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Tibet Nazi Connection

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Before World War 2 ravaged Europe, and during the war, the Nazis spent a large amount of resources and manpower on their quest to establish the origins of their beloved Aryan Race. The institution founded to spearhead this endeavor, as well as all other manner of occult and esoteric studies, was the Ahnenerbe, started by Heinrich Himmler, in 1935. They conducted archaeological and cultural studies in a number of countries including Sweden, Finland, Iraq, Antarctica, Poland and, in particular, Tibet. The official story of the 3 expeditions sent to Tibet was to investigate the myth that an Aryan Race conquered most of Asia and the Himalayas many thousands of years ago. Some believe however they were searching for Shambhala, situated deep in the Himalayas, and hoping to harness the great power found deep within its realm, as told in many ancient texts . There is much evidence that The Nazis found something. After the fall of Berlin, soviet soldiers discovered hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist monks in SS uniforms, who seemed to have committed mass suicide. None of the bodies were able to be identified, thus it remains a total mystery as to how they got there, who they were and what they were up to. The Nazis found the time and necessary funds to transport transmitters to the furthest reaches of the Himalayas to maintain constant radio contact, which fuels the thesis they were on the brink of discovering something big or at least were certain they were heading in the right direction.

1930′s German Academic, Theodore Illion, describes in his work ‘Darkness over Tibet’ his elation at finding a hole the ground of the Tibetan Countryside and, upon entering, finding an underground city of monks. He learned they were ‘Black Yogis’, who aimed to control the world through astral projection and telepathy. His elation turned to horror when he discovered food that had been given to him by the monks contained human flesh. He made for his escape and was pursued by the monks across Tibet until he reached safety in his German homeland. His account came out in 1937, and, within a year of its publication, Hitler had sent his occult research wing forth to the mystical area Illion chronicled. It is suggested that Hitler’s objective was to establish contact with these obscure sorcerer monks. The route taken by the Ahnenerbe through Tibet emulated one taken by Aliester Crowley, and this, in turn, was copied by the OSS (the predecessor of the CIA) in 1942, in a highly secretive mission. The Tibet Nazi Connection is one of the most absorbing topics of the unexplained genre, and to this day its facts and true happenings remain shrouded in mystery.

 The lost kingdom of Shambhala is known by several other names such as “Shangri-La” and “Agharta.” Travelers were fascinated by the Tibetan legends about an enlightened kingdom that disappeared because of the materialism of this age and become invisible. Legends say that only the pure of heart can live in Shambhala. Lost kingdom of Shambhala is protected by a psychic barrier so that no one can find the kingdom who is not meant to, and according to the Kalachakra tantra teachings, a line of enlightened kings is said to be guarding the spiritual secrets of Shambhala City. Many people searched Shambhala, including some of the most dangerous like Hitler and Madame Helena Blavatsky! Another report about shambhala was from Nikolai Roerich a Russian painter and ardent student of Theosophy. His group claimed to have located Shambhala in the Altai region. He believed that Altai Mountains are a great spiritual center, connected in some way with Shambhala. Unfortunately Roerich was connected with Helena Blavatsky, his wife, Helena, was the translator of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine into Russian. So I cant take him seriously! As Helena Blavatsky is also connected with the lucis trust (Lucifer Trust)! So where is Shambhala? The answer is that no one knows. Numerous explorers and seekers attempted to locate Shambhala but no one could pinpoint its physical location on a map. The myths of Shambhala were part of the inspiration for the tale of Shangri-La told in the popular book Lost Horizon which today is also a pc game. Games like Lost Horizon and Uncharted 2 among thieves is another way to experience the secrets of Shambhala city.

Hitler was intrigued with the idea of Shambhala because some proto-Nazi organizations, such as the Ariosophists, speculated that Shambhalah was the birthplace of Aryan race. Heinrich Himmler was fascinated by Asian mysticism. Prompted by those beliefs, Germans sent an official expedition to Tibet between 1938 and 1939. Not only to collect data and artifacts that supported those views on Aryan lineage, but also substantiate rumors of Shambhalah’s existence. No one knows what Hitler’s expedition founded on Tibet but for sure their believes about Shambhala were slightly different from those of the Tibetans. Legends say that only the pure of heart can see Shambhala! Many people think that Nazis and shambhala are not connected, and that Nazis actually were in search for the mythical Yeti! In my opinion, they were looking for both.

Nazis Expeditions for Yeti:

Did you saw the (famous) movie with Brad Pitt in Seven Years in Tibet (1997)? This is a true story about the expeditions of the German Heinrich Harrer in Tibet. Ernst Schäfer, Heinrich Harrer, Hitler and the Nazis were interested in the Yeti during the 1930s, as mentioned in Christopher Gale’s Himmler’s Crusade: The True Story of the 1938 Nazi Expedition to Tibet. The Nazi’s 1938 expedition also included the anthropologist Bruno Beger. Beger is mostly recalled as having gathered and analyzed over three hundred skulls during the trek to prove that Tibet was the birthplace of a “Northern Race” (the Aryans). Many nazis they believed that the Aryans race came from the Yeti.
