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The Search for the Zhangzhung Empire

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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KHAM SUM SEM-CHAN NAM KYI DON DU NGO,I now dedicate to the benefit of all the sentient beings of the three realms;DU SUM SAG-PE LE DRIB KUN JYANG NE,Having purified all my negative karma and obscurations accumulated in all the three times,KU SUM DZOG-PE SANG-GYE NYUR THOS SHOK.May I quickly come to attain the perfect Buddhahood of the Trikaya!When one is in a retreat situation, there would normally be four or even six meditation sessions each day, such as in the early morning, before midday, in the late afternoon toward sunset, and in the evening before retiring.

In the Dzogchen tradition, it is always necessary to at least perform the Guru Yoga at the beginning of each session of meditation practice. This keeps the practitioner inseparably linked and connected to the master and to the transmission, as well as to the contemplation of the Natural State to which the master has introduced to one directly. If one does not maintain this spiritual connection, then there could arise troubles with the Guardians for both the master and the disciple.

It is said that the Guardians have little patience with abuse or neglect of the lineage of the teachings and of the practice.According to the Bonpo tradition, it usually takes a continuous retreat of three months to complete the practice of all these preliminaries, each being done one hundred-thousand times. [131

But in terms of daily practice, one could perform all nine sections in sequence during the early morning session. Sitting down in meditation in the five-fold posture, one might run through each exercise in sequence. If possible, each is repeated three times or five times.

And at the conclusion one makes the dedication of merit and the commitment to attain Buddha-hood as soon as possible. During the midday session, the mantras from the Ngondro text are again recited. [14]The Invocation to TapihritsaAs said, the Lopon has indicated that, in addition to the short verse of supplication given above, one may also recite the following "Invocation to Tapihritsa" (Ta-pi-hri-tsa'i gsol-'debs) while visualizing the Guru in the sky in front of oneself as decribed above and before proceeding to receive the empowerments from the master. This invocation is contained in the manuscript version of the rGyal-ba phyag-khrid collection and it is said to have been composed by Gyerpungpa himself. [15]

This text embodies the essential meaning of Dzogchen and thus it is well suited for meditation practice while visualizing the resplendent form of Tapihritsa inside a rainbow sphere of light suspended in the sky in front of oneself.The translation of the text is as follows:EMAHO!O Nirmanakaya emanated from the Mind of Kuntu Zangpo! Your body color is a luminous white like crystal,Immaculate and of clear luster, and rays of light emanate from you into the ten directions.You are totally naked and without ornaments, signifying that you are the essence of the Primordial State.- 10 -

By virtue of your compassion and by means of the two knowledges, you continuously contemplate the benefit of all living beings.The nectar from the Hearts of all the Sugatas is Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, which is supreme among all teachings,The pinnacle among all the vehicles to enlightenment, and the essence of all Tantras, Agamas, and

Upadeshas:From the Natural State, which is the (Primordial) Base, originates both the liberation that is Nirvana and the delusion that is Samsara; Whereupon, as sounds, lights, and rays, all the defects (of Samsara) and all the virtues (of Nirvana) become clearly visible (as visions).

But once having cleared away everywhere all the darkness obscuring the minds of living beings (everything becomes clear),Then the Base, which is empty and without a source, is decisively understood to represent the Sole Path.Experiences and understanding become manifest (on the Path) and both Samsara and Nirvana are liberated into the Nature of Mind.

And thus, the Trikaya of the Fruit becomes clearly visible (as visions), arrayed before one in the dimension of space.To you, O Tapihritsa, the protector of beings,I pray with single-minded devotionTo grant the blessing of conferring empowerment upon me and upon all other beings For the pacifying all our obscurations, outer, inner, and secret!When I am liberated from ignorance and from all grasping at the reality of delusions,My own inherent intrinsic Awareness will become manifest; and having finally realized the proper view and the conduct,

At that very moment, please bestow upon me (the realization of)The actual meaning of the Primordial State that is empty, without a source, and totally transcending the intellect.To you, O Tapihritsa, our Lord who is the protector of beings, I pray - By virtue of your compassion, may you liberate my mind-stream from all entanglements within the six destinies of rebirth![Thus Gyerpung Nangzher Lodpo prayed to the Nirmanakaya Tapihritsa who is the visible embodiment (of all the Lineage Gurus).

Good fortune! Virtue!] [16]- 11 -
