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bka' 'gyur (urga)

The Urga Kanjur, created between 1908 and 1910 under the patronage of the last Jetsundampa of Mongolia. This copy was brought to India by Prof. Raghu Vira, who received it from the Prime Minister of Mongolia. The scans were prepared from the originals at the international academy of indian culture with the gracious permission of Dr. Lokesh Chandra (105 vol)

bstan 'gyur (co ne) [W1GS66030]

Collection of shastras translated from Indic languages; edited by Choni Lama Drakpa Shedrub with catalog by Jamyang Shepa Konchog Jigme Wangpo; the Choni blocks were carved between 1753-1773 and were destroyed in 1929 (209 vol)

ngan song sbyong rgyud [W1CZ1147]

Canonical translation in manuscript of the Sarvadurgatiparisodhana tantra (1 vol)

li thang bka' 'gyur dkar chag [W1CZ881]

Original catalog of the Kangyur carved in Ljang Sa tham; the blocks were later moved to Litang (1 vol)

gsang bdag zhal lung [W30338]

Commentary on the Guhyagarbha tantra of the Nyingma; by a master of the Mindrol Ling tradition (1 vol)

dam tshig thams cad nyams chags skong ba'i lung bshags pa thams cad kyi rgyud dri ma med pa'i rgyal po [W30396]

Canonical work (1 vol)

thar pa chen po phyogs su rgyas pa 'gyod tshangs kyi sdig sbyangs te sangs rgyas su grub par rnam par bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo [W30397]

Canonical work (1 vol)

tshe dang ye shes dpag tu med pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo [W30399]

Canonical work (1 vol)

the vimalaprabha commentary on the laghukalacakra tantra [W30334] Reproduction of a rare manuscript of a commentary on the Kalacakra, the Vimalaprabha (2 vol) Nyingma

pad gling lo rgyus drang gtam [W00EGS1017331]

Defense of the authenticity of the revelations of the Bhutanese national terton and hero from the questions of his teachings and their authenticity by Michael Aris (1 vol) man ngag dang zhal gdams skor [W00KG0617]

Two collections of the teachings of the Nyingma master, Jigme Lingpa (1 vol) snying thig gi sngon 'gro'i khrid rim thar lam snang sgron [W1CZ896] Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje's famous work on the practice of the Nyingtig (1 vol) bdud 'joms gling pa'i rnam thar zhal gsungs ma [W1CZ900] Autobiography of the Nyingma Terton Dudjom Lingpa (1 vol) mgur 'bum / rat+na badz+ra [W1CZ902] Songs of esoteric realization by a master of a mixture of the Nyingma and Kagyu traditions (1 vol) gu ru'i mdzad rnam ma 'ongs bstan sogs kyi dkar chag gsal ba'i me long [W28800] Listing of biographies of Padmasambhava and prophecies of things to come (1 vol) gzhi lam 'bras bu'i smon lam gyi don gsal bar byed pa kun tu bzang po'i zhal lung [W28811] Classic work on a Dzogchen prayer (1 vol) chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad sbyar 'phags pa'i gang zag rnams kyi 'byung gnas [W29196] Commentary on the Abhidharmakosa; written by a modern Nyingma scholar (3 vol) dbu ma la 'jug pa'i bshad sbyar rtsod med che ba'i 'byung gnas [W29197] Commentary on the Madhyamakavatara by a modern scholar (1 vol) mkhas pa'i tshul la 'jug pa'i sgo'i mchan 'grel legs bshad snang ba'i 'od zer [W29206] Annotated commentary to the treatise on the principles of scholarship by Khenpo Nuden (1 vol) 'ja' tshon pod drug gi 'don cha'i skor yan lag dang bcas pa phan bde'i bum bzang [W29337] Rituals of the Jatson tradition of Nyingma (1 vol) byang gter 'don cha'i skor smad cha bka' dgongs phur gsum yan lag dang bcas pa phrin las kun 'grub [W29338] Rituals of the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma; followed in the Nubri Valley (1 vol) byang gter 'don cha'i skor stod cha sgrub skor rnam gsum yan lag dang bcas pa dngos grub mchog sbyin [W29339] Rituals of the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma; followed in the Nubri Valley of Nepal (1 vol) gnam chos bde chen zhing sgrub dang kar gling zhi khro'i tshor chung skor dang chos rgyal rdo rje'i nor lha dzam dkar bcas [W29344] Practice texts for the Namcho revelations of Sukhavati Paradise; manual for practice in Nubri Valley, Nepal (1 vol) gsang sngags nang gi lam rim rgya cher 'grel pa sangs rgyas gnyis pa'i dgongs rgyan [W30187] (1 vol) bdud 'dul phur pa gnam lcags spu gri [W30284] Nyingma practice texts connected with Vajrakila (1 vol) phur pa yang gsang bla med don gyi snying po las rgya chos smad las dug phur nag po'i mtshon cha las kyi 'khor lo [W30293] Vajrakila teachings revealed by Ratna Lingpa (1 vol) three rare rdzogs chen texts of the bdud-'joms tradition [W30335] Commentaries on teachings of Dzogchen of the Dudjom Lingpa tradition (1 vol) dag snang ye shes drwa ba las gnas lugs rang byung gi rgyud rdo rje'i snying po [W30337] Teaching of the Nyingma tradition of Dudjom Lingpa (1 vol) gu ru drag po rdo rje gro lod kyi chos skor [W30344] Teachings connected with the propitiation of Padmasambhava in the form Dorje Drolo; from the revelations of Adzom Drukpa (1 vol) gro lod rgyab chos phyogs sgrigs [W30345] Teachings connected with the propitiation of Padmasambhava in the form Dorje Drolo; from the revelations of Yonge Mingyur Dorje (1 vol) mkha' 'gro bdud 'dul drag mo [W30346] On the propitiation of the Lion-Faced Dakini; revelations from the teachings of Tagsham Nuden Dorje (1 vol) rdor sems thugs kyi me lon and zab tig chos dbyins ran gsal [W30347] Revealed teachings of the Jangter tradition of the Nyingma (1 vol) dbu ma rgyan gyi bshad sbyar don rnam par nges pa'i chos kyi 'byung gnas [W30404] Commentary on the Madhyamakalankara by a modern Bhutanese teacher (1 vol) dris lan lung dang rigs pa'i 'brug sgra sogs [W30540] Two refutations of 16th century attacks on the Nyingma tradition by scholars of the Karma Kagyu (1 vol) rtsod lan mdor bsdus rugs kan rab gsal de nyid snang byed [W4997] Work refuting Pari Rabsal's views on the Bodhicaryavatara (1 vol) spyod 'jug sher le brgal lan nyin byed snang ba [W4998] Refutation of incorrect views on the 9th chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara (1 vol) ya mtshan sprul pa'i glegs bam [W6458] Work of Zhabkar Tsodrug Rangdrol (1781-1851) (1 vol) rmad byung sprul pa'i glegs bam [W6459] Work of Zhabkar Tsodrug Rangdrol (1781-1851) (1 vol) dag snang sprul pa'i glegs bam [W6460] One of the collections of teachings by the famed Zhabkar Tsodrug Rangdrol (1781-1851) (1 vol) drag po rang 'byung rang shar chen po'i rgyud dang bka' brgyad kyi bsnyen thabs 'das pa'i zhal lung sogs bcas [W30291] Collections of Jangter teachings (2 vol) thugs sgrub yang snying 'dus pa'i chos skor [W30324] Collected rituals rediscovered by Ratna Lingpa (2 vol) commentaries on the guhyagarbha tantra and other rare nyingmapa texts from the library of dudjom rimpoche [W30336] Rare commentaries on the chief Nyingma tantra of the Mahayoga class (2 vol) mdzod bdun (a 'dzom par ma) [W1PD8] Seven great philosophical masterpieces of the famed Nyingma philosopher, Longchen Rabjampa Drime Ozer (1308-1363); from the Adzom carvings (7 vol) gsung 'bum/_ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu [W29036] Collected works of a master of the Nyingma tradition from Dza Rongphu (9 vol) kaH thog snyan brgyud khrid chen bcu gsum skor [W30199] Special instructions on practice of the ancient teachings of Kathog and its affiliates (13 vol) gter 'bum/_rig 'dzin nyi ma [W30105] Collected visionary revelations of a contemporary Nyingma master from Golog (21 vol) gsung 'bum/_kun bzang nyi ma [W00KG03612] Collected visionary teachings of a 20th century Nyingma terton Dzongter Kunsang Nyima (1904-1958) (27 vol) gter chos/_rang rig rdo rje [W1PD289] Collected terma revelations of a modern visionary from Nyarong (42 vol) gsung 'bum/_tshul khrims bzang po [W1PD26799] Collection of writings by a Nyingma master and student of Lerab Lingpa (8 vol) Kadam and Gelug bkra shis lhun po'i sngags pa grwa tshang gi dbyangs yig [W1CZ1053] Chanting manual of the Tantric College of Tashilhunpo (1 vol) khrid chen brgyad kyi phyag dpe gsang sngags bla med snying po [W1CZ1071] Manual for the practice of the 8 instructions (tri of Tsongkapa) (1 vol) mkhan brgyud rnam gsum byon tshul gyi rnam thar [W1CZ1079] How the three major schools for the vinaya transmission appeared in Tibet (1 vol) rigs pa'i bstan bcos gnam lcags 'khor lo [W1CZ1082] Polemic written by Khedrup Je; ume manuscript (1 vol) gsung 'bum/_thogs med bzang po dpal [W1CZ1084] Collection of writings by the Kadampa master Gyalse Togme; an ume manuscript (1 vol) rdor dbyings dkyil 'khor gyi dka' 'grel mdor bsdus [W1CZ1085] Commentary by an unknown author on the Vajradhatu mandala (1 vol) sgrol ma'i chos skor phyogs bsgrigs [W1CZ1151] Rituals for the practice of the 21 Tara (1 vol) bden pa bzhi'i gdams ngag nyi ma'i 'od zer [W1CZ1152] Notes on the teachings of the four truths by a master of the Gelug tradition, to date unknown (1 vol) gsung thor bu/_bcom ldan rig pa'i ral gri [W1CZ1041] Collection of works by Chomden Rigpai Raldri (2 vol) gdung gi gser gyi mchod sdong [W00EGS1017337] Volume published on the 2nd anniversary of the passing of the Gelug master Shardong Lozang Shedrub Gyatso; comprises a biography, anecdotes, and poems in praise of him (1 vol) rgyud bla ma'i 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long [W00KG0537] Commentary on the Uttaratantrasastra (Ratnagotravibhagotravibhaga) by Go Lotsava (2 vol) drang nges legs bshad snying po [W1CZ1011] Rare Drepung edition of the work of Tsongkkhapa (1 vol) bsdus sbyor gyi gzhung [W1CZ1012] Treatise on elementary logic (1 vol) chos dang chos ma yin pa rnam par dbye ba'i rab tu byed pa [W1CZ885] Polemical work of the Gelukpa tradition against attacks of other schools (1 vol) rab byung ma rnams la bslab khrims su bcas pa [W1CZ890] On the ordination of females; another example of a separate work from the collected works of Trakar Lozang Palden Tendzin Nyendrag (1 vol) smyung gnas bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar yig drug dang smyung gnas kyi phan yon [W1CZ891] History of the teachers transmitting the fasting and silence practices observed by the Gelug (1 vol) gsung 'bum / bzang po dpal [W1CZ895] Collection of writings by the Kadampa master Gyalse Togme; printed from the Derge blocks (1 vol) brgal lan legs pa'i gtam 'byed [W1CZ898] Polemical work by the Gelug scholar Denma Locho (1 vol) kun gzhi'i thal phreng yig cha'i rjes su 'jug pa [W1CZ899] Treatise on the kun gzhi by the famed Denma Locho (1 vol) blo rig gi rnam gzhag [W1CZ901] Treatise on the fundamentals of logic; by the 1st Jamyang Shepa (1 vol) blo rtags kyi mtha' dpyod [W1CZ911] Treatise on logic by the 1st Jamyang Shepa (1 vol) dge ldan thun mong ma yin pa drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par phye ba'i bstan bcos legs bshad snying po'i rgya cher bshad pa drang nges bzhi 'dril [W29007] Commentary on the Legs bshad snying po of Tsongkhapa (1 vol) brgal lan lung rigs gnam lcags 'bar ba [W29045] Polemic in the discourse regarding Dorje Shugden; a refutation of the earlier work of Dhongthog Rinpoche (1 vol) brgal lan kun khyab 'brug sgra : gdong thog sprul sku la gdams pa brgal lan kun khyab snyan pa'i 'brug sgra [W29046] Polemic in the discourse regarding Dorje Shugden (1 vol) rgyal sras lag len so bdun ma dang de yi mchan 'grel yid kyi mun sel [W29664] Work by Gyalse Thogme on the bodhisattva practice; includes commentary (1 vol) lhag mthong chen mo'i dka' gnad rnams brjed byang du bkod pa dgongs zab snang ba'i sgron me [W2993] Treatise on difficult to comprehend points in understanding insight meditation (1 vol) life and works jibcundampa 1 [W30151] Biographies and writings of the First Jetsun Dampa Huthugthu of Urga (1 vol) dus gsum rgyal ba kun gyi spyi gzugs bka' drin gsum ldan rje btsun bla ma thams cad mkhyen pa d+har+ma b+ha dra dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa zhwa ser bstan pa'i mdzes rgyan [W30156] Biography of the Gelukpa prelate Yangchen Drubpai Dorje (1 vol) dge slong ngag dbang lo bzang tshul khrims gyi spyod tshul drang por brjod pa myong snang 'khrul pa'i zlos gar gyi kha skong [W30166] Continuation of the life of Shekar Kangyur Lama; with a biography of a famous block carver (1 vol) dbu ma'i spyi don gyi mchan 'grel zab don rab gsal sgron me [W30181] Treatise on Madhyamika by a Mongol author (1 vol) rgyud bla ma'i 'grel pa [W465] Lotro Tsungme, the author of this commentary on the Ratnagotravibhaga or Uttaratantrasastra was a contemporary of Buton Rinchen Drub (1290-1364). This work is a contribution to the issue of the rangtong and zhentong controversies, which was of great significance during the 13th-17th centuries. (1 vol) gsung 'bum/_ye shes rgya mtsho [W6113] Collected works of a Geluk prelate (1 vol) tshad ma rnam nges kyi 'grel pa [W12170] Buddhist logic; commentary on the Pramanaviniscaya (1 vol) tshad ma'i bsdus pa yid kyi mun sel rtsa 'grel [W12171] Buddhist logic; commentary by a Kadampa master (1 vol) dbu ma de kho na nyid kyi snying po [W23505] Treatment of Madhyamika by a Kadampa master (1 vol) gsung 'bum/_blo bzang rab gsal [W00EGS1017359] Collected writings of a 19th century scholar of the Gelug tradition from Kumbum (1 vol) log par smra ba tshar gcod pa'i ral gri rno ngar 'bum ldan [W00KG01655] Polemical exchange written at the behest of the author's student Gonsar Ngawang Chogter Thubten Jigdral (1 vol) gsung 'bum/_ngag dbang gsung rab mthu stobs [W29272] Collected works of the last regent of Tibet, Tagdrag Ngagwang Sungrab Tutob (1874-1952) (2 vol) 'dul ba mdo rtsa'i rnam bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer legs bshad lung gi rgya mtsho [W29519] Commentary on the Vinayasutra; written by Tsonawa and printed from the Labrang blocks (2 vol) gsung 'bum/_blo bzang tshul khrims [W30107] Collected works of the Phurbu Chog Jampa Gyatso (1825-1901) (2 vol) the old and new obligatory texts (yig cha) for the study madhyamika se ra smad [W30178] (2 vol) gsung 'bum/_dbang chen dgyes rab rdo rje [W30303] Collected writings of an eminent 19th century Gelug master from Denma in Khams (3 vol) gsung 'bum/_ngag dbang blo bzang chos ldan [W30098] Collected works of a Gelug prelate (5 vol) gsung 'bum/_blo gros rgyal mtshan [W447] Collected works by an early Gelug master (5 vol) gsung 'bum/_'jigs med rig pa'i blo gros [W1PD94] Collected works of a prominent Gelug scholar Tseten Zhabdrung (1910-1985) from Amdo: printed from woodblocks (9 vol) gsung 'bum/_bcom ldan rig pa'i ral gri [W00EGS1017426] 10 volume collection of surviving writings of a famed master of the Narthang tradition of the Kadampa; with support from the Trace Foundation, Kamtrul Sonam Dondrub created this typeset edition in Lhasa; a facsimile edition of the source manuscripts will appear in the second tranche of the Kadam Sungbum Collection (10 vol) gsung 'bum / 'jigs med dam chos rgya mtsho [W00EGS1017401] Collected writings of a prominent Geluk author from Amdo (15 vol) Kagyu 'bri gung bka' brgyud chos mdzod chen mo [W00JW501203] A collection of the texts principally of the Drigung Kagyu as well as some texts from other Kagyupa traditions (151 vol) mo ghol ding ri'i sgra tshad [W22466] Synthetic treatise on logic and grammar by the Second Karmapa (1204-1283) (1 vol) dbus smyon kun dga' bzang po'i mgur 'bum [W30263] Songs of esoteric practice of the Kagyu master Wunyon Kunga Zangpo (1 vol) rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i gsang ba'i sgrub thabs kyi rnam par bshad pa zab mo rnam 'byed [W30282] Kamtsang Kagyu outline for the practice of Vajrayogini (1 vol) gsung thor bu/_ sgam po chos kyi rgyal mtshan [W1CZ1006] Selected writings (gsung thor bu) of the Gampo abbot Chokyi Gyaltsen (1 vol) chos rje rgod tshang pa'i zhal gdams [W1CZ1044] Collected instructions of the Drukpa Kagyur master, Godtsangpa Gonpo Dorje (1 vol) rdo rje theg pa'i 'dul ba kun las btus pa'i rtsa ba'i mdo [W1CZ1059] On the vinaya and its relations to the three vows; treatise by Jamling Panchen Sonam Namgyal (1 vol) de gshegs snying po bstan pa'i bstan chos kyi 'grel pa don gsal lung gi 'od zer [W1CZ1094] On the tathagatagarbha; manuscript of a manuscript by Karmapa Ranjung Dorje (1 vol) chos 'khor rim pa gsum gyi dogs gcod [W1CZ1096] On the relationship between the various pronouncements of the buddha of the three turnings of the wheel of the dharma; writtenby Pema Karpo in Kongpo (1 vol) sgyu ma lam gyi rim pa'i 'grel pa [W1CZ1157] Commentary on a work of the Shangpa Kagyur sect (1 vol) sgyu ma gtan la 'bebs pa [W1CZ1162] Treatise on the illusory body, probably by a Shangpa Kagyu master (1 vol) rgyud sde spyi'i rnam gzhag mkhas pa'i yid 'phrog [W1CZ1987] General survey of the classification of the tantras; written at Panam Lhundrub Tse by Pema Karpo (1 vol) mi la ras pa'i rnam mgur [W1CZ1988] Songs of spirtual realization of Milarepa; blockprint edition from Kulu Manali (2 vol) phyag rgya chen po lnga ldan gyi gdams pa dgos 'dod stsol ba mchog gi nor bu'i gter [W1GS45202] Treatise on the Chagchen Ngaden, a Mahamudra instruction; This manuscript is in the handwriting of the author. (1 vol) blo gsar dad pa'i sgo 'byed [W00EGS1017341] Various aspects of Buddhist philosophy; Gelug author (1 vol) rdo rje'i mgur drug gsung rgyun thor bu [W00EGS1017352] Collected songs of esoteric realization by the poet saint Milarepa; this collection was edited by Lhatsun Rinchen Namgyal (1 vol) mi pham blo gros rgya mtsho'i nyams mgur [W1CZ675] Collected songs of realization of a Drukpa Kagyu master (1 vol) bstan bcos tsin d+ha ma Ni rin po che 'bar ba'i phreng ba [W29222] Treatise of the Drigung Kagyu tradition (1 vol) gsang sngags rdo rje theg pa'i spyi don mdor bsdus pa legs bshad nor bu'i 'od zer [W29340] Treatise on the practice of the Vajrayana; by a scholar of the Kagyu tradition (1 vol) nges don phyag rgya chen po'i sgom rim gsal bar byed pa legs bshad zla ba'i 'od zer [W29341] Treatise on the Mahamudra; by a master of the Kagyu tradition (1 vol) dbus smyon kun dga' bzang po'i mgur 'bum [W30263] Songs of esoteric practice of the Kagyu master Wunyon Kunga Zangpo (1 vol) rdo rje rnal 'byor ma'i gsang ba'i sgrub thabs kyi rnam par bshad pa zab mo rnam 'byed [W30282] Kamtsang Kagyu outline for the practice of Vajrayogini (1 vol) mo ghol ding ri'i sgra tshad [W22466] Synthetic treatise on logic and grammar by the Second Karmapa (1204-1283) (1 vol) gsung thor bu/_ phag mo gru pa rdo rje rgyal po [W1CZ688] Collected works of a famed Kagyu master (2 vol) dpal kye rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i 'grel pa legs bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer [W29342] Commentary on the Hevajra Tantra; by a master of the Kagyu tradition (2 vol) theg chen bstan pa'i snying po'i gzhung [W30420] Important Drigung Kagyu treatise on the Mahayana; new and carefully edited edition in two volumes (2 vol) gsung 'bum/_pad+ma nyin byed dbang po [W00EGS1016963] Collected works of a prominent Karma Kamtsang hierarch of Palpung (3 vol) There are no works in this category. We are in the process of cataloging the TBRC Digital Library. Please check back with us soon. Sakya rgyud sde kun btus [W27883] Master collection of the early 20th century Sakya initiations containing the initiations and explanatory texts for the practice of 139 mandala; this computer input verson contains a complete version based on the 32 volume Derge block carvings compiled through the efforts of Jamyang Loter Wangpo under the inpiration of his master Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo (32 vol) lam 'bras gzhung bshad pod dmar ma [W30281] Reproduction of a rare manuscript of a collection of Lamdre practices; by the Ngorpa master, Gyaltsab Kunga Wangchuk (1 vol) dus 'khor sgrub thabs yid bzhin nor bu [W1CZ1002] Explanation of the Kalacakra sadhana (1 vol) rnam sras chos skor phyogs bsgrigs [W1CZ1004] Collected texts for the propitiation of Vaisravana, the wealth deity (1 vol) sangs rgyas 'phel gyi rnam thar tshigs su bcad pa [W1CZ1078] Verse biography of the Sakya master Sangye Phel (1 vol) mchod rten chen po brgyad sogs thugs rten gyi 'byung tshul bshad pa [W1CZ1086] On the 8 forms of the stupa; unsigned treatise of a scholar of the Shalu tradition (1 vol) mkhas pa chen po tsan+dra'i gsan yig nyer mkho [W1CZ1087] Short record of teachings received by a master of the Shalu tradition (1 vol) sangs rgyas stong gi mtshan zur du bkol ba [W1CZ1088] Work on the names of the 1000 Buddhas; by Buton (1 vol) sgrub thabs rgya mtsho nas bshad pa'i lha tshogs rnams kyi mngon rtogs rjes gnang gi cho ga dang bcas pa'i tho yig gi don 'grel 'dod dgu'i ljon shing rin po che'i snye ma [W1CZ1135] Visualization practices of the deities of the Sgrub thabs rgya mtsho (1 vol) bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga dngos grub rin po che'i bang mdzod [W1CZ1139] Guruyoga practice written by Tsarchen Losal Gyatso (1 vol) lam 'bras gdams ngag zab mo byung tshul gyi yi ge don gnyer dga' ba bskyed byed [W1CZ1143] Brief history of the transmission of the Lamdre teachings (1 vol) kyai rdo rje'i mngon par rtogs pa'i yan lag drug gi lam dus dang bcas pa'i bsgom don [W1CZ1144] Visualization practices of the Hevajra according to the Lamdre system (1 vol) gsung thor bu/_sangs rgyas phun tshogs [W1CZ1145] Manuscript collection of the writings of the Ngorpa abbot, Sangye Puntso (2 vol) gshed dmar chos skor [W1CZ1146] Collection of ritual texts on the Rakta Yamari tantra, probably Sakya (1 vol) mkhas pa'i bya ba rnam gsum las brtsams pa'i legs bshad nor bu'i phreng mdzes [W1CZ1153] Work connected with the Three Vows Genre by Ngawang Chodrak (1 vol) lam 'bras gdams ngag snying po don gyi mdzes rgyan [W1CZ1154] Treatise on the practice of the Lamdre (1 vol) rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rnam bshad [W1CZ1158] Unfinished commentary on the Yogatantra (1 vol) ngan song sbyong ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga mthong bas don 'grub [W1CZ1159] On the initiation and mandala of the Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Tantra; unkinown authorship, probably Sakya (1 vol) gsung thor bu/_ gzhon nu blo gros [W1CZ1871] Selected writings (gsung thor bu) of Rendawa Zhonnu Lotro (1 vol) gsan yig/_ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar [W00CHZ0103335] Record of teachings received by a master of the Sakya tradition; the first volume is missing (2 vol) sa skya'i zhal 'don phyogs bsgrigs [W1PD5282] Rituals of the Sakya tradition (1 vol) chos kyi 'khor lo legs par gtan la phab pa theg pa chen po'i tshul 'ong ges zhus pa [W29260] Account of the turning of the wheel of the Dharma (1 vol) tshad ma rigs pa'i gter gyi rnam par bshad pa rigs pa ma lus pa la 'jug pa'i sgo [W30185] Commentary on the work on logic, the Tshad ma rig gter of Sakya Pandita; reproduced from a manuscript (1 vol) lam 'bras gzhung bshad pod dmar ma [W30281] Reproduction of a rare manuscript of a collection of Lamdre practices; by the Ngorpa master, Gyaltsab Kunga Wangchuk (1 vol) 'khon lugs phur pa'i rnam bshad [W30340] Collected Vajrakila rituals of the Sakya tradition (1 vol) chos grwa chen po dpal zhwa lu gser khang gi bdag po jo bo lce'i gdung rabs [W30349] History of the lords of the lineage of Che of Shalu (1 vol) shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan ces bya ba'i rnam bshad tshig don rab tu gsal ba [W30455] Work on the Prajnaparamita by a Sakya master Rongton (1 vol) dogs pa slong ba'i gtam la lan gyi rnam gzhag [W00KG01656] Small polemical work (1 vol) gzhung bshad klog skya ma sogs [W30104] Two volume collection on the Lamdre of the Sakya tradition (2 vol) cho ga phyogs bsgrigs [W1PD5283] Ritual texts of the Sakya tradition; reproduced from a text printed from computer output (2 vol) sa skya'i mkha' spyod be'u bum [W1PD5284] Collected practices of the Sakya tradition focussing upon the three forms of Kacho (3 vol) gsung 'bum/_bsod nams seng ge [W1PD1725] Collected writings of a famed Sakya master of both sutra and tantra, Gorampa Sonam Senge (1429-1489), who stands with the other great masters of the 14th and 15th century at the pinnacle of the Tibetan scholastic tradition; this is scanned from computer output (13 vol) gsung 'bum/_bsod nams seng ge [W1PD1725] Collected writings of a famed Sakya master of both sutra and tantra, Gorampa Sonam Senge (1429-1489), who stands with the other great masters of the 14th and 15th century at the pinnacle of the Tibetan scholastic tradition; this is scanned from computer output (13 vol) rgyud sde kun btus [W27883] Master collection of the early 20th century Sakya initiations containing the initiations and explanatory texts for the practice of 139 mandala; this computer input verson contains a complete version based on the 32 volume Derge block carvings compiled through the efforts of Jamyang Loter Wangpo under the inpiration of his master Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo (32 vol) Jonang kun mkhyen jo nang pa chen po'i dgongs pa gzhan stong dbu ma'i tshul legs pa bshad mthar 'dzin gdung 'phrog [W29096] Jonang approach to the Zhentong philosophy (1 vol) sgrol bstod rnam bshad rab gsal me long [W1CZ873] Commentary on the hymn in praisa of Tara by the master Taranatha; based on the Derge print (1 vol) mngon pa mdzod kyi nyer mkho dka' gnas gsal byed 'ga' [W29102] On the Abhidharmakosa (1 vol) chos mngon pa mdzod kyi skabs su nye bar mkho ba'i cha 'ga' zhig [W29103] (1 vol) kun mkhyen jo nang pa chen po'i dgongs pa gzhan stong dbu ma'i tshul legs pa bshad mthar 'dzin gdung 'phrog [W29096] Jonang approach to the Zhentong philosophy (1 vol) Rime gsung 'bum/_gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba [W1PD2074] Syllabus of Dzongsar Monastery and its affiliates throughout Tibet. These annotated editions of the Indic shastras were intended to lessen the sectarian rivalries that had plagued Tibet. Written by Kenpo Zhenga (Zhenpen Chokyi Nangwa, 1871-1927). (6 vol) rgya chen bka' mdzod [W23723] Collected writings of Jamgon Kongtrul Lotro Taye (1813-1899); expanded edition including several terma cycles published by shechen publications; some of the pages and texts in these volumes are in disarray. Preparation of the outline will be done by Alex P. Gardner. (13 vol) Bodong zab lam rdo rje'i rnal 'byor phyag rgya chen po'i gzhi lam 'bras bu'i ngo sprod yang dag don gsal [W1CZ1080] Volume on the Bodong tradition of the Mahamudra practice (1 vol) Historical Works ngor chos 'byung [W30267] History of the Sakya tradition by two abbots of the Ngorpa tradition (1 vol) bka' gdams chos 'byung [W1CZ3] History of the Kadampa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism; by the Sakyapa master, Jamgon Anyeshab (1 vol) stag lung gdung rabs [W1CZ991] History of the religious and secular rulers of the Taglung Kagyu lineage of the Kazi (1 vol) rgya gar chos 'byung [W00CHZ0103343] History of Buddhism in India; written by Taranatha; and digitized from a print from Derge (1 vol) rgya nag chos 'byung [W00CHZ0103344] History of Buddhism in China by Gonpojab (1 vol) ngor pa'i chos 'byung [W1CZ878] History of the Sakya tradition; begun by Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub and completed by Sangye Phuntso (1 vol) mnga' ris stod mar yul bdag po'i deb ther [W1CZ882] Treatise on the rulers of western Tibet; a manuscript of Kathog Tsewang Norbu (1 vol) gnas rnying chos 'byung [W1CZ897] History of Nenying in Tsang; several copies are needed to make a legible blockprint (1 vol) mgo log rig gnas lo rgyus : 3 [W1GS49535] Didactic and historical works about Golok; the third issue of an irregular journal (1 vol) mgo log rig gnas lo rgyus : 2 [W1GS49554] Issue of an irregular work on the history and culture of Golok; this issue deals with the monasteries in Golok (1 vol) mgo log rig gnas lo rgyus : 1 [W1GS49575] First issue of a journal on Golok studies; this issue is concerned with the tribal groups of the Golok people (1 vol) rgyal thang yul lung dgon gnas dang bcas pa'i byung ba mdo tsam brjod pa [W1PD9229] History of the monastery of Gyaltang in Dechen Prefecture, Yunnan (1 vol) bod snga rabs pa gsang chen rnying ma'i chos 'byung legs bshad gsar pa'i dga' ston [W28801] First edition of Dudjom Rinoche's History of Tibet (1 vol) sde dge dgon chen dgon pa'i lo rgyus [W29041] History of the principality of Derge and its monastery (1 vol) rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long [W29247] History of Tibet during the time of the Royal Dynasty (1 vol) bkra shis lhun po'i gsang sngags rgyud pa grwa tshang gi gdan rabs [W30129] Historical works on the successive abbots of the Tantric College of Tashilhunpo (1 vol) sa skya'i gdung rabs ngo mtshar bang mdzod [W30132] History of the Sakya Khon family lineages (1 vol) mkhyen-brtse on the history of the dharma [W30136] (1 vol) lha rigs rlangs kyi rnam thar [W30165] On the history of the Lang lineage and the origins of the Phagmodru lineage (1 vol) ngor chos 'byung [W30267] History of the Sakya tradition by two abbots of the Ngorpa tradition (1 vol) bka' thang sde lnga [W30450] Texts about the history of 7th and 8th century Tibet, recovered from their place on concealment by Orgyan Lingpa; these texts are alleged to be accounts by the gods and demons, the kings, the queens, the pandits and translators, and the ministers (1 vol) mgo log rig gnas lo rgyus : 4 [W00KG02353] History and culture of the Golok peoples; this volume deals with the Banag tribes (1 vol) chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston [W28792] Reproduction of the blocks for a general history of Buddhism (2 vol) rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long [W00CHZ0103341] History of Buddhism; by a Sakya master; from a print from the Derge blocks (1 vol) thub bstan chos 'khor gling gi bca' yig [W00KG01636] Regulations governing the monastic assemblage of Palpung Monastery; written by Jamgon Kongtrul (1 vol) rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long [W00CHZ0103341] History of Buddhism; by a Sakya master; from a print from the Derge blocks (1 vol) Biographies nags kyi rin chen gyi rnam thar [W1CZ1056] Biography of Vanaratna, Indian Pandita to who came to tibet in the 15th century; written by Trimkang Lotsava Sonam Gyatso (1 vol) ngag dbang chos grags kyi rnam thar [W1CZ1057] Biography of the Sakya master Ngawang Choedrak (1 vol) mkhas grub bzang po dpal gyi rnam thar tshigs su gcad pa [W1CZ1058] Verse biography of the Sakya master Sangpo Pal (1 vol) 'jam dbyangs dkon mchog bzang po'i rnam thar dad pa'i ljon shing rgyas byed [W1CZ1870] Biography of the 15th century Sakya master Jamyang Kongchog Zangpo of Shab Geding; written by Gyagarwa Sherab Gyaltsen (1 vol) kar+ma pa chos dbyings rdo rje'i rnam thar [W1CZ1886] Biography of the 10th Karmapa Choying Dorje (1 vol) nags kyi rin chen gyi rnam thar [W1CZ1887] Biography of Vanaratna, famous Indian Pandita who came to Tibet in the 15th century; written by Trimkang Lotsava Sonam Gyatso (1 vol) sgrol ba'i mgon po'i gsang ba'i rnam thar thabs lam gsal byed [W1CZ1990] Secret autobiography of Jonang Jetsun Taranatha (1 vol) 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po'i rnam thar [W1CZ1033] Biography of Jamyang Khyentse Wangtpo (1 vol) mi pham ngag dbang snyan grags dpal bzang po'i rnam thar [W1CZ888] Biography of the Drukpa Kargyu Master Chogdra Mipham Ngawang Nyandrag (1 vol) nyag bla rang rig rdo rje'i rnam thar dang mgur 'bum [W1GS45961] Collected songs and biography of a Nyingma visionary and teacher from Nyagrong (1 vol) lung rtogs rgya mtsho'i rnam thar [W28956] Biography of the 9th Dalai Lama (1 vol) gzungs 'bul gyi lag len nyung gsal [W28256] dpal lhun grub steng srib dgon gtsug lag khang du bskang gso rtag 'don gyi gtan 'jog yi ge mi 'gyur tshangs pa'i drang thig [W28257] tibet, a political history [W28262] shangs pa gser 'phreng [W30112] Collected biographies of the masters of the Shangpa tradition (1 vol) lha rigs kyi btsun pa bskal bzang pad+ma 'i ming can rang nyid kyi rtogs par brjod pa [W30122] Account of the Third Dorje Drag Rigdzin Kelsang Padme (1 vol) dkar brgyud gser 'phreng [W30123] Collected biographies of masters of the Drugpa Kagyu tradition (1 vol) sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi rnam par thar pa rmad du byung ba mdzad pa 'khrul ba med par brjod pa bde bar gshegs pa'i spyod pa mchog gi gter [W30128] Poetical rendering of the acts of Lord Buddha (1 vol) dus gsum rgyal ba'i spyi gzugs rje btsun bla ma dam tshig rdo rje grags pa dpal bzang po'i zhal snga nas kyi rtogs brjod skal bzang rgya mtsho'i dad pa'i 'jug ngogs [W30131] Biography of the Khalkha Mongol scholar Damtsig Dorje (1 vol) gangs shug ma Ni lo chen rig 'dzin chos nyid bzang mo'i rnam par thar pa rnam mkhyen bde ster [W30146] Autobiography of a recent female Nyingma master, who was the guru of many members of high Lhasa society (1 vol) 'od gsal rin chen snying po pad+ma las 'brel rtsal gyi rtogs brjod ngo mtshar sgyu ma'i rol gar [W30148] Autobiography of Khenpo Ngaga of Kathog (1 vol) biographies three bhutanese prelates (rje mkhan po) [W30150] (1 vol) the secret biography the sixth tA la'i bla ma tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho [W30154] Secret biography of the 6th Dalai Lama (1 vol) khyab bdag 'khor lo'i mgon po mkhas grub 'jigs med nam mkha'i rnam thar dad brgya'i rma bya rnam par rtse ba [W30158] Life of Tibetan master from western Tibet who taught both Buddhism and Bon (2 vol) ka.rma pa sku 'phreng rim byon gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus [W30161] Brief biographies of the successive incarnations of the Black Hat Karmapa, 1st to 14th (1 vol) the biography chos rje ses rab 'byun gnas (b. 1689) [W30168] Biography of a Bhutanese prelate (1 vol) the lives of three bhutanese religious masters [W30169] Lives of three Bhutanese religious teachers (1 vol) rig 'dzin 'ja' tshon snying po'i rnam thar sprul pa bdun skor dang phyi nang gsang ba'i rnam thar, gter 'byung gi rim pa, zhal gdams, rnam thar nyung bsdus, zhal chems bcas [W30170] Autobiography of a Nyingma visionary (1 vol) dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rigs dang rgya mtshao'i mnga' bdag bka' drin gsum ldan rtogs pa brjod pa thub bstan pad+mo'i 'byed pa'i nyin byed [W30171] Biography of Yongdzin Yeshe Gyaltsen (1 vol) grub rje sku phreng rim par byon pa'i rnam par thar pa 'dod 'byung nor bu'i phreng ba [W30406] Biographies of the successive reembodiments of the Dodrub Chen incarnations (1 vol) the songs of esoteric experience of ran-rig-ras-chen [W30460] Collected songs of a Drugpa Kargyu master, Rangrig Raspa (1619-1683); includes a biography of Naropa and a collection of songs by Gyalwang Kunga Paljor (1 vol) rare dkar-brgyud-pa texts from the library of ri-bo-che rje-drun of padma-bkod [W30534] Collection of orally transmitted teachings of the Kagyud tradition; includes an appended biography of Mitrayogin (1 vol) ras chung rdo rje grags pa'i rnam thar [W30535] Biography of the famed Kagyug master Rechung Dorje Drag (1 vol) bstan pa'i nyi ma'i rnam thar [W6206] Biography of the 4th Panchen Lama (1 vol) ngag dbang thub bstan bskal bzang bstan pa'i sgron me'i rnam thar [W00KG01650] Biography of the 11th Tatsag Ngawang Thubten Kelsang (1 vol) blo gros rgya mtsho'i rtogs brjod [W00KG01651] Verse biography of the famous Gelug master, Gungtang Lotro Gyatso (1851-1928/1930) (1 vol) bde mchog mkha' 'gro snyan rgyud [W30124] Two manuscript collections of Demchog Nyengyu teachings as taught by Tsangnyon Heruka (1452-1507); these manuscripts seems connected with the Bara Kagyu tradition (2 vol) thub bstan rgya mtsho'i rnam thar [W3087] Biography of the 13th Dalai Lama by Phurbu Chok Yongdzin (2 vol) rgyal dbang lnga pa'i rang rnam du kU la'i gos bzang [W23956] The autobiography of the great 5th Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682) (3 vol) Gazetteers mdo khams rgyal mo tsha ba rong gi bai ro'i sgrub phug ngo sprod mdor bsdus [W00EGS1018179] Guide and account of a famous cave and Nyingma pilgrimage place in Gyarong (1 vol) sbas yul spyi dang bye brag yol mo gangs ra'i gnas yig [W00KG01] Accounts of the various hidden lands (sbas yul) and particularly Yolmo Gangra (Helambu) and the rediscoveries of Rigdzin Godem and other Jangter masters (1 vol) myang chos 'byung [W1CZ689] Historical guide to the Nyang Valley: attributed to Taranatha (1 vol) gnas chen gangs ri mtsho gsum sogs kyi gnas yig [W1CZ884] Guide to the sacred places of Kalilash and Manasarowar; manuscript (1 vol) gangs ti se dang ma pham g.yu mtsho'i gnas yig [W1CZ886] gangs ti se dang ma pham g.yu mtsho'i gnas yig (1 vol) la phyi'i gnas yig [W1CZ887] Guide to the sacred places around the Lapchi glacier; by the Drigung master Tendzin Chokyi Lodro (1 vol) zi ling bkra shis gling ka'i byang chub mchod rten chen mo gsar bzhengs kyi dkar chag [W1GS44552] Account of a recently constructed stupa in Xining, Qinghai Province (1 vol) dbal shul gser thar gyi lo rgyus gsar bsgrigs blo ldan mig gi bdud rtsi [W1GS44554] Survey of the monasteries of Serta County, Kandze Prefecture, Sichuan (1 vol) kan lho'i bod kyi shes rig rgyas bshad [W1PD5314] 15th issue of an irregular collection of articles and materials on Southern Gansu Prefecture and it's history and culture (1 vol) chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal bzang po'i rnam thar [W29250] Account of a 13th century traveller in India (1 vol) bon brgya'i lo rgyus lugs gnyis gsal ba'i me long [W29522] History of the Wongya area near Rebgong in Amdo and the Wongya Bonpo monastery (1 vol) dpa' ris bod rigs rang skyong rdzong bod rgya sa ming phyogs bsgrigs [W2DB5087] Names of places in Hwari (1 vol) ru sngan khag gsum gyi lo rgyus dung gi 'bod brda [W2DB5088] Gazetteer of an area in the Malho Autonomous Tibetan Prefecture (1 vol) gnyan rong rdzong dgon sde'i lo rgyus [W30453] Survey of monasteries in the Nyenrong Dzong of Nagchu Prefecture (1 vol) rare tibetan texts from nepal [W30538] Collection of guides to holy places, lives of religious masters, and khrid yig by the famed Dza Rongpu Lama Ngawang Tendzin Norbu (1 vol) Literary Arts lam ston sgron me'i phreng ba [W00EGS1017328] Replies to queries on tibetan grammar; comprises two volumes only the second of which is available (1 vol) brda sprod ngag sgron gyi 'grel pa tshig gsal [W1CZ872] Commentary on a work on Tibetan grammar (1 vol) grub thob brgyad bcu rtsa bzhi'i chos skor [W30167] On the lives of the Mahasiddha; four texts (1 vol) snyan ngag me long gi 'grel pa dbyangs can rol mtsho [W30290] Commentary on the Kavyadarsa, a treatise of Tibetan poetics (1 vol) snyan ngag gi dper brjod tshangs sras dgyes pa'i rol mo [W30294] Examples of poetic adornments (1 vol) rtsa ba sum cu pa'i 'grel pa phan bde'i dga' char [W30403] Commentary on Tibetan grammar (1 vol) dri bsung pad+ma'i 'dab stong gi rtags kyi 'jug 'grel [W30405] (1 vol) Medicine bod kyi gso ba rig pa'i lo rgyus kyi bang mdzod g.yu thog bla ma dran pa'i pho nya [W00EGS1017345] History of Tibetan medicine (1 vol) sman dpyad zla ba'i rgyal po [W29577] Classic Tibetan medical work supposedly translated from Sanskrit: this is a reproduction of a Derge print (1 vol) ayurveda in tibet [W30126] Historical account of the history of medicine (1 vol) rgyud bzhi (zung cu ze par ma) [W30137] Text of the Four Tibetan Medical Tantras (Rgyu bzhi) from the printing at the Zungcu Ze Tibetan-Mongolian Printing House in Jehol (1 vol) nus pa rkyang sel gyi sman ngo gsal byed [W30143] Work on the medical efficacy of plants in Tibetan medicine (1 vol) srid gsum gtsug rgyan si tu chos kyi 'byung gnas kyi zhal lung dngul chu btso chen ril bu'i sbyor sde zab bdun bdud rtsi'i thig le [W30144] Treatise on the use of mercury pellets in Tibetan medicine according to the tradition of Situ Panchen; reproduced from a Derge print prepared at the order of Yeshe Donden by the ruler Tsewang Dudul (1 vol) an illustrated tibeto mongolian materia medica ayurveda 'jam dpal rdo rje mongolia [W30452] (1 vol) bai DUr sngon po [W29571] Detailed commentary on the Rgyud bzhi, the Four Medical Tantras, the fundamental text of tibetan ayurvedic medicine. (4 vol) Astrononmy dbyangs 'char 'grel pa gzhan phan ngo mtshar brgyan gyi me tog [W30264] Astrological calculations according to the Svarodaya (1 vol) dpe ris [W1CZ1008] Artist's manual from Nepal (1 vol) dbyangs 'char ba'i 'grel pa ngo mtshar brgyan gyi me tog [W1CZ504] Commentary on the astrological treatise, the Yuddhavijaya (1 vol) rgyal khrims chen po zhal lce bcu drug [W1CZ854] The legal code of Karma Tenkyong Wangpo; his collection has two distinct books that have been bound together (1 vol) rgyal khrims chen po zhal lce bcu drug [W1CZ854] The legal code of Karma Tenkyong Wangpo; his collection has two distinct books that have been bound together (1 vol) khrims yig zhal lce bcu gsum [W1CZ855] This contains an abridgment of the codes of law made since the establishment of the government of the Ganden Phodrang (Lhasa Government) brang and a list of fines that may be inflicted (1 vol) khrims yig zhal lce gcod pa'i ral gri yan lag bcu gsum [W1CZ856] Legal Code (1 vol) bzo rig kha shas kyi pa tra lag len ma [W1CZ883] Treatise on handicrafts (1 vol) 'byung rtsis man ngag zla ba'i 'od zer [W29569] A verse treatise on the principles of Tibetan astrology (1 vol) yan lag brgyad pa'i snying po bsdus pa [W29573] Tibetan medical classic (1 vol) bde bar gshegs pa'i sku gzugs kyi tshad kyi rab tu byed pa yid bzhin nor bu [W29575] Iconometric proportions of images (1 vol) dbyangs 'char 'grel pa gzhan phan ngo mtshar brgyan gyi me tog [W30264] Astrological calculations according to the Svarodaya (1 vol) khrims yig gi skor [W30296] Tibetan legal materials : a collection of texts on the legal and administrative structure of Tibet (1 vol) khyung-sprul 'jigs-med-nam-mkha'-rdo-rje on calendrical calculations and astrology [W30536] Calendrical calculations according to a Bon tradition; the author, Kyungtrul Jigme Namka Dorje, lived at Kyunglung Ngulkar where he taught a fusion of Bon and Buddhist teachings (2 vol)