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White Jambhala

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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White Jambhala.jpg

White Jambhala (Tibetan: dzam bha la kar po): a Wealth Deity - emanation of Avalokiteshvara.

With one face and two hands he holds in the right a stick of gold. A katvanga staff rests against the left shoulder. Wrathful in appearance with the hair flowing upward like flames he is adorned with jewel ornaments and silks of various colours, riding on the back of a green dragon - sporting amongst the clouds.

White Jambhala also know as Kubera in the Hindu pantheon (Tibetan: Dzambhala Karpo) is bestower of wealth.. White Dzambhala is born from the right eye of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Jambhala holds a victory banner (Skt. dhvaja; Tib. rgyal-mtshan) in his left hand which signifies the victory of Buddhism. The top of the banner takes the form of a small parasol, which is surmounted by a central wish-granting gem. This domed parasol is rimmed by an ornate crest-bar with makara-tailed ends from which hangs a billowing silk scarf. As a hand-held ensign the banner is an attribute of many deities, particularly those associated with wealth and power, such as Jambhala/Kubera.

In his right hand he holds a mongoose that spits out precious gems. Many people question what the association of Jambhala is with the mongoose. Art historians, depending upon folk interpretation, often explain that the mongoose became the main attribute of Jambhala because the serpents are the protectors of subterranean wealth and a mongoose controls them. Buddhist Sanskrit texts, however, refer to a different reason or story for the mongoose's association with wealth. It was said that wealthy people in ancient India carried a purse made of mongoose's hide and that when they gambled they often shook the purse. The mongoose or mongoose's hide then regurgitated gold coins and other precious things from its mouth. This seems to be the reason why in Jambhala's iconography the mongoose is always shown vomiting jewels. The mongoose that Jambhala holds then does not represent the actual creature but acts as a metaphor for his generosity.

Jambhala is wrathful in appearance he is adorned with jewel ornaments and silks, he is sitting on the back of a snow lion. On the back of the statue is a carving of "the wheel of the law" (Skt. chakra; Tib. khorlo). The three components of the wheel; hubs, spokes and rim, symbolize the three aspects of the Buddhist teachings on ethics, wisdom and concentration. The central hub represents ethical discipline, which centers and stabilizes the mind. The sharp spokes represent discriminating awareness, which cuts through ignorance. The rim represents meditative concentration, which both encompasses and facilitates the motion of the wheel. This wheel has eight spokes symbolizing the Buddha's Eightfold Noble Path and the transmission of these teachings towards the eight directions. There are three swirls shown in the central hub, they represent the Three Jewels of the Buddha, dharma, sangha and the victory over the three poisons of ignorance, desire and aversion.

The beneficence of the White Jambhala is to cure diseases, get rid of poverty and sins, promote charitable deeds and accumulate wealth. According to the sutra, his mantra can stop suffering, destroy bad karma and have a bodhi mind. His mantra can also avert disaster and sickness. He also brings wealth to all sentient beings if he or she chants his mantra.

White Jambhala's Mantra Is : Om Padma Trotha Arya Zambhala Siddhaya Hum Phat

There are five Jambhalas: Yellow Jambhala (overcomes pride), White Jambhala (overcomes attachment), Black Jambhala (overcomes resentment), Green Jambhala (overcomes jealousy) and Red Jambhala (overcomes greed). There are 3 parts to this piece, the body, base and arch. The base is sealed with a double vajra. The white form of Jambhala, belonging to the Kriya class of Tantra, is an emanation of Avalokiteshvara and was popularized by Jowo Atisha, founder of the Kadampa School.
