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From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Teachings01 02.jpg

 Abhiseka Ceremony [kanjo] kanjo
-see water rite

Age of the Final Dharma [mappo] mappo
-see Three Ages of the Dharma
Amida Buddha [[[Amida]] butsu] Amida butsu
"Amida Buddha, Homage to" [[[Namu Amida Butsu]]] Namu Amida Butsu
Amida Sutra [smaller Sutra of Immeasurable Life ] [amida-kyo] amida-kyo
-see Three Sutras of the Pure Land
amulet [omamori] omamori, literally to "guard" or "protect"
Ananda [Anan] Anan
ancestral ceremony [[[Segaki]]] Segaki
Anniversary Service [nenkai-hoyo] nenkai-hoyo
Anraku [[[Anraku]]]
anti-Buddhist movement [haibutsukishaku] haibutsu kishaku
assistant priests [shikishu] shikishu
Auxiliary Practices [jogo] jogo
bell, large ceremonial [daikin] daikin
bell, small ceremonial [inkin] inkin
bell, temple [kosho] kosho
bell tower [shoro] shoro
Birth [in the Pure Land] [ojo] ojo
Bliss or Reward Body [skt. sambhogakaya] [[[hojin]]] hojin
-see Three Bodies
bodhisattva [[[bosatsu]]] bosatsu
Body/Bodies, Three [[[sanjin]]] sanjin
-see Three Bodies
Buddha's Enlightenment [Dec. 8] [jodoe] jodoe
Buddha's Memorial Day [Feb. 15] [nehan-e] nehan-e
Buddha's Birthday [Apr. 8] [hanamatsuri] hanamatsuri

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capability of people [kikon] kikon
ceremony leader [doshi] doshi
ceremonial bell, large [daikin] daikin
ceremonial bell, small [inkin] inkin
ceremonial fan [chukei] chukei
ceremonial rosary [shogon-juzu] shogon-juzu
ceremonial socks [tabi] tabi
ceremonial materials [hogu] hogu
chant leader [ina] ina
Chanting of the Buddhas' Names [butsumyoe] butsumyoe
chief priest [jushoku] jushoku
Chinzei school [chinzei-ha] chinzei-ha
Chion-in [Chion-in]
Chosai [[[Chosai]]]
Chu-in Services [chu-in-kuyo] chu-in-kuyo
Collection on the Essentials for Birth [ojoyoshu] ojoyoshu
colored robe [koromo] koromo
Commentary on the Meditation Sutra [kammuryoju-kyosho] kammuryoju-kyosho
convocation [sensho] sensho

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daily service [nichijo gongyo] nichijo gongyo
Death Guidance [makura-gyo] makura-gyo, literally "pillow sutra"
deceased ancestors [hotoke-sama] hotoke-sama , literally "venerable buddhas"
dependent co-origination [skt. pratitya-samutpada] [engi] engi
desacralizing ceremony [hakken-shiki] hakken-shiki
Dharma Body [skt. dharmakaya] [hosshin] hosshin
-see Three Bodies
dharma name [kaimyo] kaimyo
Dharmakara Bodhisattva [Hozo bosatsu] Hozo bosatsu
Different Good Practices [irui-no-jogo] irui-no-jogo
Difficult Path [nangyodo] nangyodo
Dogen [[[Dogen]]]
Donran [ch. T'an-luan] [Donran]
Doshaku [ch.Tao-ch'o ] [Doshaku]
Dream of Zendo [nisotaimen] nisotaimen
Easy Path [igyodo] igyodo
ecclesiastical rank [sokai] sokai
Eighteenth Original Vow [juhachigan] juhachigan
Eightfold Path, Noble [skt. aryastangika-marga] [hasshodo] hasshodo
Eiku [Eiku]
enshrinement [kaigen] kaigen
equinoctial memorial service [[[Higan]]] Higan, literally "the other shore"
Established Mind [anjin] anjin
-see Three Minds
evening service [taiya] taiya
Exclusive Nembutsu [senju-nembutsu] senju-nembutsu
-see Single-Minded Recitation of the Nembutsu
Extended Rites [eitai-kuyo] eitai-kuyo, literally "eternal services"

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family temple registration system [dankaseido] dankaseido
fan, ceremonial [chukei] chukei
Farewell Rite [kokubetsu-shiki] kokubetsu-shiki
Firm Establishment of Faith [ketsujo-ojoshin] ketsujo-ojoshin
five grievous sins [gogyakuzai] gogyakuzai
Fivefold Transmission Retreat [gojusoden-e] gojusoden-e
Founder's Day; Honen's Birthday [Apr. 7] [shusokotan-e] shusokotan-e
Four Noble Truths [shitai] shitai
Fujaku [shitai]
funeral [sogi] sogi
funeral donation [koden] koden
gassho [gassho]
Gateway of the Holy Path [shodomon] shodomon
Gateway of the Pure Land [jodo-mon] jodo-mon
General Form of the Nembutsu [sono-nembutsu] sono-nembutsu
Genko [Genko]
Genchi [Genchi]
Genshin [[[Genshin]]]
gong [nyo] nyo
grave stone [haka] haka
ground breaking ceremony [jichin-shiki] jichin-shiki


Handprint for Transmission of the Nembutsu to Future Generations [matsudai nembutsu jushu-in] matsudai nembutsu jushu-in
home altar [[[butsudan]]] butsudan
"Homage to Amida Buddha" [[[Namu Amida Butsu]]] Namu Amida Butsu
Honen Shonin [[[Honen]] Shonin] Honen Shonin
Honen's Birthday [Apr. 7] [shusokotan-e] shusokotan-e
-see Founder's Day
Honen's Memorial Day [Jan. 25] [[[gyoki]]] gyoki
hungry ghost [gaki] gaki
ignorant, deluded person [bonpu] bonpu
immolation ceremony [jobon-shiki] jobon-shiki
inauguration of a chief priest [shinzan-shiki] shinzan-shiki
incense burner [koro] koro
incense offering [shoko] shoko
incense, stick [senko] senko
intermediate stage between birth and death [chu-in] chu-in
invocation [hyobyaku] hyobyaku
Ippen [[[Ippen]]]
itinerant or mendicant [hijiri] hijiri
Ji Sect [ji-shu] ji-shu
Juren [[[Juren]]]
Kachio-dera [Kachio-dera]
Kannon Bodhisattva [[[Kannon bosatsu]]] Kannon bosatsu
Karoku Persecution [karoku-no-honan] karoku-no-honan
Kenni [Kenni]
Koen [Koen]
Komyokai movement [komyokai] komyokai
Kosai [[[Kosai]]]
Kumarajiva [[[Kosai]]] Kumaraju
Kyoseikai movement [kyosei-kai] kyosei-kai
Kyoshu [Kyoshu]
lotus petals, paper [[[sanka]]] sanka
lotus plate [keko] keko


main hall [hondo] hondo
main image [honzon] honzon
Manifested Body [skt. nirmanakaya] [ojin] ojin
-see Three Bodies
materials, ceremonial [hogu] hogu
meal offering [reizen] reizen
Meditation Sutra [kammuryoju-kyo] kammuryoju-kyo
-see Three Sutras of the Pure Land
memorial hall [nokotsudo] nokotsudo
memorial service or veneration [kuyo] kuyo
-see Veneration
memorial tablet [ihai] ihai
memorial tablet platform [ihaidan] ihaidan
mendicant or itinerant [hijiri] hijiri
Mind which Dedicates One's Merit to the Pure Land with the Resolution to Be Born There [ekohotsuganshin] ekohotsuganshin
-see Three Minds
Minds, Three [[[sanjin]]] sanjin
-see Three Minds
Miscellaneous Practices [zogyo] zogyo
nembutsu [[[nembutsu]]]
Exclusive- ; Single-Minded Recitation of the- [senju-nembutsu] senju-nembutsu
General Form of the- [sono-nembutsu] sono-nembutsu
-mendicant or itinerant [nembutsu-hijiri] nembutsu-hijiri
-Samadhi [nembutsu-zammai] nembutsu-zammai [[[mental]] absorption in the nembutsu]
Special- [betsuji-nembutsu] betsuji-nembutsu
Specific- [betsu-no-nembutsu] betsu-no-nembutsu
New Year's Eve bells [joya-no-kane] joya-no-kane
New Year Practice [shushoe] shushoe
Nichiren [[[Nichiren]]]
nirvana [[[nehan]]] nehan
Noble Eightfold Path [skt. aryastangika-marga] [hasshodo] hasshodo
Not-self [skt. anatman] [muga] muga
offering [kumotsu] kumotsu
one million nembutsu rosary [hyakumanben-juzu] hyakumanben-juzu
One Page Document [ichimai-kishomon] ichimai-kishomon
ordination ceremony [tokudo-shiki] tokudo-shiki
Original Vow [hongan] hongan
Original Vow, Eighteenth [Original Vow, Eighteenth] juhachi-gan
Other Power [[[tariki]]] tariki


paper lotus petals [[[sanka]]] sanka
Passages on the Selection of the Nembutsu in the Original Vow [senchaku hongan nembutsu-shu] senchaku hongan nembutsu-shu [senchaku-shu]
Poisons, Three [of greed, anger and delusion] [sandoku] sandoku
preaching rank [kyokai] kyokai
precepts [kairitsu] kairitsu
Precepts movement [koritsu-ha] koritsu-ha
"Pre-emptive Funeral" Sermons [gyakushu-seppo] gyakushu-seppo
priest [obosan/soryo] obosan/soryo
priests, assistant [shikishu] shikishu
Profound Mind [jinshin] jinshin
-see Three Minds
prostration [raihai] raihai
Pure Land Sect [[[jodo-shu]]] jodo-shu
Pure Land Sect, True [jodoshin-shu] jodoshin-shu
rainy season retreat [[[ango]]] ango
Reitan [Reitan]
Renunciation movement [shasei-ha] shasei-ha
Reply to a Disciple [isshi-koshosoku] isshi-koshosoku
Retreat, Fivefold Transmission [goju-soden-e] goju-soden-e
Reward or Bliss Body [skt. sambhogakaya] [[[hojin]]] hojin
Right Practices [shogyo] shogyo
Rightly Established Practice [shojono-go] shojono-go
ritual purification [shasui] shasui
robe [[[kesa]]] kesa
robe, colored [koromo] koromo
rosary [juzu] juzu
ceremonial- [shogon-juzu] shogon-juzu
one million nembutsu- [hyakumanben-juzu] hyakumanben-juzu
Ryochu [Ryochu]
Ryukan [[[Ryukan]]]
Ryushin [[[Ryushin]]]
scholastic rank [gakkai] gakkai
Seishi Bodhisattva [Seishi-bosatsu] Seishi-bosatsu
Seizan school [seizan-ha] seizan-ha
Selection and Rejection [senchaku] senchaku
Self Power [[[jiriki]]] jiriki
Seven Article Pledge [shichikajo kishomon] shichikajo kishomon
Shakyamuni Buddha [Shakamuni-butsu] Shakamuni-butsu
Shariputra [Sharihotsu] Sharihotsu
Shingon Sect [shingon-shu] shingon-shu
Shinran [[[Shinran]]]
Shiio Benkyo [Shiio Benkyo]
Shogei [Shogei]
Shoko [Bencho] [Shoko [Bencho]]
Shoku [Shoku]
Shonen [Shonen]
Shoso [Shoso]
Shotatsu [Shotatsu]
Single-Minded Recitation of the Nembutsu [senju-nembutsu] senju-nembutsu
-see Exclusive Nembutsu
Single Recitation doctrine [ichinen-gi] ichinen-gi
Sins, Five Grievous [gogyakuzai] gogyakuzai
socks, ceremonial [tabi] tabi
Sonsho [Sonsho]
Special Nembutsu [betsuji-nembutsu] betsuji-nembutsu
Specific Nembutsu [betsu-no-nembutsu] betsu-no-nembutsu
stick incense [senko] senko
study room [sho-in] sho-in
Suchness [skt. tathata] [[[shinnyo]]] shinnyo
summer memorial services [Urabon] Urabon; Obon; Bon
sutra [kyohon] kyohon
Sutra Copying [sha-kyo] sha-kyo
Sutra of Immeasurable Life [muryoju-kyo] muryoju-kyo
-see Three Sutras of the Pure Land
sutra table [kyozukue] kyozukue
table of food offerings [shoryodana] shoryodana
taking the precepts [jukai-e] jukai-e
taking refuge in the Triple Gem [kikyoshiki] kikyoshiki
Tanzei [Tanzei]
A Teaching to the Western Land [saihoshinan-sho] saihoshinan-sho
temple [otera/ji-in] otera/ji-in
temple bell [kosho] kosho
temple family [jizoku] jizoku
temple family's quarters [kuri] kuri
Tendai Sect [tendai-shu] tendai-shu
Ten Night Chanting [juya-e] juya-e
Three Ages of the Dharma [shozomatsu] shozomatsu
Age of the Right Dharma [[[shobo]]] shobo
Age of the Semblance Dharma [zoho] zoho
Age of the Final Dharma [mappo] mappo
Three Bodies [[[sanjin]]] sanjin
Dharma Body [skt. dharmakaya] [hosshin] hosshin
Bliss Body; Reward Body [skt. sambhogakaya] [[[hojin]]] hojin
Manifested Body [skt. nirmanakaya] [ojin] ojin
Three Minds [[[sanjin]]] sanjin
Utterly Sincere Mind [shijoshin] shijoshin
Profound Mind [jinshin] jinshin
Mind which Dedicates One's Merit to the Pure Land with the Resolution to Be Born There [ekohotsuganshin] ekohotsuganshin
Three Poisons [of greed, anger and delusion] [sandoku] sandoku
Three Sutras of the Pure Land [jodosanbu-kyo] jodosanbu-kyo
Sutra of Immeasurable Life [muryoju-kyo] muryoju-kyo
Meditation Sutra [kammuryoju-kyo] kammuryoju-kyo
Amida Sutra [smaller Sutra of Immeasurable Life ] [amida-kyo] amida-kyo
Tokuhon [Tokuhon]
tonsure [teido] teido
torches of transmigration [ako] ako
Tranquil Light doctrine [jakkojodo-gi] jakkojodo-gi
True Pure Land Sect [jodoshin-shu] jodoshin-shu
the True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Way [kyogyoshinsho] kyogyoshinsho
Truths, Four Noble [skt. catvary aryasatyani] [shitai] shitai
Tsuizen Service [tsuizen-kuyo] tsuizen-kuyo
Urabon chanting [tanagyo] tanagyo
Utterly Sincere Mind [shijoshin] shijoshin
-see Three Minds
Various Practices Corresponding to the Original Vow doctrine [shogyo hongan-gi] shogyo hongan-gi
veneration or memorial service [kuyo] kuyo
wake [otsuya] otsuya
water rite [[[Abhiseka]] Ceremony] [kanjo] kanjo
whisk [[[hossu]]] hossu
witnessing guidance [indo] indo
wood chanting blocks [kaishaku] kaishaku
wooden fish block [mokugyo] mokugyo
Yamazaki Bennei [Yamazaki Bennei]
Zendo [ch.Shan-tao] [Zendo]
Zojo-ji [Zojo-ji]
Zonno [Zonno]
