ཤེས་རབ། (Wyl. shes rab) n. Pron.: sherab
- wisdom
- analytical appreciative understanding
- discriminating awareness
- appreciative discrimination
- Skt. prajñā. Intelligence
- Skt. prajñā.
- Skt. प्रज्ञा, prajñā, Pron.: prajna. From Sanskrit: to know, understand (•esp. a way or mode of action), discern, distinguish, know about, be acquainted with | to find out, discover, perceive, learn |: •Caus. | to show or point out (the way) | to summon, invite
Further Information
prajna, intelligence, knowledge, discrimination, [[[wisdom]]]. insight,
{shag rog} - roommate.
{shes rab chung ba} - those who have limited knowledge. Discrimination, as one of the five object determining mental states, superior knowledge [in most contexts] - superior intelligence, or intelligence [when refering to the 51 mental factors] - wisdom when taken as synonomous with yeshe.
syn {ye shes}; superior knowledge (in most contexts). - superior intelligence, or intelligence [when refering to the 51 mental factors]. - wisdom [when taken as synonomous with yeshe;
Wisdom, discriminating wisdom, [[[prajna]];
[[bden don gtan la 'bebs} rang dang spyi'i mtshan nyid rnam par 'byed pa'o]]} discriminative awareness.
recognition, intelligence, to be aware of, come to understand, to know, to grasp, master, to learn, can, be able to, to realize;
discriminative awareness; Discrimination, as one of the five object determining mental states. knowledge.
one of the {pha drug} - the six paramitas.
discriminative awareness.insight, intelligence.
{shes rab chung ba} - those who have limited knowledge. prajna, [[[wisdom]]].
syn {ye shes; wisdom;. superior knowledge [in most contexts]. - superior intelligence, or intelligence [when refering to the 51 mental factors] - wisdom [when taken as synonomous with yeshe]. transcendent knowledge
Prajna. Knowledge or intelligence. In particular, the 'knowledge of realizing egolessness.'