10 precepts
The Ten Precepts are sometimes considered a summary of the most important precepts of the monastic monks and nuns of Theravada Buddhism.
These training rules are observed by novice monks and nuns. They are derived from the 8 precepts by splitting the precept concerning entertainments into two parts and by adding one rule prohibiting the handling of money.
A fully ordained monk (bhikkhu) observes the 227 rules of the bhikkhu Patimokkha; a fully ordained nun (bhikkhuni) would observe the 311 rules of the bhikkhuni Patimokkha.
The Ten Precepts in Pali and English
1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
3. Abrahmacariya veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
5. Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
6. Vikalabhojana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
- I undertake the precept to refrain from eating at the forbidden time (i.e., after noon).
7. Nacca-gita-vadita-visuka-dassana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
8. Mala-gandha-vilepana-dharana-mandana-vibhusanatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
9. Uccasayana-mahasayana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
10. Jatarupa-rajata-patiggahana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
(from Digha Nikaya 1; Vinaya, Mahavagga I 56.1) </poem>