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Dakini energy

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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While researching the Goddess Tara, I found information about another Goddess from that part of the world.

Again I saw the connection between the Dakini goddess energies and all of creational feminine dieties.

They are all an expression of the same creational source and patterning.

Some people believe the Dakini language is linked to that of Atlantis - the trilling of the high priestesses. The language which is known as Vril.

Originating in the yogic and tantric traditions of the East, a Dakini is an expression of feminine wisdom-energy.

Dakini is the Goddess of Life's Turning Points.

Distillations of archetypal emanations, the Dakinis represent those essence principles within the self which are capable of transformation to a higher octave.

Dakinis are 'sky dancers,' heavenly angels devoted to the truth (dharma), woman consorts of and partners with the god-creators of India and Tibet.

Dakini serves as instigator, inspirer, messenger, even trickster, pushing the tantrika (aspirant) across the barriers to enlightenment. [Did someone say 'trickster'? The trickster is another icon found in most cultures - usually in male form who through tricks - magic -illusion - allows us to learn and experience. Tricksters - Thoth - Hermes - Mercury [the messenger] - Loki - Merlin - Wizards - etc.]

Dakini's wrathful aspect is depicted by the mala of skulls. Her peaceful aspect is depicted by the lotus frond.

Like Hindu goddess Kali, her role is to transmute suffering. Her left hand holds high the lamp of liberation.

Dakini represent the sky being a womb symbol connoting emptiness, creativity, potentiality.

They are objects of desire and also carriers of the cosmic energies that continually fertilize our human sphere.

Dakinis bring us pleasure and spirituality.

They provoke the enervating lust that brings life into being.

They are poetic and cosmic souls, put here to tempt us to spirituality.

Their hold over us is legendary because we all lust after the realms of the spirit and are attracted to those who carry its ennui.

Ennui - This term stresses profound dissatisfaction, discontent, or weariness of spirit. Usually it suggests physical depression, languor, or lassitude as well as boredom. Ennui comes from an Old French word meaning 'annoyance.'

Ennui rouses himself from his torpor to cajole other Warriors to be more interesting - without, ever contributing anything of interest himself. Ennui has limited weaponry at his disposal, but his majestic affectation of boredom provides an effective defense to attacks. When pressed in battle he will announce his intention of moving on to a more stimulating forum, but instead he will generally lurk quietly until the threat passes.


Spiderweb - all things linked to one source

Right arm - web - creation - feminine side of body

Snail with clock - time moves too slow

It is said that the Dakinis have the power to instantly entrap mere mortals with their gaze.

The mirror of your mind is the mysterious home of the Dakini - your right brain - your feminine side.

The secret Dakinis guard the deeper mysteries of the self.

Representing upsurging inspiration and non-conceptual understanding, Dakinis invite you to cut free of all limitations.

They are unconventional, unexpected, spontaneous, dancing in great bliss, at one with divine truth.

In the eastern tradition, a cycle of 64 Dakinis/Yoginis represents a complete cosmogram for the transformation of the self, embodying the total energy cycle of creation as depicted by the dance of Gnosis, the wisdom and energy of the divine feminine.

In representing this complete cycle we have the opportunity of evoking not only the Goddess, but of manifesting the totality of the Great Goddess herself.

Yogini/Dakini temples flourished in India around the 9th through the 12th centuries.

Erected in remote places, especially on hilltops, the temples were circular enclosures open to the sky. Around the inner circumference were 64 niches which housed exquisite stone carvings representing various aspects of the Goddess energy, creating a circular mandala around a central image of Shiva, symbol of Cosmic Consciousness and the one-pointedness of yogic discipline.
