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From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Faith (saddhā) is the acceptance of the Truth of an idea that cannot be known at present or that cannot be known by other means. According to most theistic religions, faith has a metaphysical effect. God requires faith and those who have it are rewarded by being saved. In Buddhism faith is understood very differently. Faith is valued if it engenders a willingness, firstly, to be open to the Dhamma, next, to start practising it and then to persist until results come. If a person did not have at least some faith he or she would never even consider the Dhamma. The Buddhist Philosopher Nāgārjuna put it well when he said: ‘One associates with the Dhamma out of faith but one knows out of understanding. Understanding is the chief of the two but faith comes first.’ At a certain point, however, faith starts to be replaced by Knowledge based on personal experience. Buddhism distinguishes between baseless faith (amūlikā saddhā) and reasoned faith (ākāravatī saddhā). Faith that is activated by a strong appeal to the emotions, by being impressed by supposed miracles or which leads one to accept the first thing one encounters, without having examined the alternatives, would be examples of the former. Reasoned faith grows out of a careful assessment of probabilities, inferences and facts. This attitude is well illustrated by an encounter between The Buddha and a man named Upāli who was a respected community leader and a follower of Jainism. After a long discussion with The Buddha, Upāli decided to become his Disciple ‘from this day onward for as long as Life lasts.’ But rather than accept Upāli’s avowal of faith The Buddha urged him to take time to consider carefully before making such an important decision: ‘Make a careful Investigation, Upāli. It is appropriate for well-known people like yourself to make a careful Investigation first.’ At this time in India there was considerable competition between the various sects to get disciples and Upāli was surprised by this unexpected advice: ‘I am even more pleased by what you say. If another sect had secured me as a Disciple they would have paraded a banner through the town to let everyone know. But you ask me to make a proper Investigation first.’ Knowing that Upāli had been a Jain The Buddha then asked him to continue supporting his former Religion: ‘For a long time your family has given alms to the Jains. Continue giving them alms when they come.’ (M.I,379). According to The Buddha, rational faith is ‘rooted in understanding, strong, not to be shaken by any teachers or preachers, devils, gods, God, or by anyone in the World’ (M.I,320) and thus does not need to be buttressed by close-mindedness or a partisan attitude to other religions.

faith [信] (Skt shraddha; Pali saddha; Jpn shin )

   A basic attitude emphasized in both early Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Faith constitutes the first of the five roots, or the five elements of practice conducive to enlightenment, expounded in early Buddhism. The five roots are faith, exertion, memory, meditation, and wisdom. Mahayana Buddhism likewise emphasizes the importance of faith. The Flower Garland Sutra says, "Faith is the basis of the way and the mother of blessings." The Mahaparinirvana Sutra says, "Although there are innumerable practices that lead to enlightenment, if one teaches faith, then that includes all those practices." In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni addresses Shariputra, who was known as foremost in wisdom, as follows: "Even you, Shariputra, in the case of this sutra were able to gain entrance through faith alone. How much more so, then, the other voice-hearers." The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom attributed to Nagarjuna (c. 150-250) reads, "The great ocean of Buddhism can be entered through faith." In Great Concentration and Insight, T'ient'ai (538-597) states, "Buddhism is like an ocean that one can only enter with faith." Another Sanskrit word for faith is adhimukti, which means confidence and is rendered in Chinese Buddhism as "belief and understanding." It means faith based on understanding; it also means to first take faith in the Buddha's teaching and then to understand it. Adhimukti is the Sanskrit title of the "Belief and Understanding" (fourth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra translated by Kumarajiva. The "Distinctions in Benefits" (seven-teenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra says, "Ajita, if there are living beings who, on hearing that the life span of the Buddha is of such long duration, are able to believe and understand it even for a moment, the benefits they gain thereby will be without limit or measure." In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren (1222-1282) states: "Belief represents the value or price we attach to a jewel or treasure, and understanding represents the jewel itself. It is through the one word belief that we are able to purchase the wisdom of the Buddhas of the three existences. That wisdom is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." See also faith, practice, and study.
