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Bamian Buddha Statues and Theosophy

From Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
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Anybody who has been in Afghanistan and seen this beautiful and wonderful country will never forget the beauty and the mystery surrounding this part of the world were the Initiates of the Fourth Race Atlanteans built the fantastic Bamian statues 200 kilometers northwest of the City of Kabul. The people of Afghanistan are a beautiful and freedom loving mountain people, unfortunately today they live under the influence of ultra political forces.
I personally have been in Kabul in 1977 and from there I made the long journey to the small village of Bamian in the great Bamian Valley. I did that because Helena Blavatsky had mentioned them in the Secret Doctrine and I wanted to see them with my own eyes – and they were really fantastic. The colossal statues are mentioned in the Secret Doctrine on pages 337- 40 of volume II, and they are said to illustrate the Occult History of the decrease in Man's stature as his form consolidated into gross physical matter. These five statues represent this decrease in size of the average human frame beginning over a million years ago. It traces this decrease of Egos of mankind reincarnated into forms from the 1st Race on this ”Globe D” to our present 5th Race.
I would also like to point out that the Bamian caves resemble as to size the Ellora and Ajanta caves in India. Both are said to have been built by the ”builders” or INITIATES, [see SD II:221, 345 fn]. The Buddhist art style is different and not as well preserved as that of ancient Hindus.
Another interesting piece of information is to be found in S.D. II 750 where it speaks of the Initiates of the 2nd ”Aryan” subrace traveling through out the world to establish monuments to preserve aspects of the great and immemorial truths.
Also, in the book ”FROM THE CAVES AND JUNGLES OF HINDUSTAN” by Helena Blavatsky 1883-1886, Blavatskys Collected Writings (TPH) pp. 609-610, there is to be found some information about Bamian (part of Paropamisos). There it is said that these mountains were inhabited by ”earthly gods” and were called Paranassus by the Brahmanas. Rama and Krishna are mentioned to have lived on the Paranassus. The word Paranassus occurs frequently in both the Ramayana and Mahabharata. There also are hints about a mysterious connection with the holy Mount of Meru. So I feel that there is much to learn from all this and the whole matter is worth to investigating further.
What I discovered about the Bamian statues when I was there, was that there were not five large statues visible or known, but only three. The two largest statues ( 53 & 35 meters high), are the ones most mentioned by travelers and writers on the subject. These were situated in the same rock formation within walking distance of each other. By the largest statue it was even possible to climb right up beside the head, by clambering through a labyrinths of caves, chapels and large halls built on several levels accessible by steps inside the mountain were the statue had been carved out of the living rock and were protected by overhanging niches on the outside.
There was hundreds of caves within the whole area. Up and beside the head (which was at that time already damaged) right on the side walls, one could still see some paintings of gods, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas and even a Greek philosopher or perhaps a king was placed sitting beside these in the lines of Buddhas. The ”thousand Buddhas” sitting in a line is typical for Buddhist paintings, but not with a Greek in toga and with a beard! That must have been some old remains from the Gandhara style (Greek-Buddhistic art from Bactria or Roman-Buddhistic art from Syria) or possibly, a reproduction of Buddhistic Mahayana art.
The third statue I saw was visible in another valley quite some distance from the two bigger ones.
I never found the two smaller ones during those days I spent there looking for them in the autumn before the season of deep snows came.
Peter Bernin,
7th of July 2001, Malmö, Sweden
Since the time of this writing Afghanistan has become a free country due to American military forces. Plans are being made to rebiuld the Bamian Statues, which were destroyed in March, 2001 by the talibans.
Peter Bernin
17 th of July 2004, Malmö, Sweden
