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Dalai Lama 5

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (Tibetan: ངག་དབང་བློ་བཟང་རྒྱ་མཚོ་, Wylie: Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho; Tibetan pronunciation: [ŋɑ̀wɑ̀ŋ lɔ́psɑ̀ŋ cɑ̀t͡só]; 1617–1682)

Lopsan Gyatso, took birth with miraculous signs in Chongye Chinwar Taktse in 2497 of the Buddha's departure to parinirvana, in the tenth rabjam of the fire-snake-woman, in 1617 AD. His father was Mivan Dyudul Rapten, belonging to the family of King Zahor, and his mother was Tricham Kyunga Lhadze. Immediately after the birth, the Knowledge Holder of Nagi Wanpo offered him the initiation and instructions of Tsegura in order to eliminate the danger to life, thereby winning the battle with obstacles, which was the first good omen.

Panchen Lama Lopsan Chokyi Gyaltsen recognized him as the reincarnation of the Conqueror Yonten Gyamtso, and he was invited to the Ganden Palace of the glorious great Pelden Drepung Monastery. Having received the name Nagnan Lopsan Gyamtso Jigme Tupten Gochai De after cutting the first tuft of hair on the top of his head, he sat on the lion throne. Having matured, he relied on many outstanding Almighty, sages and yogis and comprehended all ten sciences; He accepted vows of initial monastic training and full monasticism from the Panchen Lama Lopsan Chökyi Gyaltsen.

The Dalai Lama reached the limits of learning in the exegesis of the Sutras and Tantras then current in Tibet, belonging mainly to the Sakya, Gelug and Nyingma traditions, as well as in tantric initiations, oral transmission and instructions; through practice, he acquired perfection in the art of the virtues of elimination and comprehension and became the owner of the entire Teaching without discrimination.

In particular, with regard to the Descent of the Words of Profound Pure Visions, in the prophecy from the terma, extracted by the glorious Tashi Topgyal, it is said: “Through pure prayers, You, the present King of the black-headed people, will extract twenty-five in five births and, in particular, five heart terms.” According to the indications of this unerring vajra prophecy, although the omens of a valid term arose at the time of his arrival in the glorious Samye, he did not acquire it due to place, time and circumstances.

Later, when countless conquerors of the Three Roots directly revealed their faces to him, he wrote it down in accordance with the instructions received from them and bestowed initiations, giving it the name "Sealed Mystery." It has twenty-five sections and additions compiled by him. The Dalai Lama bestowed in full the ripening empowerments and liberating clarifications of this terma to an assembly of the highest, among whom were the holders of the school of old translations, such as the Dharma King Terdag Lingpa, the Loremaster Pema Trinley and others. In this way this teaching became extremely widespread, and its unrelenting line continues to this day.

When His Holiness reached the age of 25 in the eleventh Rabjung of the Iron Serpent, in 1641 CE, his patron and disciple Gushri Tenzin Choegyel, having taken by military force the territory from Dome up to the possessions of the ruler of Tsana Karma, Tengkyon Wanpo, offered the Dalai Lama her into allegiance. At the age of 26 in the year of the water-horse, 1642 A.D. e. The Dalai Lama placed his feet in Shigatse and gave the beginning of the rule of the whole country of Tibet by the inhabitants of the Ganden Palace.

In the same year, his treasurer, Sönam Tsöpel, was appointed regent, and thus the burden of responsibility for the affairs of the state was placed on him. Countless lamas, incarnations and close friends throughout the territory of the Tibetan State were entrusted with appropriate duties, and, following them, they took on the burden of fulfilling orders, serving their patron. Gushri Tenzin Chögyel was given the name of the King of Tibet.

In the year of the water-sheep, Xecheng Chöje was specially sent by the Dalai Lama to meet the Manchu Emperor Jorchi Bogdo Khan with a prediction that he would capture the capital of the Chinese Emperor. The arrival of the messenger and the possession of the precious seal coincided in time, which caused extreme joy and amazement. In the year of the tree-bird in 1645 A.D. e. on the first day of the fourth lunar month, the construction of the Red Palace at the Summit began, ending four years later, which coincided in time with the arrival from Mongolia back to the Palace at the Summit of the statue of Arya Avalokiteshvara, the main statue of the Palace, which had been in a foreign land for many years.

In the ninth year of the reign of the regent Sonam Choepel, i.e. in the year of the iron tiger, in 1650 AD. e. the Jonan-pa school suffered extremely severe damage and destruction. The tradition of the Takten Cho-khor Lin monastery was turned into Gyoden, and the old monks who resisted the change were expelled to other places. It is said that in Takten speeches and thoughts regarding Geluk were equalized and the monastery was renamed Ganden Pyuntsok Lin.

Starting from the fifth year of the reign of the first Manchu Emperor, imperial ambassadors came to His Holiness in turn with invitations to Beijing, the capital of China, due to which, at the age of 36, on the eleventh rabjung of the water-dragon, in 1652 AD. e. On the seventh day of the seventh Mongolian month, he turned his horse from Tibet in the direction of China and gradually reached Beijing. An indescribable meeting was arranged in the imperial palace, the Emperor himself, in great respect, went to receive the guest, and during their meeting in the palace,

The Dalai Lama poured out the nectar of the holy Dharma. The Great Emperor made him his highest object of veneration; thus began their extraordinary relationship of venerated-patron.

In the following year, the water-serpents, in 1653 AD. e., on the tenth day of the third Mongolian month, when the Dalai Lama was on his way back to Tibet, envoys of the Emperor overtook him on the road in a place called Taikhar with a golden letter and a seal engraved on it with letters in four languages, reading “Seal The All-Knowing Vajradhara Dalai Lama, Lord of the Buddha's Teachings in the eminent wide expanse of the Peace Buddha in the West." That was the title given to him. "Dalai" in Mongolian means "great", "Supreme" or "ocean". The word "Lama" was left but the old one in Tibetan.

Thus it is clear that he received the name of the Lama the Great, the Supreme, or the Lama-Ocean. Throughout the return journey, he performed good deeds in two realms, placing everyone he heard, saw, remembered or touched him in the Pure Lands of Benefit and Bliss. At the end of the path, he placed his feet on the golden throne of the Great Potala Palace. In the year of the tree-horse 1654 A.D. e. Gushri Khan Tenzin Chogyel passed away at the age of 73. His son Tenzin Dorje was granted the position of Dahen King by the Emperor.

Also, in the fifteenth year of the reign of the regent Sonam Choepel, on the eleventh rabjung of the fire-monkey, and 1656 CE. e. out of envy, an innocent incarnation from Drepung's Upper Room, Drakpa Gyaltsen, was killed; a khadak was shoved down his throat. Immediately after his death, he turned into a ferocious spirit called Diol Gyelpo and began to create various obstacles, Causing extreme harm to the inhabitants of the Ganden Palace, etc. By order of His Holiness, the Sakyas Dakchen Shonam Rinchen bound him with an oath, and thus he became known as Dorje Shukden, on whom most revered patrons of Geluk adherents rely today as a guardian. Regent Sonam Choepel reigned for 17 years and in the year of the earth-dog, in 1658 CE. e. left the body in Lhaden Labran.

From the third month of the same year until the year of the iron rat, 1660 AD. e. for almost three years, His Holiness himself was responsible for the government in both spheres. At this time, many miraculous signs appeared, such as the rain of flowers, etc.

In the Year of the Iron Rat, the Dalai Lama appointed Trinley Gyamtso of Dronme as the ruler of the state. He first built an armory at the bottom of the Summit Palace and several small rooms at its very top. Trinley Gyamtso reigned for ten years and left the body in the year of the earth-monkey, in 1668 AD. e. Again, beginning at the end of that year, for a year His Holiness himself was responsible for the government of the state.

In the Tibetan year of the earth-bird, in 1669 A.D. e. The Dalai Lama placed on the throne the ruler of the state, master of ceremonies Lopsan Tutopa. He ruled for five and a half years, and then outwardly in the form of punishment associated with the history of the Sakyas mistress Tashila, he was dethroned and placed in Gonkar. However, at the joint request of the Sera and Drepung monasteries, along with the officials, he was granted the position of regent in retirement and Sanri Dzon as an inheritance. From then on, he resided in Sunri and became known as Deshi Sanriwa in the future.

In the year of the tree-hare, in 1675 AD. e. regent Lopsan Jinpa was appointed as the ruler of the state. After governing the country for five years, he resigned in the year of the earth-sheep, in 1679 AD. e. and, having received the inheritance of Nedong and in gratitude the position of regent in resignation, he settled in the New Ganden Building. Therefore, he is also called Deshi Nedongpa. In the same year of the land-sheep, Sangye Gyamtso of Dronme was endowed with the power of the ruler of the state, this regent, called the Pandita King, compiled many treatises, such as White Bedurya, Blue Bedurya, etc.; his knowledge and activity in both fields was extremely extensive.

In the year of the iron bird, in 1681 AD. e. Ganden Tsewang Pel was sent to Nari Korsum in Cho and, having subjugated that Locality to divine power, offered it as a tribute to His Holiness. Thus, the Great Fifth took possession of the entire space of Tibet and Great Tibet from Dartsedo in the East to Ladakh in the West. In general, the Supreme Conqueror the Great Fifth is praised as the embodiment of the activity of the lord Trisong Detsen in many terma predictions. We will show only some examples. In a prediction from a terma extracted by the Loremaster Lekden Dorje, it is said: “Current Trisong Detsen, in the Future you will be born a son in a family whose paternal line goes back to the ruler Zahor, in a lotus-shaped country in the area of ​​Yoru.

You will be born as a compassionate bodhisattva in the year of the horse or snake. Owner of the name Sanpo, outwardly the holder of the Vinaya Morality, inwardly a yogi of the Chariot of the Secret Mantra and secretly a son inspired by the Sugatas of the three times, You will comprehend the essence of the Meaning of the Sutras and Tantras and become their Lord, establish the tradition of Kama and Terma, fan the fading coals of the Teaching and You will rule by Dharma methods and secular methods.” In the divination from the terms extracted by Dudul Nyudeng Dor

