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75 rules of training

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75 Rules of training (Sekhiyavatta) for monks and nuns:

In many countries, it is also standard for novice monks (samanera) to follow the Sekhiyavatta rules in addition to the 10 precepts.

1. I will wear the under robe properly.

2. I will wear the upper robe properly.

3. I will cover my body properly when going in inhabited areas.

4. I will cover my body properly when sitting in inhabited areas.

5. I will properly restrain the movements of hands and feet when going in inhabited areas.

6. I will properly restrain the movements of hands and feet when sitting in inhabited areas.

7. I will keep my eyes looking down when going in inhabited areas.

8. I will keep my eyes looking down when sitting in inhabited areas.

9. I will not hitch up my robes when going in inhabited areas.

10. I will not hitch up my robes when sitting in inhabited areas.

11. I will not laugh loudly when going in inhabited areas.

12. I will not laugh loudly when sitting in inhabited areas.

13. I will not speak loudly when going in inhabited areas.

14. I will not speak loudly when sitting in inhabited areas.

15. I will not sway my body about when going in inhabited areas.

16. I will not sway my body about when sitting in inhabited areas.

17. I will not swing my arms about when going in inhabited areas.

18. I will not swing my arms about when sitting in inhabited areas.

19. I will not shake my head about when going in inhabited areas.

20. I will not shake my head about when sitting in inhabited areas.

21. I will not put my arms (akimbo) when going in inhabited areas.

22. I will not put my arms (akimbo) when sitting in inhabited areas.

23. I will not cover my head with a cloth when going in inhabited areas.

24. I will not cover my head with a cloth when sitting in inhabited areas.

25. I will not walk on tiptoe when going in inhabited areas.

26. I will not sit clasping the knees in inhabited areas.

27. I will receive pindapāta (alms round) food attentively.

28. When receiving pindapāta food, I will look only into the bowl.

29. I will receive curries in the right proportion to the rice.

30. I will receive pindapāta food only until it reached the rim of the bowl.

31. I will eat pindapāta food attentively.

32. When eating pindapāta food, I will look only into the bowl.

33. I will not dig up the rice making it uneven.

34. I will eat curries in the right proportion to the rice.

35. I will not eat rice only working from the top down.

36. I will not cover up curries; or curry mixed with rice; with white rice because of a desire to get a lot.

37. When I am not sick, I will not ask for curries or rice for the purpose of eating them myself.

38. I will not look at another's bowl with the idea of finding fault.

39. I will not make up a very large mouthful of food.

40. I will make food up into suitably round mouthfuls.

41. I will not open my mouth until the portion of food has been brought to it.

42. When eating, I will not put my fingers into my mouth.

43. When food is still in my mouth, I will not speak.

44. I will not throw lumps of food into my mouth.

45. I will not eat by biting off mouthfuls of rice.

46. I will not eat stuffing out my cheeks.

47. I will not eat and shake my hand about at the same time.

48. I will not eat scattering grains of rice about so that they fall back into the bowl or elsewhere.

49. I will not eat putting my tongue out.

50. I will not eat making a champing sound.

51. I will not eat (or drink) making a sucking sound.

52. I will not eat licking my hands.

53. I will not eat scraping the bowl.

54. I will not eat licking my lips.

55. I will not take hold of a vessel of water with my hand soiled with food.

56. I will not throw out bowl-washing water which has grains of rice in it in a place where there
are houses.

A bhikku should train himself thus: I will not teach Dhamma to someone who is not sick and...

57. who has an umbrella in his hand.

58. who has a wooden stick (club) in his hand.

59. who has a sharp-edged weapon in his hand.

60. who has a weapon in his hand.

61. who is wearing (wooden-soled) sandals.

62. who is wearing shoes.

63. who is in a vehicle.

64. who is on a bed (or couch).

65. who is sitting clasping the knees.

66. who has a head wrapping (turban).

67. whose head is covered.

68. who is sitting on a seat while I am sitting on the ground.

69. who is sitting on a high seat while I am sitting on a low seat.

70. who is sitting while I am standing.

71. who is walking in front of me while I am walking behind him.

72. who is walking on a pathway while I am walking beside the pathway.

A bhikku should train himself thus: If I am not sick...

73. I will not defecate or urinate while standing.

74. I will not defecate, urinate or spit on green vegetation.

75. I will not defecate, urinate or spit into water.

(from the Vinaya Pitaka)
