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List Of Nyingma Kama Empowerments Bestowed By Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche, Bodhgaya, 2010

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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 Date Nr. Empowerment
29.1. 1. Kyab dro dom pa / Refuge vows
                2. Chang chub sem dom / Bodhicitta vow
                3. From Kriya tantra: Drime Ozer /Stainless light rays preliminary empowerment [tagon]
30.1. 4. Main empowerment [ngo zhi] Drime Ozer / Stainless light rays
            5. Permisson-blessing [je nang] / Sangye Menla / Medicine Buddha [skt.Bhaishajyaguru]
            6. Even shorter permission-blessing [rig te, lit. giving knowledge] Dukar / White Umbrella, [skt. Sittatapatra]
31.1. 7. Namjom tro kar / White wrathful destroyer [skt.Vajra Vidarana, form of Vajrapani]
            8. Namjom tro nag / Black wrathful destroyer
            9. Among the Inner Tantra, from Highest Mahayoga: Sangye Nyamjor [skt. Buddha Samayoga] tagon / Union of Mind of All the Buddhas, preliminary emp.
10. Union of Mind of All the Buddhas, main empowerment
1.2. Anniversary of Longchenpa [1308-1363]
2.2. 11. Yangdag dagam gupa`i tagon / Semi Circle of Vishudda Nine Deities, preliminary emp.
            12. Semi Circle of Vishudda Nine Deities, main empowerment
            13. Shinje khathun [ Yamantaka ] preliminary emp.

3.2. 14. Shinje khathun [ Yamantaka ] main emp.
                        Jampal shinje shi marpo` i / Red Butcher Yamantaka Manjushri preliminary emp.

 15. Red Butcher Yamantaka Manjushri main emp.

16. Permisson-blessing of Red Butcher Yamantaka Manjushri` s Body, Speech and Mind
17. Black Six-Faced Butcher Yamantaka Manjushri preliminary emp.
18. Black Six-Face Butcher Yamantaka Manjushri`s Completely Secret Mind main emp.
19. Phurpa gyulug gyi tagon / Mahayoga tradition Vajrakilaya, prelim.emp
4.2. 20 Mahayoga tradition Vajrakilaya, main emp.
                21 Permission blessing of Mahayoga tradition Vajrakilaya emp.

5.2. 22 Phurpa ronglug / Rongzompa tradition Vajrakilaya emp.
23 Phurpa roglug gyi kor le/ From the cycle of Rog [name of tradition] Phurpa tradtition:
            Vajrakilaya of Rog that grants supreme great bliss empowerment emp.
24 Lopon nam sum gyi gong pa…/ From the Bumnag tradition of the Enlightened Intention of the three teachers: Transmission of instruction on Phurpa of Tsogyal, emp.
25 Gyutrul drawa zhiwa dring po`i…/ Peaceful Net of Magical Manifestation Middling version/ [skt.Mayajala] preliminary emp.
[note. Mayajala cycle, whch contains well known Guhyagarbha tantra [sangwa nyingpo], is considered to be the root tantra of Mahayoga]

6.2. 26 Dor sem gyu trul drawa zhiwa…/Peaceful Net of Magical Manifestation of Vajrasattva, Supreme boat for sailing in the ocean of mandalas, Middling version emp.
27 Tsepame lunglug.. / Amitayus according to Anuyoga tradition emp.
28 Gyutrul drawa trowo…/ Wrathful Net of Magical Manifestation preliminary emp.
7.2. 29 Gyutrul drawa trowo…/ Wrathful Net of Magical Manifestation Vajra laughter of Herukas emp.
8.2. 30 Narag dongdrug dechen lamsang/ Shaking out the pit of hell, good path to great bliss
            31 Dragmar kama o dren…/ Red Guru Dragpo according to kama tradition of Odren Palgyi Wangchug [one of 25 students of Guru Rinpoche]
            32 Kagye kama dzong…./ From the Cycle of Eight Logos according to Kama: Garland of Vajras emp.

            33 Nang gyu lame../ From the cycle of Inner tantras of Highest Anuyoga tradition/ From the 11th chapter of Dupa do [Sutra that gathers all enlightened intentions]: Vajrapani who guides from evil destinies emp.

            34 Lha mi thegpa / Vehicle of devas and humans emp.
9.2. 35 Nyantho kyi thegpa / Vehicle of shravakas [hearers] emp.
                36 Rangyal kyi thegpa / Vehicle of pratyekabuddhas [solitary realized buddhas] emp.
                37 changsem kyi thegpa / Vehicle of bodhisattvas emp.
10.2. 38 Jacho thun mong.. / Kriya and carya vehicle preliminary emp.
                39 Jacho thun mong.. / Kriya and carya vehicle main emp.
                40 Yoga`I theg pa`I.. / Yoga tantra vehicle emp.
                41 Tsog chen dupa`i ../ Great assembly preliminary emp.
11.2. 42 Tsog chen dupa`i ../ Great assembly main emp.
                           [note Great assembly is the name of fundamental sadhana of the anuyoga root tantra Gongpa dupa, whose elaborate initiation is this Root empowerment to the Nine vehicles].
12.2. 43 Dudo`I yenlag../ Relative bodhicitta as a branch of Dupa do emp.
            44 Thaten tegya../ Conclusion entrustment of Dupa do emp.
                45 Dondam changsem../ Absolute bodhicitta emp.

13.2. 46 Nang gyu lame ati yoga semde kor .../ From the cycle of mind section [semde] of unsurpasable atiyoga beonging to inner tantras: 18 rigpa`i tsal wang / Empowerments of creative dynamics of awarness pertianing to the 18 mother and son texts [main and supplementary texts - five early and 13 later translations plus tree fundamental texts making together 21 texts of dzogchen semde} / [translation of this empowerment might also be] 18 empowerments of the energy of primordial awarness

14.2. 47 Nang gyu lame ati yoga longde kor.../ From the cycle of Highest atiyoga section of longde [space section] / Empowerment of Vajra bridge of longde
            48 Jendrel gyu gyi tensung..legden …/ From the cycle of Protectors of tantra teachings, Mahakala Legden Chief of the Assembly
            49 Namse dragpo tangonchen …/ Vaisravana on Blue Horse emp.
                50 Yeshe kyi mamo ekajati …/ Seven classes of Primordial wisdom protectress Mamo Ekajati emp.
15.2. 51 Nang gyu lame ati yoga mengagde kor../ From the cycle of Highest atiyoga section of mengagde [instruction section]: Seventeen tantras of Great Perfection emp.
            52 Khonlug nyingma gurgon …/ From the Nyingma Khon tradition: Mahakala Gurgon, skt. Panyjaranatha emp.
            53 Trinle kyi gonpo trakshad …/ Permission blessing of Mahakala Trakshad
                        [There are Mahakalas of body, speech, mind, qualities and activity. This particular one belong to activity aspect]

                54 Palgon tagzhon nub lug…/ Empowerment connected with sadhana according to Nub tradition of Mahakala riding the tiger
                55 Jedrel tensung gi kor le… / From the Cycle of Protectors of tantra teachings: The Empowerment of secret razor of fierce mantras Shri Mahakala Tsogdag
             56 Dupa do tarten tsewang …/ Long-life Amitayus (from Dupa do) conclusion-entrustment empowerment

Next year Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche will bestow oral transmission [lung] for Nyingma kama, (for which we received the empowerments this year).
Dharma friends who helped with translation: Hernan [mainly trans. from tibetan], Nick [correction and notes], Ariel and Dylan [correction of tibetan and english], Lukas [typing] Sarva mangalam.

