Five Sense Consciousnesses
'jug pa'i rnam shes - Engaging consciousnesses; the five sense consciousnesses [RY]
eyes (seeing), nose (smelling), ears (hearing), tactile-sense (touch), mouth (taste/speech). [[[RWB]]]
rnam shes tshogs brgyad - Eight Collections of Consciousness. The eight groups of the cognitions of the eight consciousnesses: the five sense consciousnesses, mind consciousness, ego consciousness and all-ground consciousness [RY]
tshogs brgyad - Eight collections. the eight groups of the cognitions of the eight consciousnesses; of the five sense consciousnesses, of mind consciousness, ego consciousness and all-ground consciousness [RY]
tsConsciousnesshogs drug - Six collections [of consciousness]. The five sense consciousnesses and the mind consciousness [RY]