Pasāda [fr. pa+sad, cp. Vedic prasāda] 1. clearness, brightness, purity; referring to the colours ("visibility") of the eye J i.319 (akkhīni maṇiguḷa -- sadisāni paññāyamāna pañca -- ppasādāni ahesuŋ); SnA 453 (pasanna -- netto i. e. pañca -- vaṇṇa -- ppasāda -- sampattiyā). In this sense also, in Abhidhamma, with ref. to the eye in function of "sentient organ, sense agency" sensitive surface (so Mrs Rh. D. in Dhs. tsrl. 174) at DhsA 306, 307. -- 2. joy, satisfaction, happy or good mind, virtue, faith M i.64 (Satthari); S i.202; A i.98, 222 (Buddhe etc.); ii.84; iii.270 (puggala˚); iv.346; SnA 155, PvA 5, 35. -- 3. repose, composure, allayment, serenity Nett 28, 50; Vism 107, 135; ThA 258. -- Note. pasāda at Th 2, 411 is to be read pāsaka (see J.P.T.S. 1893 pp. 45, 46). Cp.abhi˚.