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Precious Tibetan Windhorse

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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 Windhorse plays an important role in Tibetan symbolism and culture. This heavenly horse can be found everywhere in Tibet such as mountain tops, bridges, homes and holy places. It normally appears as the center image of the auspicious prayer flags known as "Lung Ta". It bears three types of flaming wishfulfilling jewels behind its back to radiate positive energy and stimulate good fortune. The authentic windhorse is the origin of "tribute horse" and it is from this powerful symbol that horses are often being used in feng shui enhancement. It represents the "wind" element in Buddhism and represents rapidness, speed and perseverance due to its ability to fly to heaven. This Yang animal also symbolizes endurance, loyalty and purity. It is best used to energize the aspirations of the South, which include fame, recognition and gaining a good reputation. If you want to do well in your career and ensure that the right people recognize your talents and hard work you should place this windhorse in the South sector of your house. Suitable for managers and executives. This item is also recommended as a gift for your loved ones to wish them success in their career. Placing this symbol in the south will bring remarkable success, fame, recognition and uplevel to your family.

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What windhorse symbolizes and how to place this object?
Horse is a zodiac sign in chinese astrology and one of the 7 Treasures of Buddhism. Its element is fire and its direction is in the south. It is therefore associated to fame, popularity and recognition in ones life. The horse is an emblem of speed, perseverance and success. There is a popular phrase used for centuries in a chinese saying "arrival of horse brings success". This phrase is commonly used to greet people who wish to start a new year, a new endeavour, a new business, an important examination and an important project. In ancient times, the horse will be used as carriage for grand arrival of warriors who won battles, bringing back victory and all sorts of precious jewellery.This animal exerts very "yang" energy which signifies success, victory, strength, power, perseverance, speed and elegance.

As said above horses are associated to fame. Fame luck is an important aspiration of life as it is indirectly related to increasing income luck in your career life. Businessmen, employees and Hollywood artistes are likely to crave a lot for fame luck to ensure their fortune continue to grow exponentially, especially in this highly competitive environment. The horse is men's best friend too besides the dog and is extremely loyal.

Images and figurines of the horse is great gift to usher in success, especially great for well wishers for your business counterparts or relatives. The horse either in walking posture or running gestures represents grandeur and speedy climb to fame and success. The horse normally look elegant and handsome and confident.

Windhorse is the heavenly representation of the horse. It is originated from Tibetan culture and later embedded into Tibetan Buddhism. In Buddhism, its element belongs to the "wind". Unlike the theories of Five Elements in Feng Shui, "wind" is considered as an element by itself. It is known as windhorse due to its ability to gallop in the winds and break the stillness to ride rapidly across all the directions to the heaven. It provides the energy to the wind and brings positive feng shui to our spaces rapidly and inexhaustibly. It is the ultimate symbol of accomplishment and achievement in life. It has the ability to fulfill our wishes because it carries them to the heaven and obtain blessing for us from deities and protectors to bring good fortune and remove obstacles.

For excellent feng shui associated to good fortune, career and fame luck:
1. Display the windhorse coming into your home, business premises, important rooms or office.
2. Display the windhorse on your desk to ensure your work is always recognized by your bosses and your goals are always met. They will also help you create significant differentiator between you and your peers in the hearts of management. Ensure you talents and hard work is acknowledge by the right people.
3. For those public faces, gain fame by putting a nice horse in the south sector of your living room or family area. It will bring upward mobility in all aspects of your life.
4. In fact the windhorse can be placed in practically everywhere except toilets and kitchen to create auspiciousness and blessings.
