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Introduction to the Drigung Kagyü Chakrasamvara Tradition

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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By Drubpön Rinchen Dorje

All the teachings of the Buddha can be gathered into the causal vehicle of characteristics and the fruitional vehicle of mantra. The mantra teachings can be gathered into the four types of tantras. Of these, there is the particular unsurpassed union tantra of Chakrasamavara, the king of tantras equal to space. The teacher Vajradhara rose up in the form of the fierce compassionate emanation Chakrasamvara and taught this tantra.

The power of the blessings of this tantra is said to be more exalted than others. Most of the mahasiddhas of India were renowned to have attained the supreme and common accomplishments through the gateway of Chakrasamvara. In Tibet Lord Marpa taught:

The tantra of Hevajra is renowned as profound. Chakrasamvara is known as the quintessence.

In particular, by Lord Marpa showing the illustrious Milarepa the metaphoric example of the mandala of Chakrasamvara, it is said that the actual true mandala of Chakrasamvara manifested vividly in the sky in Milarepa’s presence, bestowed empowerment, explained the tantras, and gave him all the pith instructions without leaving anything out. This tradition became renowned as the hearing lineage of Chakrasamvara, the special transmission of the Kagyü lineage of protectors of beings.

Lord Milarepa taught: The yidam deities Chakrasamvara, father and mother, Are graced by the bone ornaments of charnel grounds. In the perfect mandala in the sky The heroes and heroines gather like offering clouds.

The deities of the primordial wisdom of complete enjoyment Bestow empowerments that give rise to swift accomplishments.

If you have the power to pray to them, Blessings will not be weak.

This is the universal samaya of the dakinis. Saying this, Milarepa bestowed all the oral instructions upon Gampopa, like filling a vase to them brim. Gampopa taught: The outer yidam like the body is Hevajra. The inner yidam like the heart is Chakrasamvara.

Thus, this deity has been the practice of the oceans of Kagyü siddhas. It is the secret path that has been relied upon by the hundred of siddhas of India and Tibet. It is the swift path for those with faith, diligence, and wisdom. It is the heart nectar of the Buddha’s teachings. From the three traditions of the mahasiddhas Luipa, Krishnacharya, and Ghantapa of the holy land of India, the traditions of Ghantapa, Tilopa, and Naropa came

to Tibet from Swami and so forth to Marpa and Ga Lotsawa. These traditions became merged into a single river that flowed from the past masters into the protector Jigten Sumgön. From him until the present day, there has been an uninterrupted lineage of accomplished masters. It has not been corrupted by the adulterants of samaya breaking demons. This dharma lineage is linked together like a golden chain that has never been corroded by rust. May all abide with faith and confidence in it.

