The Grand Buddha Akshobhya Jangchok Puja
Why Akshobhya Buddha
Buddha Akshobhya is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas or Five Wisdom Buddhas (Skt:Dhyani for "Meditation"). In Tibetan, He is known as "Mitrugpa," the one who never becomes disturbed by anger or aggression. He is regarded as especially powerful and effective in purifying negative karma.
Buddha Akshobhya established his enlightened intention that all sentient beings could purify any degree of non-virtue, even the most extreme sinfulness of hatred, violence, and killing can be cleansed through relying upon him as the focus of meditation; confessing and abandoning non-virtuous actions, and invoking his blessings of purification through earnest supplication.
In the Akshobhya's Sutra, Buddha Sakyamuni himself extolled the perseverance of Akshobhya in actualizing this intention so powerfully that countless beings have been saved from the intense suffering of lower states of existence.
According to the Buddhist teachings, the present age is one of the degeneration when all beings in the cycle of existence (samsara) are suffering in the great deal because of their negative actions and disturbing emotions.
The Akshobhya ritual is a very powerful purification practice done for the benefit of all sentient beings. It can liberate not only the practitioners themselves from the fear of an unfortunate rebirth, but other beings as well. Akshobhya explicitly promised that the merit generated by reciting 100,000 of his long dharani mantra and creating an image of him could be dedicated to others, even someone long deceased, and they would be assured of release from the lower states of existence, and take rebirth in spiritually fortunate circumstances.
Why Jangchok Puja
"Jang" means purifying. What's to be purified? Karma! "Chok" mean puja. "Karma Purifying Puja" is what it denotes.
Jangchok can be performed for both the living and deceased. Both will have same puja preparations, but differ in the execution prayers and rituals during the puja.
During the Buddha Akshobhya Jangchok for the dead, the main empowerment is the initiation of Six Paramitas of Akshobhya. By the power of the Buddha's Mantras, the strength of practices of the Vajra Master and the monks, the specific rituals and mudras; the deceased is given proper initiation of the Six Paramitas, guidance through the Dharma, and transference of their consciousness to pure-land through Phowa.
The living, too, are tormented by various of samsaric pain, sickness and sufferings resulted from their past and present negative actions, such as killing, harming others and so on; driven mainly by greed, attachment, anger, hatred, jealousy and ignorance. Through the cleansing power of the six Paramitas, one will be able to purify the six negativities like attachment, broken vows, anger, laziness, and so forth.
According to the Buddha's teaching, traditionally, Jangchok must be performed on a yearly basis for the deceased. That is how we can constantly benefit the dead or those in Bardos, even if they have passed away long ago or have taken a good rebirth. The Jangchok puja is an unfailing great helps for them and the countless others who are in the three lower realms. Even if the person has been reborn in a higher realm of samsara, every time we do Jangchok, it will affect them positively. However, if he or she is still wandering in the Bardo, then the prayer will liberate him from that state.
In the Tantra of Buddha Akshobhya, Buddha has mentioned that "Bodhisattvas* come down to prostrate to Masters and Monks during Buddha Akshobhya Puja since they realized that their rebirth to the pure-land was due to the Jangchok puja".
- Bodhisattvas = only those who have attained at least first bhumi can be reborn in Buddha Akshobhya pure-land. This means the ordinary beings who were sent their by the powerful Vajra master through Akshobhya Jangchok have become Bodhisattvas of first bhumi.
Why Dechen Choekhor Monastery
Drukpa Kargyu's Lineage holds the main lineage of Buddha Akshobhya, principally in Dechen Choekhor (the seat of Choegon Rinpoche), Khampagar (the seat of Khamtrul Rinpoche) and Nangchen Garh (the seat of Adeu Rinpoche) and all their Lineage Holders. This lineage is directly from Buddha Akshobhya, Vajrapani, Arya Deva, down to Atisha, who traveled to Tibet, and then, from Tsangpa Gyare to Choegon Rinpoche's Lineages of Dechen Choekhor tradition. It's originated from there that the practice of Buddha Akshobhya practices spread to most Kargyu monasteries in the 16th century.
Dechen Choekhor put particular emphasis in Buddha Akshobhya practices. It has been our exclusive and intensive practices for puja, Jangchok, retreat, purification and other rituals. This blessing lineage was kept pure, intact and unbroken through the perseverance and diligent practices, particularly the Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche Lineage for over 500 years.
Being the mother monastery, not only to Khampagar, Hemis and Dorzong Monastery, but also to the most other Drukpa Kagyu monasteries that branched-out and spread throughout the entire Tibet in the 16th century, including Nangchen Garh; Dechen Choekhor and all the lineage holders have kept this lineage very strong and vibrant. What strong here means, is not merely referring to doing pujas, but being practiced as main practices in retreat, for purification, etc. The Buddha Akshobhya practice is still a mandatory retreat practice in our tradition until today.
Buddha Akshobhya Buddha Jangchok Puja is especially beneficial for
Buddha Akyobya puja is known for its power in Karma purification. That is why it is incredibly effective for Jangchok, and is especially beneficial for:
The deceased, particularly:
Death during the passage toward birth (by miscarriage or abortion)
Death before adulthood (untimely death)
Violent or fearful death
Those that have died of any of the above are indications that the deceased might have difficulties in obtaining fortunate, spiritually well-endowed rebirth. Through the power of Buddha Akshobhya Jangchok Puja, the person who receives the dedication will find a rebirth that is free of intense suffering and is conducive to ultimate happiness.
Likewise, in the west, many people have sponsored this puja for their pets or for animals they may have killed while driving or in other circumstances. Any animals can be benefited from the release from the animal realm through Akshobhya Buddha Jangchok Puja.
The living who suffer from
Cancer or other incurable diseases
According to Dharma, we all have accumulated countless negative Karma in our incalculable life times, which causes our sickness and the never-ending cyclic existence, and these types of sicknesses can only be cured by cleansing of our Karma.
By purifying one's karma, it will bring great benefits and improvements to one's lives, helps eliminates the afflictive emotions and reduces the obstacles in both our worldly and spiritual pursues.
『德钦穹果』寺不动佛超度 、净业大法会 (2014年 6月30日 至 7月2日)
『德钦穹果』寺一年一度的不動佛超度、淨業大法會将自2014年 6月30日至7月2日举行。于7月2日, 将为法會結束特别舉行全体的总迴向, 將所有的功德普及迴向給一切眾生,愿他们远离诸苦难、安于福乐之善所及迅速地度化解脱; 特别是與法會缘繫的诸有情。此大法會将由至尊竹巴穹恭仁波切亲自主持修法。
本法会公开让所有具足孝心的善男子善女子们参与;法会功德金及参与类别均属随喜赞助;且又能将法会功德普皆迴向於所追思的亲朋戚友或心系悲悯之众生。您的赞助功德亦必功不唐捐, 可让您与不动佛及其法门功德结下殊胜法缘!
08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)08:03, 31 May 2019 (CEST)VTao (talk)
不动佛往昔成佛时曾发愿:任何众生在其护持之下,不论其恶业之大小程度,均可藉其佛力加持而净除其罪;只要依其为禅修本尊, 对所造之恶业加以恳切承认、忏悔及加以舍弃之;并藉不动佛之大加持力故,即使重如嗔怒、暴戾或杀害众生等恶业亦可清除息灭也。在《佛说不动佛经》里,佛陀亦曾赞叹不动佛愿力之无边弗远,其所坚持之无尽愿力广大无边,连三恶道身受无尽苦难之众生亦可藉此而得超脱!
依据佛教的说法,我们现在处于的时代正是所谓的"末法时期"- 也就是一个"轮回众生皆因过去之恶业及烦恼而极为痛苦的时代"。为对治上述烦恼业障故,不动佛的修法是一个极为方便且稀有殊胜的法门。此法门不止能为修持者带来"远离下坠三恶道之恐惧",亦能为其他众生带来莫大的功德与利益。依据不动佛法门所述,只要为其立像赞颂,并能念诵其长咒达十万遍者,即使是久远之往生者,亦可获"超脱恶道"及"往生时值佛法之善趣"的殊胜功德!
什么是"超度 、净业法会" ?
超度 、净业法会之藏文为"将祝"(Jang Chok),"将"的意思是"净化",而"祝" 就是"法会"的意思。超度、净业法会顾名思义就是"净化业障的殊胜法会"。"将祝"可为生者或往生者而举办。两者的前行修法是一样的,只在正行部分有所差别。
在此不动佛超度大法会中,主要的灌顶为《不动佛之六波罗蜜灌顶》。藉由佛咒真言之加持力,加上修持之功德力及金刚上师及喇嘛僧众们之共修禅定力,还有仪轨、手印等之法界缘起力 - 往生者将被赐予《不动佛之六波罗蜜灌顶》、佛法之开示及劝诫;并藉由《颇瓦迁识法》将其意识引领至佛国净土。
根据佛陀教法所言,超度法会必须依据传统的规定,对刚往生者在之后连续的三年里,每年为他至少举办一场的超度法会。这就是我们能利益往生者或中阴众生的方便法门 - 不论是久远前已往生者或是已投生善道者,亦可从中受益匪浅也。尤其对身陷恶道苦恼之众生而言,此修法更能带来莫大的好处和功德。对已投生善趣者,我们每行修此法一次,就越能增长其福德力及善报。对身处中阴身阶段的众生,此法亦能为之带来解脱及度化。在《不动佛密续》中有云:"於《不动佛法会》中,因为依靠此超度法会而得往生净土故,净土中之菩萨亦会降临坛场,一一向上师及僧众们顶礼感恩" - 由此可见此殊胜法会之不可思议功德!
竹巴噶举传承乃不动佛修法之主要传承持有者。尤其是『德钦穹果』寺 (Dechen Choekhor)(竹巴穹恭仁波切之主寺)、「康巴嘎」寺(Khampagar)(康楚仁波切之主寺)及「囊谦嘎」寺(Nangchen Garh)(阿谛仁波切之主寺)及所属传承之有关持有者,莫不以不动佛之法门而闻名遐迩。此殊胜传承乃直接源自于不动佛、金刚手菩萨、圣天菩萨,然后一直传到弘法至西藏的阿底峽尊者身上;后至章巴嘉雷(Tsangpa Gyare)而后到穹恭仁波切之传承(德钦穹果寺传承)。以此为中心的不动佛法脉,於是逐渐蔓延传遍了16世纪中的大部分竹巴噶举寺院。
『德钦穹果』主寺身负重任,除了其分寺「康巴嘎」寺(Khampagar) 及「囊谦嘎」寺(Nangchen Garh)外,亦是16 世纪以来遍布整个西藏大大小小的竹巴噶举寺院之重要母体。『德钦穹果』主寺及其它传承法脉持有者皆非常注重于延续及弘扬此法脉的使命及重任。此意味着不动佛的修法不单单限于法会共修而已,它在闭关精进修持及净化等仪轨中与扮演不可或缺的重要角色。不动佛的修法在今天各大有关竹巴噶举寺院的闭关修持中是绝对必修的主要功课。
《不动佛之超度 、净业大法会》之主要功德利益为:
不动佛在净化恶业方面尤具效验,故以此为超度 、净业法门特具加持力及超脱力。
对已往生者 - 特别是:
堕胎或流产之婴孩 非时死者(意外或不幸身亡者) 因暴乱或极度惶恐之情况下丧生者 自杀丧生者值 在上述情况下丧命者,一般而言较难投生於善趣或时值佛法之地;但若有人为之举办《不动佛超度法会》,因功德回向力故,其神识亦必能远离诸怖畏苦难;投生善趣而能身处于安乐幸福之善所。
因恶业而引起的不知名恶疾 癌症或难治愈之绝症/奇难杂症 以佛法而言,我们於无始无数生以来,即已造作累积了无量无边的恶业;所以导致我们面对如苦等永无止尽之轮回诸苦,而此种烦恼和痛苦唯有通过 "净业法门" 方能将之消除殆尽!藉由对恶业的净除,众生之福德善报亦必有所增长;待种种烦恼业障净除后,不论在世间或出世间亦必能两全其美、福慧双修!