Guru Jober
Guru Jober (gu ru jo 'ber" was born to father was Dawa Bum (zla ba 'bum), the brother of Nyima Bum (nyi ma 'bum, 1158-1213) and the son of Gyelwa Zhangton (rgyal ba zhang ston). His mother was Gyelmo Ayu (rgyal mo a yu). Considered mentally deficient until the age of eight, he nevertheless studied Dzogchen with his uncle, who gave him the full Nyingtik transmission, and named him his successor. He next studied with Sakya Lotsāwa (sa skya lo tsa ba) and then tantra with Tropu Lotsāwa Jampa Pel (khro phu lo tsa ba byams pa dpal).
His successor was Trulzhik Sengge Gyabpa ('khrul zhig seng ge rgyab pa, d.u.).
Nyoshul Khenpo. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems. Translated by Richard Barron. Junction City, California: Padma Publication, 2005.
Jakob Leschly August 2007