Vijnaptimatratasiddhi shastra (Treatise on the Establishment of the Doctrine of Mere Consciousness) ( ), 10 fasciles translated in 659 A.D. * Mahayanabhidharma samucchaya (collection of the Mahaya Abhidharma) ( ), 7 fasciles in 652 A.D. * Mahayanabhidharma samucchaya vyakhya (Exeglsis on the collection of the Mahayana Abhidhin), 16 fasciles in 646 A.D. * Mahayanasamgraha (comprehensive Treatise on Mahayana Buddhism) ( ), 3 fasciles in 648-649 A.D. Hsuan tsang was born into a family of scholars near Loyang ( ), but his father did not want to serve the new king, then became poor. In order to make a living, Tsuan tsang followed the step of his elder brother to become ordained monk when he was a child. However, when he was eleven, he was able to read the Vinalakirti Sutra, the Lotus Sutra, etc. He was brought up at Hui jih Temple in Loyang. Later, he went to Chuang yen Temple in Chang an in search of better teachers, but in vain. Because of famine, Tsuan tsang settled in Szechuan Province and continued his study in Buddhism. He kept on seeking for better teachers, but found no more outstanding scholars. In 629, when Hsuan tsang was around thirty, he set out to the west for travel and study. In his travels, he had recorded all his experience in India and Central Asia in details, which had important information on geography, history, politics, economics, culture of that time.