Pañcakanga; The Thapati (carpenter) of Pasenadi, king of Kosala. He was a devoted follower of the Buddha and loved discussion.
The Bahuvedanīya Sutta (M.i.396ff.; see also S. iv.223f) is based on a discussion between him andMahā Udāyi, which discussion Ananda overheard and repeated to the Buddha. On another occasion, Pañcakanga related to the Buddha the conversation he had had with the [[Paribbājaka] Uggāhamāna Samanamandikāputta]], and the Buddha preached to him the Samanamandikā Sutta (M.ii.23ff).
The Anuruddha Sutta (M.iii.144ff) contains a discussion between Anuruddha and Abhiya Kaccāna, which took place at Pañcakanga's house, whither he had invited them. The discussion was started by a question asked by Pañcakanga.
Buddhaghosa says (MA.ii.629; SA.iii.86) that Pañcakanga was the Thapati's personal name, and that he was so called ("Five tools") because he carried the five tools of a carpenter: vāsīpharasu (adze), nikhādana (chisel), danda (measuring stick), muggara (gavel), and kālasutta (blackened thread). He explains Thapati by vaddhakī jettha. Pañcakanga Sutta