]] of [[beings]].
The [[damaru]] or [[hand-drum]] [[symbolizes]] his power over the [[dakinis]]. (Also, different interpretations in other contexts.)
His [[trident]] [[symbolizes]] his power over the [[three kayas]] -- the spheres of [[desire]], [[form]] and [[formlessness]].  (An alternate interpretation can also be found.)
The lasso binds those who break their [[vows]].
His two feet are the means and the [[wisdom]] to accomplish his task. That his left leg is straight and his right leg bent [[symbolize]] his [[accomplishment]] of the [[benefit]] to oneself and to others.  He tramples on a [[vinayaka]], to [[symbolize]] his destruction and dispersal of great {{Wiki|obstacles}}.
The {{Wiki|sun}} on which he stands [[symbolizes]] his [[illumination]] of the darkness of [[ignorance]].
His [[lotus seat]] [[symbolizes]] [[purity]] undefiled by [[samsara]].
The surrounding blazing [[fire]] [[symbolizes]] his [[activity]] that consumes neurotic states.
The {{Wiki|tiger}} {{Wiki|skin}} stands for [[purification]] of [[desire]]; the [[elephant]] {{Wiki|skin}} for [[purification]] of [[pride]], and the {{Wiki|snake}}, for the [[purification]] of [[anger]].
His other ornaments together [[symbolize]] that he has all the qualities of a [[Buddha]].
The material about the [[symbolism]] of 6-armed [[Mahakala]] derives from a [[Gelugpa]] [[sadhana]] ([[ritual]])  of [[Tara]] that includes an [[offering]] to [[Mahakala]].  The whole was produced in Jan. 1994 by [[Dharma]] Therapy [[Trust]] under Ven. [[Geshé]] Damchö Yönten and is available unedited at 
[[Category:Buddhist Terms]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 23 July 2014

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