Buddhist Chaplain
By Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) England UK Buddhist Chaplaincy Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala Maha Thera, Chief Sangha Nayaka of Great Britain, Head of The London Buddhist Vihara explained Buddhist Chaplaincy as: "Mention the word “Chaplaincy” to most people and they will immediately think of the lengthy Christian tradition of spiritual service to the community. Few realise that this idea of “Chaplaincy” also has a long tradition within Buddhism. Right from its beginnings almost 2500 years ago, selfless giving and caring for others have always been seen as essential. When I think about “Chaplaincy”, I am reminded that the Buddha said “He who attends to a patient, attends to me”. Ever concerned with giving practical answers, the Buddha himself encouraged his followers to be “Kalyana Mittas”/Spiritual Friends to all those persons with whom they came into contact. Santideva, the 8th century C.E. Indian philosopher, encouraged these “Kalyana Mittas” to “become a bridge to those who want to cross over”. The Buddhist Chaplain’s function for me, therefore, is not only to act as a good spiritual friend to all who are lost and in need of support but also to do this unconditionally and without any notions of “self”." Buddhist Chaplaincy Organisations The Buddhist Chaplaincy Kalyana Mitra UK https://buddhistchaplaincy.co.uk/ BCSG Buddhist Chaplaincy Support Group Kalyana Mitra UK https://en-gb.facebook.com/Kaly%C4%81na-Mitra-Buddhist-Chaplaincy- Support-Group-525150060850811/ Buddhist Chaplains Network USA http://buddhistchaplainsnetwork.org/ BuddhistChaplains.org USA http://buddhistchaplains.org/ International Buddhist Chaplains Foundation
https://ibcfusa.org/ Network of Buddhist Chaplains http://europeanbuddhism.org/activity/chaplaincy/ Journals about Buddhist Chaplaincy Buddhist Chaplaincy, The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [[[London]]], Volume 86 No. 4 (February, 2012). https://www.thebuddhistsociety.org/middleway/ Books about Buddhist Chaplaincy The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work. Wisdom Publications, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-86171-664-7) (eBook ISBN 978-1-61429-037-7) https://wisdomexperience.org/product/arts-contemplative-care/ Benefit Beings!: The Buddhist Guide to Professional Chaplaincy, Danny Fisher, USA, Off the Cushion Books, 2013. (ISBN 978-0615-796499) https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Benefit_Beings.html?id=aQhTng EACAAJ&redir_esc=y https://www.worldcat.org/title/benefit-beings-the-buddhist-guide-to- professional-chaplaincy/oclc/855540340 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17729121-benefit-beings Buddhist Care for the Dying and Bereaved. Wisdom Publications, 2012. (ISBN 978-1-61429-052-0) (eBook ISBN 978-1-61429-063-6) https://wisdomexperience.org/product/buddhist-care-dying-and- bereaved/ Oxford Research Encyclopedia Article “Buddhist Chaplaincy” https://oxfordre.com/religion/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.001. 0001/acrefore-9780199340378-e-641
Buddhist Fire Chaplaincy Information about Buddhist Fire Chaplaincy is included in: Facebook BEWES Buddhists Engaged with Emergency Services https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/BEWES- Buddhists-Engaged-with-Emergency-Services-810763728983799/ Book about Buddhist Fire Chaplaincy Benefit Beings!: The Buddhist Guide to Professional Chaplaincy by Danny Fisher, includes information on the only known Buddhist Fire Department Chaplain in the USA, Rev Alan Urasaki of Hawai'i on pages 18-19, 142-43, 147, 150-151. He states on page 151 "Rev. Urasaki also appears to be the only Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the country: in 2004 he was appointed as a volunteer Chaplain with the Honolulu Fire Department". Articles about Buddhist Fire Chaplaincy The first known Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the UK was a Burmese Theravada Buddhist Monk appointed by LFB London Fire Brigade in 2005. In 2014, Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women recognized UK resident Jacquetta Gomes as the first female Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the world. She has subsequently been included in lists of First Women and Pioneering Women. “Buddhism in the UK Fire and Rescue Services” https://www.buddhistdoor.net/features/buddhism-in-the-uk-fire-and-rescue-services “Multifaith Chaplaincy Proposed by The Fire Fighters Charity in the UK” https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/multifaith-chaplaincy-proposed-by- the-fire-fighters-charity-in-the-uk “Q&A with Jacquetta Gomes: The first female Buddhist fire chaplain” https://tricycle.org/magazine/qa-jacquetta-gomes/ Related Pages on this CBE Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia Website
Famous Western Buddhists
http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia.com/en/index.php?title=Categor y:Famous_Western_Buddhists Jacquetta Gomes http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia.com/en/index.php?title=Jacquett a_Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia.com/en/index.php/Category:Bod hicarini_Upasika_Jayasili_Jacquetta_Gomes Introducing Buddhism by Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia.com/en/index.php?title=Introduci ng_Buddhism_by_Buddhist_Group_of_Kendal_(Theravada)