Buddhist Chinese Deities
Sanscrit name Chinese Japanese description iconography
Amitabha Amituofo Amida Buddha of the Western Pure Land; associated with Guanyin seated in Lotus position, hands in dhyana or abhaya mudra
Ananda A Nan Anan youngest disciple of Buddha; memory; wrote down the sutras young face; monk; holds sutras
Avalokiteshvara Guanyin Kannon Bodhisattva of Compassion; associated with Amida; originally male, becoming female around Tang dynasty and later vase and lotus; Amida in crown; many forms
Bhaisajyaguru Yaoshi Yakushi "Medicine" (Healing) Buddha; Buddha of the Eastern Pure Land in triad with Amitabha and Shakyamuni, also in directional mandalas with Vairocana in the center
Bodhidharma Damodashi Daruma Patriarch who brought Buddhism to China seated in meditation, arms and legs concealed
Bodhisattva Pu Sa Bosatsu savior who postpones Buddhahood in order to help others jewelry and crown; princely garments; many forms
Buddha Fo Butsu or Nyorai enlightened being; title of Shakyamuni curled hair with usnisha; monk's robe; many forms
Dhritarashtra Chiguotian Jikokuten directional guardian (lokapala) of the east pipa (a kind of lute)
(Maha)Kasyapa Mohe Jiashe Dai Kasho oldest disciple of Buddha; first Zen patriarch old face; monk; holds Buddha's flower, robe, bowl
Ksitigarbha Di Zang Jizo rescues souls from Hell monk; holds a staff
Lokapala or Devaraja Tianwang Shitenno one of four Directional Guardians, also called Heavenly Kings, who guard the four compass points. see: Vaisravana (north), Dhritarashtra (east), Virudhaka (south), Virupaksha (west)
Maitreya Milefo or Budai Miroku or Hotei Bodhisattva, and Buddha of the Future smiling; stupa in crown; seated upright with (1) ankle of one leg crossed over opposite knee; or (2) knees apart and ankles crossed; or (3) knees apart and feet apart; (4) fat and laughing, as Hotei
Mahasthamaprapta Dashizhi Seishi Bodhisattva, associated with Guanyin and Amida vase (water bottle) in crown
Manjusri Wenshu Monju Bodhisattva of Wisdom, paired with Samantabhadra and Shakyamuni (or, sometimes, Vairocana) in a triad. sword, book, and lion
Prabhutaratna Duobao Rulai Taho Nyorai Buddha of the Past (1) triad with Shaka and Maitreya; (2) twin Buddha image with Shaka (in China only); (3) inside a stupa, as he listens to Shaka preaching
Samantabhadra Puxian Fugen Bosatsu Bodhisattva of law and compassion, paired with Manjusri Lotus Sutra, triple-headed or six-tusked elephant
Shakyamuni Shijiamunifo Shaka the historical Buddha, who lived c. 500 BC seated or standing; bhimisparsha, abhaya, and teaching mudras
Vairocana Loshana Dainichi Nyorai, Rushana the highest, cosmic, transcendental Buddha in the Kegon school seated
Vaisravana Duowentian Bishamonten directional guardian (lokapala) of the north pagoda, umbrella
Vajrapani Jingang Ni-o Bodhisattva; guardian of temples fierce, muscular; paired on either side of entrance
Virudhaka Zengchangtian Zochoten directional guardian (lokapala) of the sourth sword or lance
Virupaksha Guangmutian Komokuten directional guardian (lokapala) of the west writing brush, sutra scroll
Skanda Weituo Idaten warrior deity stands behind Milefo, guarding his back