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rgyu 'bras blang dor - accepting and rejecting what concerns cause and effect [RY]

sgrub dgag - accepting and rejecting [IW]

chags sdang rmongs gsum - attachment and desire for friends/ intimates, hatred/ aggression/ anger for enemies, and stupidity about objects of accepting and rejecting, attachment, hatred and stupidity; attraction, aversion and apathy; passion, aggression and ignorance/ delusion [IW]

gti mug med pa - non-delusion [one of the 11 virtuous mental states/ {dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig} [by means of discriminating examination not being ignorant of things and not entering into faults] amoha, non-deludedness, non-ignorance/ stupidity about accepting and rejecting [IW]

gti mug med pa - non-delusion * amoha, non-deludedness, non-ignorance, non-stupidity about accepting and rejecting [IW]

btang bzhag - trying to keep or reject, keep or let go, accepting and rejecting; accept and reject; keep or let go, accepting and rejecting [RY]

btang bzhag bral ba - free from accepting and rejecting/ keeping and letting go/ adding and subtracting [IW]

tha dad pa'i 'du shes mi mnga' ba - about the dharmas of samsara and nirvana a person has no questions of truth and reality of accepting and rejecting [IW]

mindfulness and introspection (dran pa dang shes bshin) - [not forgetting and certainty about objects of accepting and rejecting] [IW]

phag - pig, that which is hidden or secret, that which lies in between, hidden part, interstice, 1 of 12 dus tshod [JV] 2) swine [RY] [IW] 3) hog, pig [in the manner of a pig who eats everything without discerning purity and impurity, are the discipline and conduct of sameness, without accepting and rejecting the five sacramental substances - [IW]

spang blang - accept and reject; accepting and rejecting, adopt or abandon [RY]

spad blad - discursive thoughts of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor kyi bslab bya - rules about accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor gyi gnad lag le du thebs pa - apply the pith instruction of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor gyi gnad lag le du bzhed pa - apply the pith instruction of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor gyi gnas - the points/ objects of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor dgag sgrub gyi zhen yul - the conceived objects of accepting and rejecting, affirming and denying [RY]

blang dor dgra gnye gyi phyogs ris - partialities of accepting and rejecting both enemies and antidotes [IW]

blang dor gnas kun - all objects of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang dor bya rtsol - busy mentation's actions and efforts of accepting and rejecting [IW]

blang ba dang dor ba - accepting and rejecting [IW]

zhen yul - ex {blang dor dgag sgrub gyi zhen yul} the conceived objects of accepting and rejecting, affirming and denying [RY]

rig pa rtul zhugs - Awareness discipline. Action free from accepting and rejecting [RY]

shin tu rnal 'byor - Ati Yoga. The third of the Three Inner Tantras. According to Jamgön Kongtrül the First, it emphasizes the view that liberation is attained through growing accustomed to insight into the nature of primordial enlightenment, free from accepting and rejecting, hope and fear. The more common word for Ati Yoga nowadays is 'Dzogchen,' the Great Perfection. Ati means 'supreme.' [RY]


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