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gZhon-nu-dpal (1392-1481), also known as 'Gos Lo-tsa-ba (full name: Yid-bzang-rtse gZhon-nu-dpal), famous Tibetan historian and scholar.
Life and achievements
He was born in 1392 at lho kha 'phyongs rgyas. He was a student of the fifth Karmapa Lama, Deshin Shekpa (1384-1415), from whom he received the bodhisattva precepts, as well as Tsongkhapa, and was a teacher of the sixth Karmapa, Thongwa Dönden (1416-1453). He was the abbot of the Karmarñing Monastery and the author of the famous Blue Annals.
- His most famous work, the "Blue Annals" (Deb-ther sngon-po), was completed in 1478, near the end of his life, and the text was dictated by him to some of his attendants.
- 'Khrul-sel. Written in 1442-1443.
- He wrote a commentary on the Ratnagotravibhaga which is extensively explored and contrasted Buddha-nature in Mathes (2008)