Phagmodrupa Dorje Gyalpo
Phagmodrupa Dorje Gyalpo (Tib. [[Wikipedia:|[[ཕག་མོ་གྲུ་པ་རྡོ་རྗེ་རྒྱལ་པོ་]]]], Wyl. phag mo gru pa rdo rje rgyal po) (1110-1170) — one the three foremost disciples of Gampopa, and an historical master of the Kagyü tradition. Before meeting with Gampopa, he also studied with Sachen Kunga Nyingpo—with whom he stayed with for twelve years, receiving the Lamdré teachings, Padampa Sangye and Chapa Chökyi Sengé. After Gampopa's death, Phagmodrupa left Central Tibet and settled in Phagmo Dru, Kham, and founded the Pagdru Kagyü school which later splintered into eight sub-schools, each one respectively being founded by one of his eight main students (see Kagyü). He was also the elder brother of Katok Dampa Deshek, the founder of Kathok Monastery.
Further Reading
- Phagmodrupa: Engaging by Stages in the Teachings of the Buddha (ⓒ Tara Foundation, distributed by Otter Verlag), which contains a traditional biography of Phagmodrupa:
- The Life and Liberation of Phagmodrupa, The Protector of Migrating Beings by Takpo Chenga Rinpoche and translated by Terence Barrett (itself excerpted from Takpo Chenga Rinpoche's larger History of Drikung (Wyl. 'bri gung chos 'byung) which was published under his ordination name, Drikung Konchog Gyatso, in 2004, by Nationalities Publications (Wyl. mi rigs dpe skrun khang), Beijing). Available here