Jewel Sign
Jewel Sign
[宝相如来] (Skt Ratnaketu; Jpn Hoso-nyorai)
The Thus Come One Jewel Sign. The name that two thousand voice-hearers will bear when they become Buddhas, according to Shakyamuni's prediction in the "Prophecies" (ninth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra. The chapter reads: "These persons [the two thousand learners and adepts] will offer alms to Buddhas and Thus Come Ones equal in number to the dust particles of fifty worlds, paying honor and reverence to them, guarding and upholding their Dharma storehouses. In their final existence they will all at the same time succeed in becoming Buddhas in lands in the ten directions. All will have the identical designation, being called Jewel Sign Thus Come One." Ratna in the Sanskrit name means jewel or treasure, and ketu means a sign.