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Horoscope of The Buddha

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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 1) Buddha was born shortly after sunrise during a full moon with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio, the first full Moon of spring. His personality and teachings demonstrate a use of much patience in addressing the suffering in ones life, and for those of you who watched my videos on youtube ("Free Astrology With Malcolm") I define patience as one of the hallmarks of a Taurus.

(2) Buddha's chart has Cancer rising with the Vedic constellation of Pushya (North and South Asellus) rising over the eastern horizon. The rising sign gives the appearance of the individual, and Buddha looks like a Cancer rising based on the majority of pictures depicting him with very round and circular facial features and a globe-like head (as opposed to a face and head with a slight stretch in appearance, such as a Gemini rising). I like 0 degrees Cancer, since this equals the world-point in Uranian astrology (and Buddha would have a major impact on the world).

(3) Buddha's chart would have Saturn high in the sky, since he would have a big fall from power at age 29 (the year of Saturn's return). Siddhartha Gautama would leave his life of great power and great luxury at age 29. Siddhartha Gautama (at 29) would leave his wife, his palace, and a lifestyle that most international bankers and U.S. Congressmen would defacate Twinkies over (if given the chance to have and experience). Since Buddha obtained enlightenment at age 35, this would also favor a "sky-high" 10th house or 9th house natal position for Saturn, since this would result in a 12th house Saturn transit at age 35 (which would be a time of much suffering prior to his obtainment of enlightenment) and would be relative to such a birth chart.

(4) Venus will be rising over the eastern horizon ahead of the Sun during the first full Moon of spring in the year Buddha is 35. The story goes that Buddha obtained enlightenment at age 35 during the first full moon of spring with the Sun in Taurus; the Buddha (a Taurus (fixed earth)) touched the Earth (fixed earth) and obtained enlightenment (while meditating in a fixed position under a Bodi tree) while the "morning star" Venus (which has a secondary rulership to fixed earth Taurus) rose above the eastern horizon. That sounds awfully magical to me, because there's an incredible repeated overlay of symbols that seemed to "unlock" what the Taurus Buddha was seeking relative to the earthly realities (suffering) on this plane (fixed earth).

(5) The ruler of the 12th house must be significant, as well as any planets placed there. The 12th house is a house of much suffering, and the understanding of suffering is a major theme with the philosophy of the Buddha.

(6) Neptune will be significant relative to interpretation of poison, since Buddha died from eating bad food (and he supposedly knew this food was bad, but didn't want to insult the person who offered him such food).
