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Astrology also binds India and Tibet

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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In general, all the astrological systems that have developed over the years have resulted only from the experiences accumulated after a series of understandings by exploration of their natural environments. To cite the origin and development of Tibetan Astro-Science, it has experiences accumulated

from human exploration of the interdependence between sky and earth as its base, and it is magnificently coupled with the essence of the astrological and astronomical traditions of countries like India and China. Tibetan Astro-Science is classified into three parts - the Ancient Astro-Science System, the

Black or Elemental Astrology and the White Astro-Science or Astronomy. From these three, the main subject relevant for discussion here is the White Astro-Science or Astronomy that came from India. The term ‘White Astro-Science’ is also indicator of its origination from India. This is also further sub-grouped

into Kalachakra Astro-Science and Yangchar (arising of vowels). The origination of Kalachakra Astro-Science is the Kalachakra Tantra. The most common belief is that some time before the pari-nirvana, the Buddha at Shri Dhanyakataka stupa, in Amravati in South India, gave a sermon to the 1st Dharma King

of Shambhala Dawa Sangpo (Lord Vajrapani’s manifestation) and 96 other kings by manifesting himself as a Shri Kalachakra deity. In the very next year, on his return to Shambala he passed on to his son Lhawang (Sureśvara), the Second Dharma King of Shambhala. The teachings were then passed on to the

successive Dharma Kings of Shambala and reached the first Kalkī King of Shambhala, Rigden Jampel Dakpa. On the Full-moon Day of the Third Lunar Month of the Year 177 BC (Wood-Mouse), Rigden Jampel Dakpa gave their teachings and initiations as mentioned in the prophecy and brought different races under one race and named it Kalkī (Rigden). He composed the most extensive Kalachakra Laghu Tantra (Condensed Tantra) containing 1030 stanzas in total. Year 1027 is the coronation year of the 12th King Rigden Nyima, and in that particular year, the

first translation of the Kalachakra Tantra into Tibetan was carried by Lotsawa Gijo Dawae Woser. This year also marked the start of the 60 years of Rabjung Cycle. Kalachakra Astro-Science is not just a part of Tibetan Astro-Science but it is one of the most reliable foundations of in the entire of Astro-

Science. Kalachakra Tantra is an essential part of Inner Science, i.e. Buddhism comprising the five chapters as preached by the Buddha. Its first chapter, the Chapter of External World primarily discusses the rotational movements of the planets, lunar mansions and so forth. It does not only highlight how the

entire animate and inanimate universe is made up of four elements, but also talks about the movements of the Sun, Moon and Planets. In particular the calculation system called the sand-calculation and discusses the constructiveness and destructiveness effect of their movement. Kalachakra Astro-Science

stood as the backbone and perfected the already practised system of ancient Tibetan Astro-Science and thus, Tibetan Astro-Science itself became a self-sufficient system. Tibetan astrology, very similar to Indian Jyotish has numbers, number system, terms for years, months and planets. It also discusses two

systems for the calculation of planets. First are the five components which include Day, Date, Lunar Mansion, Yoga and Karana. Then it has the Solar, Lunar and Zodiacal day calculations of the five planets: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. It also has Rahu, Ketu Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Comet, Natal

chart, Universe, Three-day calculation and so forth are found under the umbrella of Tibetan Astro-Science through validation after series of experiments based on instructions, reasoning and experiences by the early masters of Tibetan Astro-Science. Yangchar (Arising Vowels) is a system primarily based on

Astronomy to understand the sufferings and problems of individuals. It is of two kinds: one is mentioned in the context of Kalachakra Tantra and the other in concordant with non-Buddhist systems. As the former is a particular of Kalachakra Astro-Science, the origination is same with Kalachakra Astro-Science. It is a form of Astro-Science practised so to understand the reality and result of all forms of activities and is said to be preached by Lord Shiva and Parvati.

It is called Yangchar (Arising Vowels) because the 16 vowels (of Sanskrit), which is the essence of all letters, are thus found condensed into four

elements and reflects on dates. With the earlier consideration of planets and lunar mansion as the base, it looks into favourability of all kinds of

activities in relation with sentient beings. It has all kinds of wheels like Rusbel Khorlo (Turtle Wheel), Sengden Khorlo (Lion-mat Wheel), Dhug Khorlo (Umbrella Wheel) and so forth. These are mentioned in the annual almanac; it looks to understand the rotational movements of planets and then forecasts the

physical constitutions like rainfall, heat and so forth. It also forecasts the wellness of kings, countries and its kinds. Lord Shiva and Parvati (according to Buddhist view are at that time the manifested form of Lord Avalokiteshvara and Tara). This tantra first flourished in the realm of god and later spread on earth amongst humans when our life span was 120 years. It reached Tibet in the 12th century after it was translated by Lowo Lotsawa Sherab

Rinchen. This 10 chapter Tantra was then practiced extensively by the great masters over the years and with the experience and knowledge, they also composed commentaries like Ngotsar Gyen ki Metok, Mang-kura, Kunzig Yangchar Chenmo and so forth that are easily available for study and practice even

today. To speak on the ground of practicality, it is quite similar to the present day practice carried out by the Indian practitioners. For example, in the making of Natal Horoscope or Janam Kundali, it has many similarities like the placing of twelve houses, the understanding of twelve houses with the first

house as the house of birth and so forth, the twelve zodiacs, the rulers of twelve zodiacs and its friend and foe. The identification of zodiacs under the nature of stable, unstable, dual nature is also similar. Then there is the division of lifespan into nine planets called Mahadasha, its further division is

called Antardasha. The division of lifespan into nine planets is done with allocation of 6 years to Sun, 10 years to Moon, 18 years to Rahu, 16 years to Jupiter, 19 years to Saturn, 17 years to Mercury, 7 years to Ketu and 20 years to Venus. Their total comes to 120, which is also the lifespan of human beings of the time.

The birth chart called Tatkal or moment time, identification of Rahu and Ketu as planets and their effect on individual’s life, power of planets, power of day and night, power of directions and so forth are all similar. In making of the almanac, five components, five planet’s calculation, and twenty-seven

lunar mansions also have similarities. Thus from the perspective of historical aspects and the present day’s practice, there is not only great relation between the two but are also much similar in all aspects. # Harivarma’s Svarodayarthasamhita and Ayurganitaphalaprakasa by Manapurusa were also translated into Tibetan
