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The Nazi connection with Shambala and Tibet

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A lot of members of high rank of the nazi diet, including to Hitler, but especially Himmler and Hess, kept enrevesadas beliefs ocultistas.

Motivated by such beliefs, the Germans sent an expedition to Tibet go in 1938 and 1939 in front of the invitation of the government tibetano to assist to the celebration of Losar (New Year).

Tibet Had suffered during long the attempts of annexation by part of Chinese and the British failure for avoiding the aggression or to protect to Tibet. Under the mandate of Stalin, the Soviet Union pursued encarnizadamente the Buddhism, specifically his form tibetana, that practised inside his borders, and in his bordering country, the Popular Republic of Mongolia (External Mongolia).

Like contrapartida, Japan supported to the Buddhism tibetano in the Inner Mongolia, that had attached like part of Manchukuo, his ???state of straw??? in Manchuria. The Imperial Government, when proclaiming that Japan was Shambala, treated to win the support of the Mongolians under his government to invade the External Mongolia and Siberia and like this create a confederation bread-Mongolian under the protection Japanese.

The government tibetano, in view of the unstable regional situation, was exploring the possibility of also obtain the protection of Japan. Germany and Japan had signed a pact against of the international communist organisation in 1936, declaring like this his mutual hostility to the expansion of the international communism.

The invitation for the visit of an official delegation of the nazi Germany was done in this context.

In August of 1939, shortly after the expedition German to Tibet, Hitler broke his agreement with Japan and signed the nazi pact-Soviet. In September, the Soviet defeated to the Japanese that had invaded the External Mongolia in May. Later, it did not arrive to concretise at all of that contact go in the government tibetano with the Japanese and the Germans.

Several writers ocultistas of the postguerra have affirmed that the Buddhism and the legend of Shambala played an important paper in the official contact germano-tibetano.

Examine said question.
The myths of Thule and vril

The first element of the beliefs ocultistas nazi came from of the mythical earth of Hiperbórea-Thule.

Such as Plato had quoted the legend Egyptian of the island submerged of the Atlántida, Herodoto mentioned the legend Egyptian of the continent of Hiperbórea in the far north. When the ice destroyed this remote earth, his people emigrated south. In a writing of 1679, the Swedish author Olaf Rubbeck identified to them atlantes with them hiperbóreos and situated to these last in Polo North.

According to several stories, Hiperbórea divided in the islands of Thule and Last Thule, than some people identify with Iceland and Greenland.

The second ingredient went the idea of a hollow earth. To ends of the 17th century, the British astronomer Sir Edmund Halley suggested for the first time the idea that the Earth was hollow, consistent of four concentric spheres. The theory of Tierra hollow shot the imagination of a lot of people, especially with the publication of the book of the French novelist Julio Verne, Trip to the centre of the earth, in 1864.

Shortly after it appeared the concept of Vril. In 1871, the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in The Coming Race (The race that comes), described an upper race, the vril-already, that lived under earth and planned to conquer the world with vril, an energy psicoquinética.

The French author Louis Jacolliot promoted the myth in Them fils of Dieu (The children of God – 1873) and in Them Traditions indo-européenes (The traditions indo-Europeans – 1876). In these books, linked to the vril with the subterranean village of Thule.

The inhabitants of Thule would take advantage of the power of the vril to turn into supermen and dominate the world.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) also emphasized the concept of the Übermensch (superman) and began his last work, Der Antichrist (The anticristo – 1895) with the line,

    ???See us as what are. We are hiperbóreos. We know very well cuán aside live???.

Although Nietzsche never mentioned to the vril, in the posthumous publication of his collection of aphorisms, Der Wille zur Macht (The will of the power), recalcó the paper of an internal strength for a development superhumano.

It wrote that ???the pack???, referring to the common people, looks for security inside himself same creating rules, morality and laws, whereas the supermen have a vital strength intern that drives them to go further of the pack. This strength demands them and drives them to lie to the pack to be able to remain independent and free of the ???mentality of pack???.

In the years before and during the First World War, Guido von List, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Phillip Stauff popularised the ariosofía.

This movement mixed the concept of the races of the theosophy with the German nationalism to affirm the superiority of the race aria like the basic for conquers it German of the colonial global empires of the British and the French like the legitimate ruler of the inferior races. Nevertheless, it owes to signal that the movement teosófico never proposed his educations about the races like justification to affirm the superiority of a race on another neither foresaw to allocate the right to any of them to govern to the other.

In The Artic Home of the Vedas (The arctic home of them vedas – 1903), the ancient defender of the freedom India, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, added a detail more when identifying the migration south of the inhabitants of Thule with the origin of the race aria, in such a way than a lot of Germans at the beginning of the 20th century believed downward being of them arios that they had migrated south from Hiperbórea-Thule and that were allocated to turn into the supreme race of supermen by means of the power of the vril.

Hitler found go in they.
The Society Thule and the foundation of the nazi party

Félix Niedner, the German translator of the Old Nordic Eddas, founded the Society Thule in 1910.

In 1918, Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorf established a branch in Munich. Sebottendorf Had lived in Istanbul during several years, where formed a secret society in 1910, that combined the esoteric Sufism and the freemasonry.

It based in the creed of them ???assassins??? (murderers by political reasons) derivative of the sect nazarí of the ismailismo Islamic, that had flowered during the Crusades. Durante his residence in Istanbul, Sebottendorf was definitely familiarised with the movement bread-turaniano of the young Turkish, initiated in 1909, which was involved in the genocide armenio of 1915-1916.

Turkey and Germany went allies during the First World War. Once of return in Germany, Sebottendorf went also member of the Germanic Order (Order of the Teutonics), founded in 1912 like a society of right with a logia secret anti-semite with the spirit of the movement of the ariosofía.

Through these channels, the superiority aria, the racism, the antisemitism, the murders by political reasons and the genocide did part of the creed of the Society Thule. The anticomunismo was added after the Communist Revolution Bavarian in 1918, when the Society Thule of Munich turned into the centre of the movement contrarrevolucionario.

In 1919, said Society created the Party of the German Workers.

To ends of that year, Dietrich Eckart, a member of the core of the Society Thule, purportedly initiated to Hitler in the Society and began to train him in his methods to take advantage of the vril in the creation of a race aria of supermen. Hitler had mystic mind from his youth, since it studied occultism and theosophy in Vienna.

Later, Hitler devoted Mein Kampf to Eckart.

In 1920, Hitler turned into the leader of the Party of the German Workers, now renowned like the Socialist National Party of the German Workers (nazi).
Haushofer, the Society Vril and it geopolitical

Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), a military adviser German of the Japanese after the Russian war-Japanese of 1904-1905, went another important influence in the thought of Hitler.

It exists a belief generalised that he went the responsible of the back alliance Germany-Japan been due to the extremada impression that caused him the culture Japanese. Also it showed big interest in the cultures Indian and tibetana, learnt sánscrito, and said to have visited Tibet.

After having fungido like general in the First World War, Haushofer founded in 1918, the Society Vril in Berlin, which shared the same basic beliefs than the Society Thule and some say that it went his core. The Society looked for the contact with supernatural beings under earth to obtain of them the power of the vril.

Also it affirmed the origin centroasiático of the race aria.

Haushofer Developed the doctrine of it geopolitical and, at the beginning of 1920, turned into the director of the Institute of Geopolitical in the University of Ludwig-Maximilian of Munich. It geopolitical defended the conquest of territory to obtain greater vital space (in German Lebensraum) like a half to purchase power.

Rudolf Hess went join of the nearest students of Haushofer and presented him to Hitler in 1923, while this last found in prison by his fallido ???Putsch??? (coup d'état).

After this Haushofer visited often to the future Führer, to teach him geopolitical in relation with the ideas of the Societies Thule and vril. Like this, when in 1933 Hitler turned into chancellor, adopted it geopolitical like his direction for the conquest of Oriental Europe, Russia and Asia Central by the race aria.

The key of the success would be to find the ancestors of the race aria, the guardians of the secrets of the vril, in Asia Central.
The svástica

The svástica is an ancient Indian symbol of immutable good luck, comes from of the word sánscrita svastika, that means welfare or good luck. Used by them hinduistas, Buddhist and jains during thousands of years, also generalised in Tibet.

The suástica also has appeared in the majority of the ancient cultures of the world.

For example, the variant that turns against of the manecillas of the clock, adopted by the nazi, is also the letter ???G??? in the mediaeval runic writing north of Europe. Them francmasones took it like an important symbol since ???G??? could mean ???God??? (God in English), the ???Big architect of the universe???, or could mean also ???Geometry???.

The suástica is also a traditional symbol of the ancient Nordic god of the thunder and of the strength (the Thor Scandinavian, the Donner German, the Perkunas báltico).

By this association with the God of the thunder, so much the Latvians like the Finns took the suástica like the insignia of his force aerial when they obtained his independence after the First World War.

To ends of the 19th century, Guido von List adopted the suástica like an emblem of the movement neopagano in Germany. The Germans however did not use the word sánscrita svástica, but they called it ???Hakenkreuz???, meaning ???cross gamada???. It would defeat and it would replace to the cross, the same than the neopaganismo would defeat and would substitute to the Christianity.

When sharing the feeling anticristiano of the movement neopagano, the Society Thule also adopted the ???Hakenkreuz??? like part of his emblem and situated it inside a circle with a daga vertical German superimposed.

In 1920, following the suggestion of the doctor Friedrich Krohn of the Society Thule, Hitler adopted the ???Hakenkreuz??? inside a white circle like the central design of the flag of the nazi Party. Hitler chose the red bottom to compete against the red flag of his rival, the Communist Party.

The French researchers Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, in Him Matin give Magiciens (The Return of The Wizards – 1962), wrote that Haushofer convinced to Hitler to use the ???Hakenkreuz??? like symbol of the nazi Party.

They posit that this owed to the interest of Haushofer in the cultures Indian and tibetana. This conclusion is little likely, since Haushofer did not know to Hitler but until 1923, whereas the nazi flag appeared for the first time in 1920.

It is more likely than Haushofer have used the presence generalised of the suástica in India and Tibet like evidence to convince to Hitler that this region was the place of the ancestors of the race aria.
The nazi repression of the groups ocultistas rival

Durante the first-half of 1920, arose join violent rivalry go in the societies ocultistas and logias secret in Germany.

For example, in 1925, Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the movement antroposófico, went found dead person. Many suspected that the Society Thule had ordered his murder.

In back years, Hitler continued the persecution of,





Several academicians attribute this politics to the wish of Hitler to delete any rival ocultista to his government.

Influenciado By the works of Nietzsche and the beliefs of the Society Thule, Hitler thought that the Christianity was a defective religion, infected by his roots in the Jewish thought. Hitler saw his educations of the pardon like the triumph of the feeble, and the abnegation like something antievolutivo and perceived to yes same like a mesías to substitute to God and to Christ.

Steiner Had used the image of the anticristo and of lucifer like future spiritual leaders that would regenerate to the Christianity in join new form more pure.

Hitler arrived much more far. It saw to yes same ridding to the world of a degenerate system giving foot to a new step in the evolution with it supreme race aria. It would not tolerate to any anticristo rival, neither in that moment neither @en el futuro.

Nevertheless, it tolerated to the Buddhism.
The Buddhism in the nazi Germany

In 1924, Paul Dahlke founded the Buddhistisches Haus (House of the Buddhist) in Frohnau, Berlin.

It was opened to members of all the Buddhist traditions, but mainly attended to the forms teravada and Japanese, since they were the more widely known in that period. In 1933, it went headquarters for the First Buddhist Congress European. The nazi allowed that the House of the Buddhist remained opened during the war, but controlled it firmly.

Like some members knew Chinese or Japanese, fungieron like translators for the government in correspondence to the tolerance to the Buddhism.

Although the nazi diet closed the Buddhistische Gemeinde (Buddhist Society) in Berlin, that had been active from 1936, and arrested in brief to his founder Martin Steinke in 1941, generally did not pursue to the Buddhist. After his release, Steinke and several others continued giving conferences in Berlin on Buddhism. However, it does not exist evidence of the presence of teachers of Buddhism tibetano in the Third Reich.

The nazi politics of tolerance to the Buddhism does not show influence any of Buddhist educations in Hitler neither in the nazi ideology.

A more feasible explanation is the wish of Germany of not prejudicing the relations with Japan, his Buddhist ally.
The Ahnenerbe

Under the influence of Haushofer, Hitler authorised to Frederick Hielscher in 1935, to found the Ahnenerbe (Office for the Study of the Ancestral Inheritance), with the Colonel Wolfram von Sievers like his director.

Go in other functions, Hitler commissioned him investigate the runas Germans and the origin of the suástica, and find the origin of the race aria. Tibet Era the most promising candidate.

Alexander Csoma of Körös (Körösi Csoma Sandor – 1784-1842) went a Hungarian academician got obsessed with the research of the origins of the Hungarian village. Basing in the affinities linguistics go in the Hungarian and the tongues Turkish, thought that the origin of the Hungarian village was in ???the earth of them Yugurs (Uighurs)??? in the Turkistán Oriental (Xinjiang, Sinkiang).

It thought that if it could arrive to Lhasa, would find there the key to locate his homeland.

The Hungarian, the Finn, the tongues Turkish, the Mongolian and the manchú belong to the family of languages ural-altáicos, also known like the family turaniana, of the Persian word Turan for Turkistán.

From 1909, the Turkish had a movement bread-Turaniano headed by a society known like the Young Turkish.

They followed it, shortly after, the Hungarian Society Turaniana in 1910 and the Alliance Turaniana of Hungary in 1920. Some academicians think that the Japanese languages and Korean also belong to the family turaniana.

Like this, they founded in Japan the National Alliance Turaniana in 1921 and the Society Turaniana Japanese to beginnings of 1930. Undoubtedly, Haushofer had clear the existence of these movements that looked for the origins of the race turaniana in Asia Central, his aims fit well with the research of the origins of the race aria in the same zone, by part of the Society Thule.

His interest in the culture tibetana did that it won weigh the candidature of Tibet like the key to find a common origin for the races aria and turaniana and to obtain the power of the vril than his spiritual leaders possessed.

Haushofer No era it only influence to the interest of the Ahnenerbe in Tibet. Hielscher Era become friends of Sven Hedin, the Swedish navigator that had directed expeditions to Tibet in 1893, 1899-1902, and 1905-1908, and an expedition to Mongolia in 1927-1930. Hedin, as I become friends predilecto of the nazi, went invited by Hitler to give the opening speech of the Olympic games of Berlin of 1936.

It involved in publishing activities pro-nazi in Sweden and @llevar numerous visit diplomatic to Germany go in 1939 and 1943.

In 1937, Himmler did of the Ahnenerbe an official organisation ascribed to the SS (of the German Schutzstaffel, Squadron of Protection) and like new director of the University Ludwig-Maximilian of Munich, appointed to the professor Walther Wüst, president of the Department of Sánscrito.

The Ahnenerbe had an Institute of Tibet, than in 1943 renombró like Sven Hedin Institut für Innerasien und Expeditionen (Institute Sven Hedin for Asia Inner and Expeditions).
The nazi expedition to Tibet

Ernst Schäffer, hunter and German biologist, participated in two expeditions to Tibet, in 1931-1932 and in 1934-1936, by sport and zoological investigation.

The Ahnenerbe sponsored him a third expedition (1938-1939) in front of the official invitation of the government tibetano. The visit coincided with the renewal of the contact tibetano with Japan. A possible explanation for such invitation is that the government tibetano wished to keep cordial relations with the Japanese and his German allies like counterweight in front of the British and Chineses.

Like this, the government tibetano welcomed the expedition German in the celebration of New Year (Losar) of 1939 in Lhasa.

In Fest der weissen Schleier: Eine Forscherfahrt durch Tibet nach Lhasa, der heiligen Stadt give Gottkönigtums (Festival of the handkerchieves of gasa white: an expedition scientist through Tibet until Lhasa, it holy city of the realm of the king god – 1950), Ernst Schäffer describes his experiences during the expedition.

Durante the celebrations, reported that the oracle of Nechung warned that although the Germans brought sweet gifts and words, Tibet owed cautious being as the German leader era like a dragon. Tsarong, the ex-military director pro-Japanese of Tibet, treated to soften the prediction.

It said that the regente had heard much more of the oracle, but that was not authorised to spread detail them. Than the regente recited plegarias daily so that there was not war go in the British and the Germans, since this also would mean terrible consequences for Tibet. Both countries owed to comprise that all the people of good needs to do plegarias with the same aim.

Durante the rest of the stay of Schäffer in Lhasa, gave frequent meetings with the regente in which it reigned the affinity go in they.

The Germans were very interested in establishing relate friendly with Tibet. However, his purposes were slightly different to the one of them tibetanos. I join of the members of the expedition of Schäffer era the anthropologist Bruno Beger, that went the responsible of the racial investigation. When having worked with H.F.K.Günther In Die nordische Rasse bei give Indogermanen Asiens (The race Nordic go in them indo-germanos of Asia), Beger subscribed the theory of Günther of a ???race Nordic??? in Asia Central and Tibet.

In 1937, it had proposed a project of investigation of Tibet Oriental and, with the expedition of Schäffer, planned to investigate scientifically the racial characteristics of the village tibetano.

In his way to Tibet, in Sikkim, and later in Tibet, Beger measured the skulls of three hundred tibetanos and inhabitants of Sikkim and examined some other of his characteristics physics and corporal marks. It concluded that them tibetanos occupied an intermediate position go in the race Mongolian and the races Europeans, with the presence of the racial element European showing primordialmente go in the aristocracy.

As far as Richard Greve exposes in “Tibetforschung in SS-Ahnenerbe (Investigation tibetana in the SS-Ahnenerbe)” published in the edition of T.Hauschild Lebenslust und Fremdenfurcht, Ethnologie im Dritten Reich (Passion by the life and xenofobia, ethnology in the Third Reich – 1995), Beger suggested that them tibetanos could play an important paper after the final victory of the Third Reich. They could serve like a race ally in a confederation bread-Mongolian under the protection of Germany and Japan.

Although Beger also recommended that they @llevar studies more in depth to measure to all them tibetanos, did not undertake more expeditions to Tibet.
Supposed expeditions ocultistas to Tibet

Several studies of postwar period on Nazism and occultism, such as the one of Trevor Ravenscroft in launches It of the destination (1973), have affirmed that under the influence of Haushofer and the Society Thule, Germany sent annual expeditions to Tibet of 1926 until 1943.

His mission was, first find and afterwards keep contact with the ancestors arios in Shambhala and Agarti, subterranean cities hide under them Himalayas. Experts in the subject served like guardians of secret unseen powers, especially of the vril. The missions looked for his help to take advantage of said powers in the creation of it supreme race aria.

In accordance with these stories, Shambala refused to provide help any, but Agarti accessed to offer it.

Later, from 1929, purportedly, groups of tibetanos went to Germany and founded logias known like the Society of the Green Men, in connection with the Society of the Green Dragon in Japan, with the intermediación of Haushofer, than purportedly helped to the nazi cause with his powers ocultistas.

Himmler Felt attracted by these groups of experts tibetanos and agartianos and thinks that by his influence founded the Ahnenerbe in 1935.

In addition to the fact that Himmler did not found the Ahnenerbe, but it incorporated it to the SS in 1937, the relate of Ravenscroft contains other doubtful affirmations. The main is the supposition support of Agarti to the nazi cause. In 1922, the Polish scientist Ferdinand Ossendowski, published Beasts, men and gods, in which it describes his trips through Mongolia.

In him it related to have heard speak of the subterranean city of Agarti under the desert of Gobi. His powerful inhabitants would come to the surface, @en el futuro, to save the world of the disaster. The translation German of the book of Ossendowski, Tiere, Menschen und Götter, appeared in 1923 and did very popular.

Nevertheless, Sven Hedin published Ossendowski und die Wahrheit (Ossendowski and the truth) in 1925, in which it discredited the affirmations of the Polish scientist. It signals that Ossendowski had collected the idea of Agarti of the novel of Saint-Yves d'Alveidre of 1886 Mission of l'Inde in Europe (Mission of India in Europe) to do his history more attractive to the German public.

Since Hedin had a big influence in the Ahnenerbe, is little likely than this office have sent an expedition specifically to find Shambala and Agarti and, later, had received help of the last.
