An asankhyeya (Sanskrit: असंख्येय) is a Hindu/Buddhist name for the number 10140 or alternatively for the number 10^{(a\cdot2^b)} as it is listed in the Avatamsaka Sutra. Depending on the translation, the value is different. It is 10^{(5\cdot2^{103})} in the translation of Buddhabhadra, 10^{(7\cdot2^{103})} in that of Shikshananda and 10^{(10\cdot2^{104})} in that of Thomas Cleary who makes errors in the calculation.
Asamkhyeya is a Sanskrit word that appears often in the Buddhist texts. For example, Shakyamuni Buddha is said to have practiced for three great asamkhyeya kalpas before becoming a Buddha. Asamkhyeya means ‘incalculable’. Bhiksu Jin Yong "How Large is One Asamkhyeya?"
The word "asaṃkhyeya" literally means "innumerable" in the sense of "infinite" in Sanskrit. It is also a title of Vishnu and of Shiva. The word comes up in Vishnu Sahasranama Stanza 27, "Asankyeyo-aprameyaatmaa" One who has innumerable names and forms.