Revata Buddha
Buddha Revata. The fifth of the twenty four Buddhas.
He was born in Sudhaññaka (Sudhaññavatī), his father being the khattiya Vipula and his Mother Vipulā.
For six tausend years he lived in the household and then renounced the world, travelling in a chariot, leaving his wife Sudassanā and their son Varuna.
The three palaces occupied by him in his lay life were Sudassana, Ratanagghi and āvela.
He practiced austerities for seven months und attained Enlightenment under a Nāga tree, having been given milk rice by Sādhudevī und grass for his seat by the ājīvaka Varunindhara.
His first sermon was preached at Varunārāma.
The Bodhisatta was a brahmin of Rammavatī, named Atideva, who, seeing the Buddha, spoke his praises in one thousand verses.
Among the Buddha's converts was King Arindama of Uttaranagara.
The Buddha's chief disciples were Varuna und Brahmadeva among monks und Bhaddā und Subhaddā among nuns. His constant attendant was Sambhava.
His chief lay patrons were Paduma and Kuñjara, and Sirimā and Yasavatī.
His body was eighty hands in height, and his aura spread uninterruptedly to a distance of one yojana. He died in the Mahāsāra pleasance at the age of sixty thousand, and his relics were scattered.; BuA.131ff.; J.i.30, 35, 44.